International Conference Innovative Business Management & Global Entrepreneurship (IBMAGE 2020)
International Conference Innovative Business Management & Global Entrepreneurship (IBMAGE 2020)
Contributor(s): M. W. Staniewski (Editor), V. Vasile (Editor), A. Grigorescu (Editor)
Subject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management
Published by: Editura Lumen, Asociatia Lumen
Keywords: financial performance;profit;revenue; cultural heritage; marketing;
Summary/Abstract: Conference: International Conference Innovative Business Management & Global Entrepreneurship (IBMAGE 2020), September 4th, 2020, Warsaw, Poland
Dates: September 4th, 2020
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Series: LUMEN PROCEEDINGS. Scientific Conference Proceedings
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-1-910129-29-6
- Print-ISBN-10: 978-1-910129-
- Page Count: 774
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: English
Cooperation for Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges for SMEs (The Case of the Republic of Moldova)
Cooperation for Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges for SMEs (The Case of the Republic of Moldova)
(Cooperation for Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges for SMEs (The Case of the Republic of Moldova))
- Author(s):Alexandru Stratan, Alexandra Novac, Natalia Vinogradova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:1-20
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs);innovation;cooperation;business environment;research environment;
- Summary/Abstract:In the contemporary economy, the sustainable growth of the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can be ensured provided that innovations are implemented in enterprises. The innovative potential of enterprises can be raised through various methods, including cooperation with other enterprises and researchers. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the innovation activity of SMEs in the Republic of Moldova and identify opportunities and barriers to cooperation of SMEs with other enterprises and research institutions in the Republic of Moldova in order to develop and/or implement innovations. The results of the research showed that in the Republic of Moldova, SMEs are quite reluctant and passive in cooperating with other companies and research institutions to implement innovations. Moreover, for the most part, Moldovan SMEs are not aware of the need to implement innovations based on research results, but researchers - of the need to market their results.
Historytelling: Designing Validated Heritage Narratives for Non-captive Audiences. Evidence from EU Funded Projects in the Programming Period 2014-2020
Historytelling: Designing Validated Heritage Narratives for Non-captive Audiences. Evidence from EU Funded Projects in the Programming Period 2014-2020
(Historytelling: Designing Validated Heritage Narratives for Non-captive Audiences. Evidence from EU Funded Projects in the Programming Period 2014-2020)
- Author(s):Dorothea Papathanasiou-Zuhrt
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:21-37
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:cultural heritage;AV narrative (AV);human cognitive architecture;hermeneutics;cultural experience;
- Summary/Abstract:Much too often a temporospatial gap arises between monuments and non-captive audiences at places of cultural significance. It emerges as the missing link between the tangible and the intangible form of cultural heritage. While material substance or architecture of a monument are perceived by the eye, values and inherent meanings remain inaccessible. This particular condition is further modified for the better or worse by the skills of the audience, which has different origins, mentalities and cultural backgrounds that hinder or enhance the perception and appreciation of cultural heritage. Following the philosophy of hermeneutics, this paper suggests that the temporo-spatial gap between monuments and audiences is principally of cognitive nature: to understand and embrace heritage values and effectively bridge the gap, we need to connect the tangible form of the object to its intangible dimensions, symbols, meanings and values. As much of the supply side offers remain codified in the language of experts, while the public, especially the youth, is looking for compelling stories and multisensory experiences, we need to look for a new narrative discourse. This paper examines evidence from 260 heritage narratives produced through EU funded projects in the Programming Period 2014-2020, in an attempt to evaluate the knowledge acquisition pattern developed and the role of AV technology plays in the development of a validated heritage narrative.
SME’s Situation within a DCFTA Context through COVID-19 Crisis
SME’s Situation within a DCFTA Context through COVID-19 Crisis
(SME’s Situation within a DCFTA Context through COVID-19 Crisis)
- Author(s):Vladislav Boldurat, Olga Condriuc
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:38-46
- No. of Pages:9
- Summary/Abstract:Analyzing the negative impacts of the global pandemic (COVID-19) on the R. of Moldova economy, SMEs external trade performed within a DCFTA framework represents one of the most important vectors for keeping the local economy in good health. Once the COVID-19 pandemic struck the world, Republic of Moldova was no exception. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a series of problems, and those caused by movement restrictions have led to economic bottlenecks for exporting companies which resulted in liquidity and cash flow problems.Bringing our minds back to the Association Agreement and directly to the DCFTA, it is appropriate to estimate it’s preliminary impact on Moldova’s economy. After 5 years of DCFTA creation and implementation, it has been experienced a significant boost of the trade between Moldova and the EU, which resulted in the increase of investments, jobs, wages and goods export growth with 40% (1.5 billion USD). In spite of the positive effect the Free Trade Association Agreement is having on R. of Moldova, still, there are present some issues of healthy competitiveness and increasing production capacity type, key factors for exporting SMEs. With all these being stated, this study aims to identify COVID-19 influence on local SME’s doing business within the EU marketplace. Also, this article presents some analysis of emergency projects established by the local authorities to support SMEs and deliver practical solutions that can bring about change. The methodology used in this research is based on the statistical data that reflect the development of Moldovan exporting enterprises after the entry into force of the Association Agreement and, implicitly, DCFTA; analysis of national legislation and policy documents to support SMEs in the country and foreign trade in the context of the DCFTA.
