Банковото кредитиране в България от глобалната финансова криза до COVID-19 кризата
Bank Lending in Bulgaria from the Global Financial Crisis to COVID-19

Author(s): Gergana Mihaylova-Borisova
Subject(s): Economy, Micro-Economics
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: loans; credit institutions; interest rates
Summary/Abstract: As the global crisis unfolded in 2008, banks’ lending activity slowed more substantially. Lending is important for the recovery of an economy and the generation of economic growth. This study analyzes the lending of banks in Bulgaria after the global crisis until the coronavirus crisis. During the analyzed period, credit institutions faced a number of challenges related to a significant change in banking regulations at the global level, an increase in the level of problem loans, reduced demand for credit from economic agents due to the crisis processes, the declining cost of borrowing and lending financial resources. The expansionary policy of the ECB has also played a significant role in reducing interest rates in Bulgaria. All these factors are taken into account when analysing bank lending.

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