L’apprentissage informel des langues étrangères à l’époque du "Cadre européen commun de référence"
Informal foreign language learning at the time of "The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages"
Author(s): Monika Grabowska
Subject(s): Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: informal/formal learning; The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; progression; didactical contract
Summary/Abstract: The progression undertaken by foreign language teaching in the institutional context is often a faithful reflection of the CEFR scales, especially since it follows the progression endorsed by school workbooks. Consequently, this teaching seems to impose, but without any explicit recognition, an articulation of formal learning activities with informal learning sequences roughly understood as referring to communication activities which are not provided with educational forms. Our paper takes up, very modestly, the methodological challenge of determining the place of informal learning at the time of the CEFR-shaped teaching, which would consist in highlighting the concept of informal learning as a necessary component of every foreign language learning process, leading significantly to upgrade the level of communication competence, in order to recognize it accordingly.
- Page Range: 172-180
- Page Count: 9
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: French