Innovation – a Major Requirement for the Sustainable Development of Organizations
Innovation – a Major Requirement for the Sustainable Development of Organizations
(Innovation – a Major Requirement for the Sustainable Development of Organizations)
- Author(s):Iuliana Scărlătescu (Talmaciu)
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:47-59
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:organization;innovation:sustainable development;
- Summary/Abstract:The current economy is characterized by the acceleration of change and the orientation of people towards everything that is new. Innovation is considered a key element of the competitiveness of organizations in the contemporary economy and it has therefore been given increasing attention by both researchers and practitioners. Within an organization, innovation can be expressed by renewing products, technologies and processes, but also by changing business ideas and models.One of the purposes of this article is to provide a state-of-the-art overview about the existing literature on organizational innovation. The second aim of the research is to shed light upon the role of innovation in economic affairs in our days, in order to ensure the sustainable development of organizations.The research was done by consulting major research databases (Elsevier, ResearchGate, Science Direct, ProQuest) and analyzing key journal articles bibliographically and thematically.Results show that it is widely recognized that technological change and innovation are major drivers of economic growth and they are regarded as a survival factor but there are also some indications that in some areas it becomes more difficult to innovate for some organizations. The studies highlight that in some markets there is a concern on the part of customers about the possible harmful effects on the environment if innovation is too aggressive.
Innovation Alliances in The Context of Quadruple Helix Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Innovation Alliances in The Context of Quadruple Helix Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
(Innovation Alliances in The Context of Quadruple Helix Entrepreneurial Ecosystem)
- Author(s):Liviu Ciucan-Rusu, Mihai Timus
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies
- Page Range:60-69
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:innovation alliances;higher education institutions;entrepreneurship;regional development;
- Summary/Abstract:In nowadays economic environment the collaboration between actor of quadruple helix (academia, public authorities, businesses and support organizations) is crucial. First, because universities are sources of fresh ideas and competences which lead the innovation and second, businesses can offer the pragmatic approach of using these, while public polices struggle to ensure the sustainability of local economic development. We assume that needs of academia and businesses meets at some point. The challenge in this case is to identify these needs and put together the value which can bring each of the parts. Our study aims at identifying the needs of all stakeholders and promote collaboration between them in the context of University as an innovation hub. A survey was conducted during the first quarter of 2020 and data was collected from target group Centre Region of Romania. By the data collected we intend to ensure a better understanding of needs and develop roadmaps of building an entrepreneurial partnership. These actions will support the development process of the university as a local innovation hub. The main aims of the survey were followed: testing the topics of interest on which stakeholders can and intend to collaborate, what are the types of collaboration and if exist the understanding of advantages of collaboration between academia and local businesses and public institutions. The most popular topics of collaboration are: Business, ICT and Finance and Banking. The most popular types of collaborations are common projects for funding competitions followed by common research and development projects in mixed teams and common events, workshops and conferences.
Analysis and Evolution of Profit and Net Profit Margin in the Pharmaceutical Industry in Romania
Analysis and Evolution of Profit and Net Profit Margin in the Pharmaceutical Industry in Romania
(Analysis and Evolution of Profit and Net Profit Margin in the Pharmaceutical Industry in Romania)
- Author(s):Izabela Diana Hada, Mihaela Maria Mihalcea
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:70-81
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:financial performance;profit;revenue;net profit margin;pharmaceutical field;
- Summary/Abstract:Profit is considered to be an important source of financing the financial activity of any economic entity. The main purpose of any activity is to make a profit. As a significant part of equity, employees can be remunerated from profit (as part of their profit share) and also shareholders/associations can be also remunerated in the form of distributed dividends. The appreciation of financial performance is closely linked to the ability to make a profit. In this sense, the main purpose of this article is to analyze and describe the evolution of profit and net profit margin, as an indicator of performance appreciation, for economic entities in the field of manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products in Romania. The basis of the analysis is the annual financial statements for a number of 46 entities for the period 1999-2018 (20 years). The results of the research show that, from the point of view of the evolution of the number of entities that register profit, we are witnessing an increase from 12 entities in 1999 to 23 entities in 2018. However, referring to the increase in the number of entities from a total of 17 in 1999 to 46 entities in 2018, we notice that in 2018 only half of them register a profit. The other half falls into the category of less performing entities due to losses. However, after a period of financial decline (2008-2009) we see a gradual increase in profits recorded by economic entities in the pharmaceutical industry in Romania.
