Consilierul de achiziții publice
Public Procurement Advisor

Author(s): Lidia Seceleanu
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law, Public Administration
Published by: Universul Juridic
Keywords: Civil service; civil servant; public procurement advisor; attributions; legal status; particularities;
Summary/Abstract: The present study aims to analyze the legal regime of a newly established public office through the Administrative Code of Romania and, implicitly, the legal status of its holder. The genesis of this new function is in the legislative changes in the field of public procurement, based on the new Public Procurement Strategy adopted by the Government in 2015 and the laws adopted on the basis of it in 2016, respectively Laws no. 98, 99, 100 and 101 of 2016. The adoption of both the new normative acts and the relevant Strategy was determined by the need to harmonize the national legislation of Romania, as well as other Member States, with the new directives adopted in the subject of public procurement, national and European normative acts that we will specify in the content of the study. The concern of the bodies of the European Union to change the regulations regarding public procurement is legitimized by their significance, unanimously recognized, as the most important way to spend public money, regardless of whether we refer to public funds internal or from the European Union. What we believe was aimed at creating this function was to professionalize, in the body of civil servants, a civil servant who has the competence and experience to carry out activities in the field of public procurement. We share this option and consider it beneficial for the implementation of the new relevant legislation and for reducing and eliminating, over time, the problems faced by public authorities and institutions over time.

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