Измерения на неравенството в разпределението на дохода в страните от Балканския регион
Dimensions of Income Inequality in the Balkan Region Countries

Author(s): Presiana Nenkova
Subject(s): Economy, Public Finances
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: inequality; redistribution; taxes; social transfers; Balkan countries
Summary/Abstract: The rising income inequality is a global problem that is exacerbating the public interest and puts on discussion both the reasons for this trend, which dates back several decades, and the possibilities for reducing inequality. The focus of the current study is the income inequality on the Balkans and its development during the period 2012-2019. There are two questions to be answered in the study: 1). what is the comparative position of the region in relation to the other European countries in terms of the degree of income inequality and 2). which factors contribute to the Balkan countries’ inequality. The analysis covers nine countries, wholly or partly located on the Balkan Peninsula - Croatia, North Macedonia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Montenegro, Kosovo and Albania. Three of the countries included in the survey are EU members, and the remaining are current EU candidate countries or potential candidates for accession.

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