- Price: 12.00 €
Authentic Leadership, Requirement for Trade Unions in Education
Authentic Leadership, Requirement for Trade Unions in Education
(Authentic Leadership, Requirement for Trade Unions in Education)
- Author(s):Gicu-Valentin Dogaru
- Language:English
- Subject(s):State/Government and Education
- Page Range:82-96
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:authentic leadership;union;education;perceptions;
- Summary/Abstract:The theme of leadership, as much as it has been studied, remains so inexhaustible, the general need to identify those people and styles that lead to good results and that ensure a pleasant working climate. In this context, we considered useful an approach to authentic leadership but applied to trade unions. It may seem like a paradox at first glance, and maybe, for this reason, the topic of union leadership has not been explored much. In the present study, we want to highlight, in general, the perception of teachers about the need for authentic leadership in trade unions in pre-university education in Romania. The need for knowledge of leadership styles, values on which each of them is based, and dangers and the possibility of the emergence of flawed forms, determined this first exploration. The conclusions show that union members appreciate the need for authentic leadership in trade unions in the education system, which can have a positive influence on the educational process.
Communication, a Premise for Increasing the Organization's Performance
Communication, a Premise for Increasing the Organization's Performance
(Communication, a Premise for Increasing the Organization's Performance)
- Author(s):Constantin Ciprian Iacob, Silvia-Elena Iacob
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Educational Psychology, Organizational Psychology
- Page Range:97-107
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:communication;organization;image;performance;growth;
- Summary/Abstract:Communication has always been one of the most important tools through which people can interact with each other. Given that the way we interact with people has never been easy, it has evolved today with more languages, channels and different ways of communicating than before. Communication has a unique role, allowing the solution of certain operational, functional and relational problems, but also employee satisfaction. Recent changes have had an impact on organizations and have increased the importance of managing both internal and external communication. Thus, the communication system is also a system of actions, because the activity and the word are intertwined in negotiations, arguments, counseling, explanation of tasks, conflict resolution. Communication in the educational institution is a premise of the performance of instructive-educational processes, a factor that creates an optimal educational climate, a vector for building the reputation and image of the educational organization and a source of motivation for teachers.
From Endogenous Growth Theory to Knowledge Economy Pyramid - Comparative Analysis of Knowledge as an Endogenous Factor of Development
From Endogenous Growth Theory to Knowledge Economy Pyramid - Comparative Analysis of Knowledge as an Endogenous Factor of Development
(From Endogenous Growth Theory to Knowledge Economy Pyramid - Comparative Analysis of Knowledge as an Endogenous Factor of Development)
- Author(s):Octavian Șerban
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:108-128
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Intellectual Capital;endogenous growth;productivity;competitiveness;Knowledge Economy;
- Summary/Abstract:The transition from the neoclassical model with exogenous input of technological progress perspective toward R&D model with endogenous growth of knowledge perspective is not completed, but the premises of innovation, research, education, and entrepreneurship push the limits of labour-intensive economy to knowledge-intensive economy, where knowledge is a valuable resource for sustainable growth in the long-run and the role of Intellectual Capital is critical for increasing productivity and competitiveness. By introducing Intellectual Capital in the endogenous growth model, instead of Human Capital, we have the possibility to reflect better the difference between the market value of production and physical value. In the technological era, innovation and research are able to increase the market value comparing with the accounting value. In the 4th Industrial Revolution, this model is able to be changed dramatically if we take into account the possibility of machines to create knowledge through Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, new biotechnologies, new materials, and nanotechnology. For this reason, the more important action for the economic processes is to manage knowledge, starting with increased awareness, accurate measurement system, improved taxonomy, dedicated processes, and so on. In such conditions, the equation of growth theory has to be rewritten soon. The purpose of this research is not to provide a silver bullet of measurement Total Factor Productivity (TFP), but to understand better the part of productivity dedicated to the intangible and to validate this approach within the KEP model. Knowledge Economy Pyramid (KEP) is a valuable environment for incubating and accelerate knowledge in the process, as long as KEP model is creating a collaborative environment where the related stakeholders – universities, factories, technology providers, government, administration, local communities, clusters – are working together in order to achieve the objective of increasing productivity and competitiveness.
