Sesizarea instanței cu acordul de recunoaștere a vinovăției
Notification of the Court with a Plea Agreement

Author(s): Ioana Stoenac-Cîrstea, Ciprian Stoenac
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law
Published by: Universul Juridic
Keywords: plea bargaining; guilty agreement; the defendant; procedure; judicial process;
Summary/Abstract: The article briefly examines the main aspects related to the referral of the court in the procedure of a plea bargaining, uncluttering the unregulated issues with which the courts may face. With the conclusion of a plea bargaining agreement, the defendant forgoes the right to be tried in a joint judicial process and deprives himself of a series of rights. Regarding these issues, the defendant will have to weigh vigorously if necessary to initiate such a procedure, and will proceed as described only if it has certain benefits and will fully understand the consequences of a such procedure.

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