Számítógéppel támogatott oktatás
Computer-Assisted Learning
Author(s): Katalin Harangus
Subject(s): Electronic information storage and retrieval, Education and training
Published by: Scientia Kiadó
Keywords: digital competency; learning environment; digital pedagogy
methods; ICT tools;
Summary/Abstract: Digital competency has become in a few years’ time one of the key competencesof the 21st century. In our days, it is a requirement of the educational systems tocreate a knowledge-rich learning environment for students using digital pedagogymethods and tools in which they are able to acquire knowledge and apply it ininnovative ways. Teacher Training Institutes are responsible for training teacherswho are able to apply the digital methodology and do not provide ready-madeanswers to problems arising in the educational process but develop competenciesthat enable students to recognize problems, analyse them, and apply appropriatestrategies for the solution.The book primarily provides support to undergraduate students of the TeacherTraining Institute in the methodology of utilization of ICT tools. Its goals are tolay the foundations for digital literacy and to develop a digital approach. It canalso provide useful practical solutions for practising teachers.Digital competency has become in a few years’ time one of the key competen¬ces of the 21st century. In our days, it is a requirement of the educational systems to create a knowledge-rich learning environment for students using digital pedagogy methods and tools in which they are able to acquire knowledge and apply it in innovative ways. Teacher Training Institutes are responsible for training teachers who are able to apply the digital methodology and do not provide ready-made answers to problems arising in the educational process but develop competencies that enable students to recognize problems, analyse them, and apply appropriate strategies for the solution.The book primarily provides support to undergraduate students of the Teacher Training Institute in the methodology of utilization of ICT tools. Its goals are to lay the foundations for digital literacy and to develop a digital approach. It can also provide useful practical solutions for practising teachers.
Series: Jegyzetek
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-606-975-052-0
- Page Count: 202
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: Hungarian