Leadership and Motivation, Determinants of Sustainability
Leadership and Motivation, Determinants of Sustainability
(Leadership and Motivation, Determinants of Sustainability)
- Author(s):Diana Elena Zaharia (Ştefănescu), Bogdan Stefanescu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Organizational Psychology, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:129-139
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:sustainability;motivation;leadership;
- Summary/Abstract:This article pays more attention to the analysis of the direct relationship between staff motivation and applied leadership, with the final result - the sustainability of the organization's activity. Organizational culture and the environment are characterized by mutual adaptation, by the way in which human practices and organizations are led to a cohabiting relationship. Their adaptation is defined as a learning process, rather than an activity in itself, guided by material forces. Through this article we aim to highlight the importance of the interdependent relationship between staff motivation, leadership and sustainability. A big obstacle is the lack of awareness of this triangular relationship, at the level of the organization's management. Starting from the theory of self-motivation and from the research of psychologists Edward Deci and Richard Ryan, we deduce that each individual has three basic psychological needs: the need for connection, the need for competence and the need for control, which must be met. If, at the level of the organization's management, there is a real concern about these needs, employees will feel motivated to maximize their involvement in achieving proposed objectives. The need to connect refers to the desire to be visible, valued, respected, unique, self-confident, connected, belonging to a group. The need for competence implies the need to be able, to succeed. The need for control is the power to make decisions, to make choices, to be the source of your own behaviors. Satisfying these needs of the team members must be a real concern of the leader, if the sustainability of the organization's activity is desired.
Innovative Solutions for Local Public Administration in the Process of the Waste Collection
Innovative Solutions for Local Public Administration in the Process of the Waste Collection
(Innovative Solutions for Local Public Administration in the Process of the Waste Collection)
- Author(s):Răzvan-Aurelian Munteanu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental interactions
- Page Range:140-156
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:innovation;sustainable development;waste collection;
- Summary/Abstract:Sustainable development has always been one of the most important policies implemented by the European Union, mentioned in different treaties over time. In 2015, European Union is setting 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) with 169 targets within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Developement. European Union is preseting the SDG 11 Goal aim ”to renew and plan cities and other human settlements in a way that they offer opportunities for all, with access to servicies, energy, housing, transportation, green public spaces, while improving resource use and reducing environmental impacts”.The EU is monitoring the progress towards SDGs for all member states through different indicators, like the recycling rate of municipal waste for SDG 11. In 2018, Romania has the recyling rate of municipal waste of only 11,11%, far away from the average of EU of 47,4%.The local public administrations have an important role in increasing the recyling rate, by providing the best services for the citizens and, in the same time, by reducing the costs of these services. In this matter, the paper presents an innovative solution regarding the waste collection in the largest District from Bucharest, Romania.The underground waste collection platforms represent and alternative for the classic platforms and the innovation comes from the smart component that they integrate, represented by the filling sensors that communicate directly to the sanitation operator.The monitoring system has direct effect by incresing the efficiency of the waste collections process, as follows: reduces the waste collection cost by 50%; improves the services provided for the citizens; predicts waste generation patterns based on data; refines waste collection processes over time; optimizes routing and navigation etc.
The Importance of Military Management in Pandemic Crises Management
The Importance of Military Management in Pandemic Crises Management
(The Importance of Military Management in Pandemic Crises Management)
- Author(s):Marius Nita, Sorela Maria Pruteanu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Military policy
- Page Range:157-167
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:military management;coronavirus pandemic;crisis management;public authorities;
- Summary/Abstract:The year 2020 began with the coronavirus pandemic, which led to one of the most tumultuous periods in recent history, sending the world economy into a crisis that is hard to estimate, with a steep drop in economic growth and a recession with grim prospects of a return to its original situation. We are talking about major social, economic and political challenges, with implications that will be very difficult to manage in terms of social life, health care, unemployment or economic development. The current context of the global crisis due to the coronavirus pandemic, the implicit transformations that have occurred in the management of public administration has required a change in the classical attitude towards crisis management and management, namely the adoption of a more complex and comprehensive one, which will give you a firm concern for the affected areas, by resorting, where necessary, to a military management to solve the crisis. Military leadership is a strong one, with special training, that makes it able to manage crisis situations, because we are talking about people who are used to making decisions in conditions of uncertainty and having insufficient information.The document presented is a study that examines the role played by the military environment in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, given that it has generated a complex chain of socio-economic effects, and the need to involve military capabilities is more than necessary, considering one of the mission of army is supporting the authorities during unexpected situations.
Innovation Policy and Artificial Intelligence in the Business and Economic Transformation of the European Freight Transport Industry
Innovation Policy and Artificial Intelligence in the Business and Economic Transformation of the European Freight Transport Industry
(Innovation Policy and Artificial Intelligence in the Business and Economic Transformation of the European Freight Transport Industry)
- Author(s):Amalia-Elena Ion, Denisa-Atena Costovici (Mema)
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:168-186
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Innovation policy and economy;AI;Freight transport industry, Business transformation;Knowledge-intensive companies;KIS;
- Summary/Abstract:A knowledge-intensive company is one that employs 20% of its workforce in research and development, having to manage the unique and intellectual property of the company. The latter is part of a growth-oriented business culture, basing its operations on innovation, a factor that permits a series of advantages, including tax reliefs. Moreover, the business would, especially in the actual economic conditions, has to make use of artificial intelligence, with the scope of analysing data, employing learning algorithms for efficiency and effectiveness of operations and strategy, and predicting patterns, correlations and, ultimately, developing models and policy functions. Although, there are some constraints in the world of knowledge-intensive services, especially that of the freight transport industry, as well as in the usage and implementation of AI, consisting of the lack or limited availability of data, infrastructure limitations, data retrieval capacity, computer machine learning software etc., the advantages of using AI in the problem-solving operations of knowledge enterprises determines a client-oriented approach, the strategic concentration on the problem-solving and innovation system creation, with the simple utilization of knowledge for the generation of tangible and intangible values. The research question of the present paper collides between those concepts, and develops on the proposition of a model for the intensive usage of AI in the knowledge-intensive freight transport industry and the related policy decision-making. The article includes a regression analysis on a World Bank database correlating the logistics performance, air freight transport, and railway freight transport to economic, business, social and technology-related variables. The findings are congruent with the basic need for implementation within the freight industry of updated policy, business transformation, knowledge-intensive services and AI algorithms.
