16th Economic International Conference NCOE 4.0 2020
16th Economic International Conference NCOE 4.0 2020
Contributor(s): Carmen Nastase (Editor)
Subject(s): Economy, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Editura Lumen, Asociatia Lumen
Keywords: education; socio economic research; social media; COVID-19;
Summary/Abstract: Conference: The 16th Economic International Conference New Challenges and Opportunities for the Economy 4.0, May 7-8th, 2020, Suceava, Romania
Dates: May 7-8th, 2020
Location: Suceava, Romania
Series: LUMEN PROCEEDINGS. Scientific Conference Proceedings
- Print-ISBN-10: 978-1-910129-
- Page Count: 437
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: English
Education Efficiency, Factor of Sustainable Development. An Analysis in Macro 4 Development Region of Romania
Education Efficiency, Factor of Sustainable Development. An Analysis in Macro 4 Development Region of Romania
(Education Efficiency, Factor of Sustainable Development. An Analysis in Macro 4 Development Region of Romania)
- Author(s):Marian Zaharia, Rodica-Manuela Gogonea, Aniela Bălăcescu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:1-9
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:education;high school efficiency;sustainable development;development regions;
- Summary/Abstract:The transition to the knowledge-based economy allows the issue of sustainable development to be approached through the evolution of the education system. The process of digital transformation aims to improve the education and skills that manifest differently a regional level due to economic and social factors differently integrated from one county to another. In this context, the paper presents the way in which the performances obtained after taking the baccalaureate exam were influenced on the one hand by the development process of IT infrastructure of high school education, and on the other hand by the share of teachers per 100 students. The analysis was performed based on data from development regions and the counties included in Macro-region 4 in Romania, through correlation and regression methods, thus highlighting the efficiency of the relationships between the parameters of education systems.
Social Entrepreneurship vs. Social Enterprise
Social Entrepreneurship vs. Social Enterprise
(Social Entrepreneurship vs. Social Enterprise)
- Author(s):Gabriela Leuciuc, Ștefăniță Șușu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economic development
- Page Range:10-21
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:social entrepreneurship;social enterprise;social economy;
- Summary/Abstract:Social entrepreneurship is considered as fundamental to the social and economic development of the society which, through its ability to "do new things or in a better way", activates processes that ensure new ways of organizing human activity. Social, political and economic changes, aggravated by globalization and crisis, highlighted the impossibility of both the state and the market to respond efficiently in an innovative way to the needs and demands of the community, especially to those of the vulnerable groups.Along with the traditional actors that are present on the market, social enterprises are the new protagonists that are capable of providing entrepreneurial answers to social needs. They succeed in corresponding to the social dimension. Their innovation consists in adopting innovative business models that tend to hybridize a number of both economic elements and human resources elements in order to redefine the relations manifesting between the parties involved, by offering products and services that respond to a common need which, at the same time, are capable of generating social and economic value.
A Proposal for Hybrid Agile Approach during Procurement Process of Smart City Solutions
A Proposal for Hybrid Agile Approach during Procurement Process of Smart City Solutions
(A Proposal for Hybrid Agile Approach during Procurement Process of Smart City Solutions)
- Author(s):Procopie-Florin Gușul, Alina-Ramona Butnariu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy
- Page Range:22-33
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:smart city;agile, scrum;public procurement process;
- Summary/Abstract:Smart city is a concept widely used and sometimes the idea seems somehow utopian since it involves notions from a multitude of scientific fields. Most researchers, representatives of companies and government agencies, together with city dwellers agree that the main elements of the smart city are ICT, their successful application and smart human resources. However, it seems that local governments do not pay much attention to educating citizens or raising society's awareness of smart solutions when trying to develop smart cities. Rather, we believe that the major interest in introducing smart city solutions has been an economic one, which would support increasing revenues to local budgets or increasing sales revenues for companies that develop smart solutions. We therefore believe that the demands and expectations of citizens must be listened to (more), frequent result-oriented discussions with smart solutions providers need to take place and that local authorities must establish a clear action plan for all stakeholders to communicate in order to create a smart city that works with success. Therefore, among the characteristics of agile methodologies usually implemented in software development we identified in the current study some concepts that might be applicable to the process of public procurement of smart city solutions. We thus propose a new hybrid agile approach and discuss its advantages with regards to smart city projects. Conclusions of the study indicate that the proposed approach requires changes in public management and, even more important, in our thinking. Customers, typically in the form of municipality or governmental organizations, need to become pro-active and much more engaged in smart city projects. As a result, it is demonstrated that smart governance plays an essential role in the success of the urban projects implemented with such solutions.
