Early Childhood Education – Between Instrumentalization and Accompaniment in Development. Selected Aspects of Polish Reality Cover Image
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Wczesnodziecięca edukacja - pomiędzy instrumentalizacją a towarzyszeniem w rozwoju. Wybrane aspekty polskiej rzeczywistości edukacyjnej
Early Childhood Education – Between Instrumentalization and Accompaniment in Development. Selected Aspects of Polish Reality

Author(s): Katarzyna Sadowska
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Preschool education, Educational Psychology
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Adama Mickiewicza
Keywords: early childhood education; instrumentalization; accompaniment in development
Summary/Abstract: Katarzyna Bożena Sadowska's publication proposal titled: Early Childhood Education – Between Instrumentalization and Accompaniment in Development. Selected Aspects of Polish Reality is the author's second publication on the problems of education for children up to the age of three. The author perceives what scholars such as Włodzimierz Fijałkowski have noted, namely that the child is not “mute”, but rather that adults are often “deaf”. In this latest study of hers, Dr. K. Sadowska analyzes selected aspects of Polish educational reality, indicates the manifestations of excessive instrumentalization in education and proposes adopting undirective accompaniment in development, also presenting the authentic readiness of the guardians of young children to constantly improve their work. Drawing on Prof. Lucyna Telka's exceptional achievements, the author focuses primarily on the areas of education in dialogue with young children, moves towards attentive observation, the readiness to interact with an adult, and postulates the need for genuine adult sensitivity to children's needs. The author argues that true education "happens" in the mutual motivational proximity of the child and adult, which is based on the motto: "I want to help the child to achieve what I see or feel that the child wants to achieve", because the child wants to develop, is motivated, explores and experiences, and not because someone tells him or her to do it, or allows this, but does so out of his or her own need. Katarzyna Sadowska's overriding aim of is to encourage reflections on what W. Fijałkowski defined as "the individuality, personality and value of the human being as an independent individual at every stage of their development".

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-232-3788-4
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-232-3787-7
  • Page Count: 204
  • Publication Year: 2020
  • Language: Polish
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