Transfer of Marketing Knowledge in SMEs
Transfer of Marketing Knowledge in SMEs
(Transfer of Marketing Knowledge in SMEs)
- Author(s):Ionuț Madgalena, Andreea Mocanu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Demography and human biology
- Page Range:187-204
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:parents;high school students drug use;information;prevention
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this paper was to investigate the differences in adolescentsʼ parentsʼ perception regarding the illegal drugs and drugs consumption among the adolescents. In order to carry out the research, a sociological questionnaire was developed, subsecvently to a qualitative information obtained by organizing 6 focus groups. The field survey was conducted in the municipality of Arad consisted of polling through the questionnaire technique a number of 204 families of students from 12 high schools. The results showed significant differences at thresholds of less than 0.05 between the group with high school and university degrees for variable knowledge and symptoms, between the parent group of Catholic religion and the other two groups (Orthodox and neo-Protestant) for knowledge and drug variables and also significant differences depending of the family structure. Furthermore, there were no significant differences between groups regarding the financial level of the families and the living environment.During the research there was also followed the perspective of the parents of adolescents on the most used drugs among the students: in their opinion, the most used drugs are marijuana and ethnobotanical, with 120, respectively 113 points, followed by ecstasy and cocaine, with 75, respectively 64 points, and on the last places on consumption are the other types of drugs tested, with scores below 35 points. The result of Chi-square test showed that the values of χ² are statistically significant for all drug categories, except for ethnobotanicals, in other words, the results can be generalized to the entire population.
Fintech as a Mean for Digital and Financial Inclusion
Fintech as a Mean for Digital and Financial Inclusion
(Fintech as a Mean for Digital and Financial Inclusion)
- Author(s):Heike Bahre, Giovanni Buono, Valerie Isabel Elss
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Financial Markets
- Page Range:205-211
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:digitalization;FinTech;social progress;financial literacy;financial inclusion;knowledge transfer;innovation;
- Summary/Abstract:Finance is shaping human relationship from an economic point of view as well as having influences on social structure and politics. In this relation, Fintech, a combination of the words “Finance” and “Technology”, is defined as “a new financial industry that applies technology to improve financial activities" [11] or as those “applications, processes, products, or business models in the financial services industry, composed of one or more complementary financial services and provided as an end-to-end process via the Internet” [10] or as “any innovative ideas that improve financial service processes by proposing technology solutions according to different business situations, while the ideas could also lead to new business models or even new businesses” [8]. As Bill Gates said “Banking is necessary; banks are not” describing what is happening throughout the financial industry: massive disappearing of traditional jobs, consolidation in the banking industries, robots that advice how to manage and save money. These changes have an impact on the social structure, but also have the potential to systematically promote financial literacy and inclusion. For example Grohmann, Klühs and Menkhoff [7] showed across four indicators of financial inclusion (having a bank account, having a debit card, saving in form of a bank account and the use of the debit card within the last year) that financial literacy is a significant precondition for financial inclusion. To what extent can Fintech applications be used to promote financial literacy and thereby inclusion? And what role do FinTech organizations play in supporting social progress? The aim of the article is to provide a systematic overview of Fintech's potential to promote digital and financial inclusion on diverse levels.
