Zu wissen, dass du noch lebst. Kinder aus Tschetschenien erzählen
To know that you are still alive. Children from Chechnya tell stories

Author(s): Klaus Bednarz
Contributor(s): Irina Scherbakowa (Editor), Grigori Schwedow (Editor), Susanne Scholl (Translator), Anja Lutter (Translator), Hartmut Schröder (Translator)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Recent History (1900 till today), Special Historiographies:, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Post-Communist Transformation, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Peace and Conflict Studies
Published by: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung e.V.
Keywords: Chechnya-wars;
Summary/Abstract: Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft Memorial und der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. Edited by Foundations «Memorial» and «Heinrich Boell». Published in AUFBAU-VERLAG, Berlin 2006 Russian schoolchildren, like the vast majority of Russian society, know almost nothing about the history of Chechnya. And when a 15-year-old Russian schoolgirl asks the question, "I just want to understand why do we hate each other so much?" At the beginning of her reflections on Russians and Chechens, it may sound perplexed at first glance. But in truth it springs from the same spirit from which Heinrich Böll and Lew Kopelew once asked: "Why did we shoot each other?" Böll and Kopelew were finally able to state that there is no longer any hatred between Russians and Germans. To be able to say something similar about Russians and Chechens will probably remain a utopia for a long time to come. The statements gathered in this book by Chechen and Russian schoolchildren about war and peace between their peoples are a shocking document of contemporary history. But with overcoming speechlessness as the first step towards understanding, it creates hope at the same time. Maybe this generation has a better future after all.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-3-7466-7055-3
  • Page Count: 265
  • Publication Year: 2006
  • Language: German
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