La grammaire au service de l’activité professionnelle: sélection, progression et agencement des ressources linguistiques dans les formations en français à des fins professionnelles
Grammar at the service of professional activity: selection, progression and arrangement of linguistic resources in training in French for professional purposes

Author(s): Magdalena Sowa
Subject(s): Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: French for professional purposes; French for Specific Purposes; grammar; teaching approach; teaching activities
Summary/Abstract: The grammatical competence is a component of communicative competence, but in practice the communication skills often prevail over language correctness. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that the use of language subsystems in accordance with grammatical rules is the basis for precise and effective verbal communication, especially in a professional context, and may indicate the professionalism of the language user. The subject of this text is a reflection on the role of grammatical elements in professional communication and on the place of grammar in specialist language programs and effective ways of teaching it. The learner’s profile and his/her needs will be the starting points to discuss possible approaches to teaching grammar.

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