Challenges in Adequate Management of Hazardous Medical Waste to Reduce Impact of the COVID-19 Epidemic in Romania
Challenges in Adequate Management of Hazardous Medical Waste to Reduce Impact of the COVID-19 Epidemic in Romania
(Challenges in Adequate Management of Hazardous Medical Waste to Reduce Impact of the COVID-19 Epidemic in Romania)
- Author(s):Victor Platon, Simona Frone, Andreea Constantinescu, Sorina Jurist
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:212-226
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Covid-19;hazardous medical waste;disposal facilities;investments;measures;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper analyses some important challenges faced by the sector of hazardous medical waste (HMW) management in Romania, during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the beginning section, there is a brief presentation of the characteristics and evolution of the epidemic in Romania as compared to the EU and other states, showing the resurgence of cases in the summer of 2020 and the fact that the rate of incidence is high. There is a growing concern on the large additional quantities of hazardous medical waste generated in the context of the pandemic, since according to the recommendations of international health organizations, the proper management of the infectious medical waste is critical for the disease control and for avoiding increased environmental pollution. However, since in the next section there are analysed the main current characteristics and issues of the hazardous medical waste management in Romania (the types of medical waste; legal provisions; the amounts generated, the disposal, processing and treatment facilities, the costs incurred) it may be stated that the COVID-19 pandemic only reinforces the challenges for the management of the already growing amounts of hazardous medical waste having occurred in Romania (from a quantity of 8,900 tons in 2012, rising to 13,031 tons in 2018). Several scenarios of the likely increase in the amount of hazardous medical waste in a short time due to COVID-19 are provided, most probable scenarios B (+50%) and C (+75%) requiring investment in the capacity of hazardous medical waste management, with total values of between 14.67 million € and 18.00 mil. €. In the concluding remarks, to highlight the development and innovation opportunities in dealing with the challenges, the paper proposes a series of measures, investment and mechanisms for the adequate management of the HMW in Romania.
Management of the "Syrian Refugee Crisis" - Repercussions on European Security. Impact/Measures Analysis
Management of the "Syrian Refugee Crisis" - Repercussions on European Security. Impact/Measures Analysis
(Management of the "Syrian Refugee Crisis" - Repercussions on European Security. Impact/Measures Analysis)
- Author(s):Mihai Constantin
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Asylum, Refugees, Migration as Policy-fields
- Page Range:227-239
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Syrian crisis;Refugees;Security;Terrorism;
- Summary/Abstract:The Syrian crisis is the most complex crisis (political, social, humanitarian, security) in the world, since World War II.In regards to the 1951 „Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees”, states have an obligation to provide refugees with a form of primary protection, which is not intended to replace asylum, but rather to provide an intermediate and immediate protection measure.At European level, for asylum seekers and refugees, there are several programs (developed by international institutions such as "UN for refugees" and "UNHCR") for integration into the host country during the temporary stay and return to the country of origin, when there are safety conditions. If this solution is not viable, they can opt for relocation to a third country.Effective management of the crisis created by the refugees flow requires the adoption of a common political agenda for European states to eliminate inequalities between states and focus on building viable economic strategies.Therefore, it is necessary to develop policies or strategies designed to provide refugees with a sense of security in the host country and their social assimilation, without being forced to give up their cultural identities.This article aims to analyse the strategies of the European states involved in this phenomenon, applied in the "Syrian refugee crisis". At the moment, the biggest part of the effort of counter-terrorism is focused on the criminal justice system. This means focusing almost exclusively on those who already intend to commit a crime and not on prevention. The legal repercussions can further encourage radicalization, which can degenerate later.
Detainees’ Employment - Between a Business Opportunity and the Social Benefit of Reducing Recidivism
Detainees’ Employment - Between a Business Opportunity and the Social Benefit of Reducing Recidivism
(Detainees’ Employment - Between a Business Opportunity and the Social Benefit of Reducing Recidivism)
- Author(s):Cristina Dumitran
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Political psychology, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:240-247
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:entrepreneurship;employment of detainees;recidivism;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper addresses one of the causes of criminality in Romania: poverty as result of the lack of qualification and formal jobs, particularly in the case of those committing crimes against property.Although there are policies aimed to reduce the causes that generate crime and recidivism, their effectiveness has not been evaluated so far, the only indicator being the statistical one. Contrary to expectations, statistically, the recidivism rate in Romania is increasing.In this context, there is the opportunity to initiate partnerships between the business environment and the penitentiary system to increasing turnover. In addition, it can also address social issues such as qualification of detainees during detention, reducing anger and aggression by engaging in productive and structured activities, increasing the post-release chances of employment, education through and for work, increasing one's own income for prisons and reducing the risk of recidivism after release.The article presents the multidimensional opportunities of a public-private partnership, with an accent on the economic and social impact for the entrepreneur - penitentiary (as a state institution) - detainee - society.
Connecting the Customer Experience Concept with Pharmaceutical Care for Improving the Healthcare Status of Patients
Connecting the Customer Experience Concept with Pharmaceutical Care for Improving the Healthcare Status of Patients
(Connecting the Customer Experience Concept with Pharmaceutical Care for Improving the Healthcare Status of Patients)
- Author(s):Emilian Ionuţ Blejan, Gabriela Ciupitu, Andreea Arsene
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:248-255
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Patient experience;patient journey;customer experience, healthcare costs;proactive healthcare experience;
- Summary/Abstract:Healthcare costs are rising worldwide, due to a series of factors related to increased spending on medication, aging, medication errors, adverse drug events and hospital admissions.Aging phenomenon is closely followed by an increasing burden of chronic diseases. New therapies used to treat chronic diseases have intensified the economic pressure on healthcare organizations.Pharmacists play an important role in lowering costs by reviewing the pharmacotherapy of patients. Pharmacists are also the link between the physician and the patient, providing free medical advice without the need for an appointment. Lowering the number of inappropriately prescribed drugs reduces the risk of adverse drug events that frequently contribute to prolonged and expensive hospital admissions.In the near future, a new approach is needed for long term results. Pharmacists will have to reshape the old concept of patient care, moving out of the negative feelings area derived from sickness and start to protect health instead of managing disease. It will result a shift from sick care to proactive healthcare experiences. Pharmacists will anticipate and solve patient’s problems before they can produce a displeasure.For maintaining a well-being state of patients is now necessarily to adopt or implement a patient centred strategy based on customer experience pillars. In Romania integrity matters most in customer experience, closely followed by personalization. In the new Era of pharmaceutical care, pharmacists will have to focus on patient experience and patient journey.
