Russia and the Slavic Peoples in the Diplomacy of the Vatican 1878-1903 Cover Image
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Russland und die Slawischen Völker in der Diplomatie des Vatikans 1878-1903
Russia and the Slavic Peoples in the Diplomacy of the Vatican 1878-1903

Author(s): Eduard Winter
Subject(s): History, Recent History (1900 till today), 19th Century
Published by: CEEOL Collections / Digital Reproductions
Keywords: Vatican and Slavic World; Vatican in Cold War;
Summary/Abstract: It is stimulating and important to study carefully the position of the Vatican in relation to the world powers at the time when the decisive concentration of economic and political forces, which led directly to the First World War, took place. Especially today, when the Catholic Church is once again coming to the fore as the “bulwark of the West” against the “East”, it is of interest to look at this point of curial politics, which has been particularly sensitive for centuries, in consideration of Russia and the Slavic peoples to study the interweaving of religion and politics of Vatican diplomacy. // That is why the present treatise is not only an important chapter in church history, as it may seem at first, but it is much more an eminently political topic. It is politics in the truest sense of the word, which intervenes very deeply in world events or at least wants to intervene. Often the religious takes a back seat in the book to such an extent that the reader completely forgets that he is dealing with church and religion. Politics and the church, which is equated with religion, are so indissolubly linked. (from the author's introduction)

  • Page Count: 186
  • Publication Year: 1950
  • Language: German
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