Анализ на възвращаемостта в автомобилния сектор в България за периода 2017-2020 г.
Profitability Analysis of Automotive Sector in Bulgaria for the Period 2017-2020
Author(s): Ivan Kostov
Subject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: profitability; liquidity; indebtedness; firm size; efficiency
Summary/Abstract: The ability of a company to generate profit for its investors is key to its long-term performance, sustainability and competitive position. The present study examines the movements in the main indicators characterizing the return on investment in some enterprises in the automotive sector in Bulgaria for the last 4 financial years and attempts to identify the main factors that determine the observed dynamics. For this purpose, the methods of financial analysis and regression analysis of panel data were used. The results of the applied methods are interpreted in terms of the specifics of the sector.
Book: Икономиката на България и Европейския съюз: финанси, счетоводство, финансов контрол
- Page Range: 137-156
- Page Count: 20
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: Bulgarian