Shadow Economy – Bibliometric Mapping
Shadow Economy – Bibliometric Mapping
(Shadow Economy – Bibliometric Mapping)
- Author(s):Cristina Timofte (Coca), Dan-Andrei Coca
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:34-45
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Bibliometric mapping;informal economy;shadow economy;underground economy;
- Summary/Abstract:This study’s main objective is reviewing the scientific terminology used in connection and with regard to the shadow economy. In subsidiary, the current research establishes the most explored and researched subject areas in connection with shadow economy and it compares different terms and phrases used in research studies on shadow economy, underground economy and informal economy, as per the Web of Science database. To this extent, VOSviewer – a computer program that was developed for constructing and viewing bibliometric maps was used. The main finding was that, the terminology used with regard to the shadow economy revolves around terms and phrases such as consumption, governance, financial crisis, crime, informal economy, unemployment, inflation, tax evasion and others. The most researched subject areas in connection with shadow economy, based on the terms and phrases mapped are the following: the size and development of the shadow economy, the determinants of shadow economy, the cause and effect analysis, measurement methods and counteracting measures. Other aspects of the shadow economy that appeared to be heavily researched are tax evasion and informal entrepreneurship.
The Impact of the European Funds Over Human Resource From Romanian Pre-university Schooling
The Impact of the European Funds Over Human Resource From Romanian Pre-university Schooling
(The Impact of the European Funds Over Human Resource From Romanian Pre-university Schooling)
- Author(s):Luminita-Claudia Corbu, Valentin Cristian Hapenciuc, Angelica Nicoleta Cozorici
- Language:English
- Subject(s):School education, Public Finances
- Page Range:46-56
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:human resource;European funds;education;pre-university school;absenteeism;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this paper I had was that such training courses are not publicized and not all the teachers know them. This matter confines some schools and does not access European funds because they do not have the proper trained teachers. That is why, throughout the research, I encountered prestigious high schools from Suceava which did not implement such programs and do not know their benefits. I think that the implementation of such programs leads to increasing the rate of graduation, to reducing school abandonment, to lowering the absenteeism. All these problems from the Romanian educational system might be eliminated and our country wouldn’t be at the bottom of the list, amongst the European countries. The objectives of 2020 Strategy wish to eliminate or at least reduce these problems that can be found, more or less, in almost every European country. The education section from Romania is used by the government’s strategy so as to full fit the objectives of Europe 2020. Almost every UE objective concentrates on improving the education sector, because of its impact on economic growth by employment, on the relevant abilities development and personal development. If present estimations prove to be right, the number of the students will significantly decrease and it will result in the need of an educational reform quality, efficiency, equity and relevance.