Approaches to Measurement of Well-being: Case of the Republic of Moldova
Approaches to Measurement of Well-being: Case of the Republic of Moldova
(Approaches to Measurement of Well-being: Case of the Republic of Moldova)
- Author(s):Tatiana Gutium
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy, Applied Sociology
- Page Range:265-269
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Composite well-being indices;GDP per capita;living standard;minimum level of existence;multifactorial linear regression model;statistical test;
- Summary/Abstract:The development strategy of a modern state is oriented towards ensuring economic growth, increasing the well-being of citizens and reducing the level of poverty. The COVID-19 pandemic had a negative impact on national economies, including the economy of the Republic of Moldova. That is why, the assessment of well-being, identify impact factors, the elaboration of recommendations for increasing well-being become current. Contemporary approaches to quantifying well-being focus on both the economic and social spheres. In this study are identified the weaknesses and strengths of the well-being indices, the dynamics of two composite welfare indices have been analyzed. In the research process, the influence of different factors was identified and their influence on the well-being of citizens and living standards was estimated. Applying the method of correlation and regression analysis, and using the software Eviews 9 were developed two multifactorial linear regression models: a model of the well-being and a model of living standard of population of the Republic of Moldova. Based on the analysis of the pillars of the Legatum Prosperity Index and the components of the Social Progress Index, priority sectors were identified, such as: health care, education, economic quality, enterprise conditions, environmental quality. At present, it is necessary to promote strategies to ensure sustainable economic growth, which will inevitably lead to an increase in the well-being of the local population.
Management of Covid-19 Crisis at the Level of Defence Industry
Management of Covid-19 Crisis at the Level of Defence Industry
(Management of Covid-19 Crisis at the Level of Defence Industry)
- Author(s):Lucian Ivan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Government/Political systems, Security and defense
- Page Range:270-293
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:management;defense industry;Covid-19;crisis;arms;
- Summary/Abstract:According to estimates and analyses by the international community of economic analysts, the medical crisis generated by the Covid-19 pandemic will induce a major economic and financial crisis worldwide which, in conjunction with the current geopolitical situation, characterized by a high degree of uncertainty (e.g. strategic economic confrontation between the US and China, the position of force adopted by the Russian Federation), will affect production and supply chains, amplify the phenomenon of the adoption of trade policies of a protectionist nature, and, indirectly, will significantly affect national defense budgets.In this fluid geopolitical context, characterized by insecurity and systemic instability, a strategic rethink and recalibration of defence policies can be predicted in a new context, defined by the multipolar competition and the asymmetry of geopolitical geometry, the conflict between civilizational models (competition between democracy vs. autocratic/totalitarian political regimes), to the detriment of regional and international collective security arrangements.Changing government priorities generated by the pandemic crisis generated by Covid-19 may lead to a reduction in budgets for military endowment programs. Most governments allocate about 2% of GDP annually to the defence sector. Given the pandemic generated by Covid-19, there is a risk that some states will significantly reduce the budget allocated to the defence industry in order to increase the budgets for health systems, given the need to expand hospitals, as well as the purchase of medical equipment and services.In Romania, the topic of tools and opportunities that may be able to ensure the improvement of the effects and overcoming the economic crisis is currently being discussed through active economic measures, including in the field of the defence industry. In Romania, however, the path from debate to public policy and strategy assumed and applied is traditionally long and hard, requiring more pragmatism in addressing strategic economic issues.
