Правна (не)сигурност у казненом праву Републике Србије за време тзв. полицијског часа проглашеног због епидемије заразне болести COVID-19
Legal(In)security in the Penal Law of the Republic of Serbia During the Time of the So-called Curfew Introduced Due to Epidemic of the Contagious Disease COVID-19

Author(s): Branislav R. Ristivojević, Ivan D. Milić
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, Health and medicine and law
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Contagious disease; Crime; Misdemeanor; Legal insecurity;COVID-19;
Summary/Abstract: Due to the epidemic of the contagious disease COVID-19 in the Republic of Serbia the so-called curfew was introduced. The object of the authors’ attention is the legal (in)security during the time that the so-called curfew was enforced. The authors examine how citizens, for a period of time, could not know what kind of behavior was allowed or which actions constituted punishable acts.

  • Page Range: 356-375
  • Page Count: 20
  • Publication Year: 2021
  • Language: Serbian
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