Integrated Reporting - A New Management Tool in Analyzing the Performance of a Company
Integrated Reporting - A New Management Tool in Analyzing the Performance of a Company
(Integrated Reporting - A New Management Tool in Analyzing the Performance of a Company)
- Author(s):Simona-Maria Tanasă (Brînzaru)
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:57-69
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:integrated reporting;profitability;performance;managerial decisions;
- Summary/Abstract:Integrated reporting is currently the newest form of corporate reporting that is in the process of being developed and adopted by companies around the world. Integrated reporting is the answer to the many requirements related to reporting non-financial information and their connectivity with financial information and different approaches to performance. The main objective of this research is the analysis of the performance of the companies that have adopted the integrated reporting, according to the specific business sector, through the profitability indicators. To achieve this goal, we created a sample of companies operating in Europe, North and South America, over 2015-2017. The result of the research reflects that the adoption of integrated reporting does not represent a significant influence factor on the profitability of the analyzed business sectors which will certainly lead to the increase of the performance over time. Integrated reporting is a management tool that must be used appropriately to gain maximum benefits both in the performance of a company and in corporate reporting.
The Transition From Industry 4.0 To Industry 5.0. The 4Cs Of The Global Economic Change
The Transition From Industry 4.0 To Industry 5.0. The 4Cs Of The Global Economic Change
(The Transition From Industry 4.0 To Industry 5.0. The 4Cs Of The Global Economic Change)
- Author(s):Alexandra Veronica Ungureanu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Supranational / Global Economy
- Page Range:70-81
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:critical thinking;communication;collaboration;coopetition;human capital;
- Summary/Abstract:When it comes about the 21st-century economy, we admit that we are still accustomed to the usage of the economic models in order to create a sustainable development of the economy, disregarding the fact that industrialization constantly replaces them with redesigned ones, developed by artificial intelligence and algorithms, paradoxically creating both stability and instability, which is why we are at the confluence of two revolutions in the attempt to generate global balance. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, 4.0, based on strategies regarding the technical vision of the economy’s future, and The Fifth Industrial Revolution, 5.0, the one of Personification, which announces a new paradigm whose keyword is coopetition. The collision of these two revolutions will produce changes capable of recognizing the worthiness of human capital. Forthwith, the society is built under the smart city concept, based on digitalization and algorithms, but with fewer implications from the emotional economy side, which is at the core of economic growth and development. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of the personified economics impact in the new world economics through the implementation of the 4C’s rule: critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity.
The Economic Effects of Social Media in Online Sales
The Economic Effects of Social Media in Online Sales
(The Economic Effects of Social Media in Online Sales)
- Author(s):Andreea Nistor
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economic development
- Page Range:82-92
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Social networks;Social media;E-commerce;Online sales;Covid-19;
- Summary/Abstract:Over the last few years, the new technologies have "invaded" both the social and the economic perimeter, changing the way people communicate with each other remotely, through the creation of a digital society. In addition to its maturation over time, social media offers real opportunities for growth in the market, remaining to date the largest area with the potential for economic growth. This paper aims to analyze the economic effects of the media in the formation of a digital society, which generates sales and profit. The methodology used to analyze social media in the context of the economic relations system is the date of logical and comparative analysis used through the literature. This paper highlights the economic effects of using new media in terms of online sales both before the pandemic generated by Covid-19 and during the coronavirus period. The use of social networks has the role of intensifying the competition between companies from a microeconomic point of view. On the other hand, at the macroeconomic level, the use of social networks helps to develop the internal market, but at the same time, the costs for maintaining and controlling economic institutions will also increase.
A Comparative Analysis of the Housing Affordability in Romania and the European Union from the Perspective of the Housing Costs
A Comparative Analysis of the Housing Affordability in Romania and the European Union from the Perspective of the Housing Costs
(A Comparative Analysis of the Housing Affordability in Romania and the European Union from the Perspective of the Housing Costs)
- Author(s):Luminița-Mirela Lăzărescu, Daniela Liliana Diacon
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy
- Page Range:93-104
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:housing conditions;housing affordability;housing costs;burden;housing deprivation;
- Summary/Abstract:The accessibility of housing is one of the challenges to which the global economy, and implicitly, the European economy, must respond from the perspective of ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of contemporary society.This challenge is the result of problems whose manifestation has been accentuated in the last decades: increasing the rate of housing deprivation, limiting the access to housing for some social categories, emphasizing social exclusion and segregation.This study aims to identify, after a comparative analysis of the indicators associated with housing costs in the European Union and Romania, the main problems facing our country, as a state of the European Union, from the perspective of housing affordability.The research focuses on the study of housing conditions and the aspects that define the housing affordability in Romania and the European Union. Romania has a housing stock dominated by houses (70.3% of homes built before 1980), but which is not burdened by major deficiencies (regarding the number of homes, number of rooms, living space).The deficiencies of housing in Romania are related to overcrowding and severe housing deprivation. In terms of housing costs, the research showed a high degree of burden on Romanian households with housing costs, among the highest in the EU, seven out of ten households feel the financial burden of housing costs and only 6% of households are not affected. Data provided by Eurostat for the period 2010-2018 were used for the analysis.
