Перспективы историко-археологических исследований генуэзского присутствия в Нижнем Побужье в XIII–XV вв. (на примере археологического памятника Днепровское-2)
Prospects for historical and archaeological research the Genoese presence in the Lower Bug region in the 13th–15th centuries (on the example of the Dneprovskoe-2 archaeological site)

Author(s): Oksana Gospodarenko, A. Smyrnov
Subject(s): Archaeology
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: Bug-Dniester river valley; Italian “castles”; Leriche castle; Dneprovskoe-2; portolans
Summary/Abstract: While studying the problem of Italian colonization in the middle ages, the attention of researchers was focused on the colonies in the Crimea. The Bug-Dniester river valley remains outside of historical research. However, archaeological research in recent years makes it possible to look at this problem from a different angle. We are talking about the prospects of historical and archaeological research of Italian “castles” in the Lower Steppe lands of the Bug. Two of the five castles known to researchers were located at the mouth of the Dnieper (Spinola and Leriche castles). The first was located on the right bank of the Dnieper, above Kherson, near the village of Tyaginka. The second is within the limits of the modern city Oleshki (former Tsyurupinsk, Kherson region). But today there are enough reasons to localize the Leriche castle on the site of the Dneprovskoe-2 settlement (Ochakovsky district, Mykolaiv region). Numismatic material also confirms the assumption of historians and archaeologists about the presence of a “Genoese fortress” on the Dneprovskoe-2. In addition, archaeological research within the monument and the surrounding areas will allow to trace the likely connection between the Dneprovskoe-2 and Adjigol-1. There is an assumption that a small garrison and administration of the settlement of Ajigol-1 were located on the territory of Dneprovskoe-2. The specified memo requires immediate research because as a result of natural destruction and, especially, predatory excavations, its area is sharply reduced. Since 1982 (the last topographic survey), the size of the village has decreased by 0.33 ha, and the inner city by 0.5 ha. Furthermore, one of the aspects of research is the study of the influence of natural factors (in particular, the black sea oscillation factor) on the intensity of the Genoese presence in the region.

  • Page Range: 199-203
  • Page Count: 5
  • Publication Year: 2021
  • Language: English, Russian
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