Housing Affordability in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic – New Challenges for Romania
Housing Affordability in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic – New Challenges for Romania
(Housing Affordability in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic – New Challenges for Romania)
- Author(s):Luminița-Mirela Lăzărescu, Daniela Liliana Diacon, Vasile Efros, Vasilică-Dănuț Horodnic
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Crowd Psychology: Mass phenomena and political interactions, Welfare services
- Page Range:294-311
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:housing affordability;COVID-19 pandemic;vulnerable groups;adequate housing;challenges;
- Summary/Abstract:The world has changed rapidly in recent months as a result of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on all areas of socio-economic life. The crisis directed, in a first phase, the efforts of the whole society in the direction of ensuring the public health, and later also towards the economic recovery by resuming the human activities. In this context, housing has been a point of stability and a starting point for all efforts, and access to adequate housing has proven its importance for ensuring the health and well-being of the population. The purpose of the research is to highlight a series of housing affordability problems pre-existent and new problems arising from the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the housing sector in Romania. The present research highlights pre-existing problems in the general picture of housing at the national level, how these issues condition access to adequate and affordable housing, the emergence of new risk groups in the population in terms of access to housing, highlights the impact of the pandemic on the ability of households to bear housing costs and proves that housing insecurity is exacerbated by the effects of the crisis. The analyzes used data provided by the National Institute of Statistics, Eurostat, the Quality of Life Research Institute as well as reports prepared by specialized European organizations.
Evolution of Consumption Expenditures of Population of the Republic of Moldova
Evolution of Consumption Expenditures of Population of the Republic of Moldova
(Evolution of Consumption Expenditures of Population of the Republic of Moldova)
- Author(s):Mircea Gutium
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economic development
- Page Range:312-325
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Consumption expenditures;disposable income;consumer price index;well-being;living standards;
- Summary/Abstract:Consumption expenditures is one of the key indicators that reflects the purchasing power of the population. Purchasing power in turn shows the level of social welfare. The population with a stable evolution of consumer spending is at least able to maintain its level of consumption with inflation. In addition, if consumer spending rises in proportion to the level of inflation, there is an increase in welfare and living standards. High level of consumption has positive influence on business. greater aggregate demand will generate more profits, boost company development, and foster job creation. In this study, the affirmation was verified that the consumer price index is one of the factors that influence the standard of living, but not primarily. The following scientific methods were used to approve or reject the statement: scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, graphical and tabular method, comparative analysis method, correlation and regression analysis. In this study there was made comparison of consumption evolution and its structure in the Republic of Moldova and in the European Union to identify the difference in welfare. The linear regression model between the consumer price index and growth rate of household expenditures was elaborated.
The Impact of International Migration on Entrepreneurship
The Impact of International Migration on Entrepreneurship
(The Impact of International Migration on Entrepreneurship)
- Author(s):Sergiu Iurian, Florin Radu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economic development, Migration Studies
- Page Range:326-335
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:migration;ntrepreneurship;start-up;equity;
- Summary/Abstract:Recent decades have brought significant changes all over the world in terms of space mobility. In this context, from an economic perspective, the first question that arises is related to the correlation that exists between this phenomenon and the economic growth of the country of origin, respectively that of the destination of immigrants. The initiation of an entrepreneurial act, beyond a series of qualities that the individual must possess, also highlights the need for the existence of an economic and social framework conducive to such an approach. When the issue of immigrants is discussed, this becomes even more obvious, because in most cases, they do not have the citizenship of the country of destination and do not enjoy the same rights as their citizens.This article seeks to clarify the relationship between migration and entrepreneurship from the perspective of the existence of equal opportunities between the population of that country and the immigrant population regarding the start-up of entrepreneurial activities.
The Social and Economic Impact of COVID 19 Pandemic on Museums. Case Study: „Princely Court” National Museum Ensemble
The Social and Economic Impact of COVID 19 Pandemic on Museums. Case Study: „Princely Court” National Museum Ensemble
(The Social and Economic Impact of COVID 19 Pandemic on Museums. Case Study: „Princely Court” National Museum Ensemble)
- Author(s):Mihai-Claudiu Nastase, Alexandru Mitru, Loredana Andreea Paun (Parnic)
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Applied Sociology, Sociology of the arts, business, education
- Page Range:336-348
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Pandemic;COVID-19;Museum Visiting;Cultural Policy;Princely Court of Targoviste;
- Summary/Abstract:The new coronavirus (Covid-19) is one of the main challenges world today has to address. With no large scale availability vaccine yet, and more or less experimental medical treatments for curing the disease, we can safely say that we are still far behind a solution to this problem. This new pandemic is considered the biggest threat to the global economy since the Second World War and there is no aspects of human life have not been affected it, spiritual ones included. Its high contagiousness, as well as novelty, raised all kind of challenges and one of the main ones was our manner to produce answers, in early stages at least, this creating problem on its own and of its design. As well as all the other institutions, theatres, cinemas, concert halls, spaces of socialization and in the same time places of wonder, knowledge and spiritual enrichment the museums were heavily affected by the pandemic crisis, especially those who’s collections are not, but in very small proportion available, to the public through virtual media. Such a case is „Princely Court„ National Museums Ensemble from Targoviste, Dambovita County, Romania. The present paper proposes an overview of the highlights in institution′s activity the past years in comparison with how the pandemic crisis affected its activity in the past months and what were the responses given to keep the museum in the eye of the public. It will also try to summarize how and to what extent the activity went back to „normal” after the emergency state earlier imposed was lifted and how the visitors responded to the new realities.