Integrating Risk Management Into Decision Making
Integrating Risk Management Into Decision Making
(Integrating Risk Management Into Decision Making)
- Author(s):Florin Boghean
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:105-114
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:risk management;corporate governance;decision-making process;
- Summary/Abstract:The main forms of risk are can be grouped in eight categories: economical risks, financial risks, commercial risks, manufacturing risks, political risks, social risks, juridical risks, natural risks. Through its nature the decision is referring to the future, mainly being provisional. In any decisional process developed at the company level, there are involved in the same time some economical, techniques, juridical, human and managerial variables. As a consequence of the decision (generally) and of managerial decision (particularly), because of its complexity and its contextual deter in its growth there are associated many risks.
Considerations Regarding the Assessment and Measurement of Financial Performance
Considerations Regarding the Assessment and Measurement of Financial Performance
(Considerations Regarding the Assessment and Measurement of Financial Performance)
- Author(s):Izabela Diana Hada
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Financial Markets
- Page Range:115-129
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:financial performance;ROA;ROE;net profit margin;pharmaceutical field;
- Summary/Abstract:Financial performance is a complex indicator that has represented and represents a priority, an assurance of profitable economic results, and also a hard to reach indicator. Given the importance and necessity of measuring the financial performance both for the internal and external environment of the economic entity, the main purpose of this article is to present concepts regarding the financial performance: typology, importance, indicators that measure the performance. The paper also aimed to highlight the importance of knowing and measuring performance, based on an empirical study conducted on a sample of five companies in the pharmaceutical field (companies whose object of activity is the retail trade of pharmaceuticals, in specialized stores - CAEN 4773) for which profitability indicators were analysed for a period of fifteen years (2004-2018). The five companies were chosen on the basis of turnover, representing the five best performing companies in the field of trade in pharmaceuticals. The research results show that financial performance is the goal of an economic and social game whose main actors are economic entities, also it is a measure of profit, growth, productivity, value creation, being a complex indicator that confirms the profitability of the business, and performance evaluation involves meeting the requirements of stakeholders. In addition to obtain profit, an entity must focus on sustainable development business, on a capitalization of factors of production, obtaining the best and optimal results in relation to the resources consumed.
The Need To Improve Performance Indicators Used In The Global Evaluation Of The Company
The Need To Improve Performance Indicators Used In The Global Evaluation Of The Company
(The Need To Improve Performance Indicators Used In The Global Evaluation Of The Company)
- Author(s):Cristina Iacoban, Svetlana Mihaila, Elena Hlaciuc
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:130-138
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Performance evaluation;performance indicators;profitability;
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to identify the most relevant performance indicators that need to be improved in order to assess as objectively as possible the overall value of the company. In order to achieve the proposed goal we set the following objectives: objective 1 - establishing the main performance indicators according to the company's field of activity, objectives, mission and vision of the company and objective 2 - identifying the most relevant indicators established by achieving objective 1, which need to be improved as a result of the evolution of technological and economic progress that is currently being made.The obtained results consist in offering viable solutions regarding the most realistic evaluation of the global value of an economic entity by improving the economic-financial indicators used.The results can be of real use for all companies, regardless of the field of activity, which want a more objective global assessment of their values, for shareholders or associates, for employees, for creditors and all commercial participants, but also for rating agencies.
