De la "Comparaison d’Homère et de Virgile aux Réflexions sur la poétique" de René Rapin: quelle place attribuer à Homère?
From René Rapin’s "Comparaison d’Homère et de Virgile to his Réflexions sur la poétique…": what place assign to Homer?

Author(s): Maja Pawłowska
Subject(s): Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: Seventeenth-century French literature; René Rapin; Comparaison d’Homère et de Virgile; Réflexions sur la poétique et sur les poètes anciens et modernes; Homer; Virgil; Imitation of the Ancients
Summary/Abstract: In his treaties, "Comparaison d’Homère et de Virgile" (1668), and "Réflexions sur la poétique et surles poètes anciens et modernes" (1684), René Rapin invites French writers to imitate the greatness of Latin and Greek literature and, specifically, the art of Homer and Virgil. In "Comparaison", a work written on demand and his first critical essay, Rapin shows the superiority of Virgil, favouring his regularity. But in Réflexions, an independent work of intellectual mature reflexion, Rapin prefers Homer and his irregular but sublime and charming art of writing.

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