The Evolution of the Limitation of the Application of the Accounts Function by Romanian Companies
The Evolution of the Limitation of the Application of the Accounts Function by Romanian Companies
(The Evolution of the Limitation of the Application of the Accounts Function by Romanian Companies)
- Author(s):Claudia-Elena Grigoras-Ichim, Lucia Moroşan-Dănila
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Accounting - Business Administration
- Page Range:139-147
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Accounting legislation;accounts;accounting;taxation justice;
- Summary/Abstract:With Romania's accession to the European Union and adaptation to international accounting standards, national accounting and tax legislation has seen various changes and adjustments for active companies, both nationally and internationally. Economic reality has imposed an accelerated pace on companies over time and is constantly adapting to meet the demands of the internal or external market, and the accounting and taxation is an important constant to all stakeholders. Access to international stock exchanges and investments stimulates the governance to amend and develop the legislation in force, clearly if it is not always to the advantage of Romanian companies. In this sense, the permanent changes have forced companies to invest and spend larger amounts on the infrastructure needed for management and financial accounting or, as an alternative, for outsourced financial-accounting consulting services. This article presents the evolution over time of legislative changes in Romania regarding the obligation of private companies to comply with accounting regulations and, in particular, those related to the use of the chart of accounts in accounting records.
Awareness level of IFRS Among Managers in Romania
Awareness level of IFRS Among Managers in Romania
(Awareness level of IFRS Among Managers in Romania)
- Author(s):Irina Diana Iordache
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Accounting - Business Administration
- Page Range:148-157
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:IFRS,;tock market;external financing;accounting profession;
- Summary/Abstract:An accounting sistem based on IFRS should offer many benefits, both in terms of the presentation and reporting of the financial information, as well as in terms of the decision-making process, giving entities the opportunity to use global financial markets in order to raise their capital.In this context, through this research we wish to identify the perceptions of CEOs of Romanian companies, following the adoption of international financial reporting standards, especially to judge if the application of IFRS facilitated the attraction of external financing sources in Romanian companies .Most respondents are aware of the advantages to be gained by implementing IFRS. Thus, 96% of the interviewed managers consider that the main advantages offered by the adoption of IFRS consist, on the one hand, in increasing the level of approval and disclosure of financial information at international level and, on the other hand, in improving the accounting role in the management process. of results. Such benefits should improve the investment process in Romanian companies, as the confidence of potential investors in Romanian companies would increase; a benefit that, at the moment, the Romanian entities seems to not get yet.
Insurance and Social Asistance Expenditure from Local Budgets
Insurance and Social Asistance Expenditure from Local Budgets
(Insurance and Social Asistance Expenditure from Local Budgets)
- Author(s):Cristinel Ichim
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Accounting - Business Administration
- Page Range:158-170
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:local budget;expenses;insurance and social assistance;social services and benefits;disability;
- Summary/Abstract:Social assistance includes social services and benefits provided with the purpose of developing individual or collective capacity for the purpose of meeting social needs, to increase quality of life and promote the principles of social cohesion and inclusion. The present paper aims to deal with a significant category of expenditure financed from local budgets, namely insurance and social assistance expenditure. The first part of the study includes a clarification of the content and role of these expenditures in the work of local public authorities. Research continues with quantitative analysis of the insurance and social assistance expenditure in local budgets on the basis of existing data in the Statistical Yearbook of Romania and highlights the place it takes in this category of spending in local budgets as well as their evolution in recent years The results of the research show that the evolution and structure of insurance and social assistance financed from local budgets is determined by action of variables which differ from one territorial administrative unit to another: number and social structure of the population, specific legislation on social assistance, social services and benefits provided, etc.
Banking Deposits of Population. Characteristics in Romania
Banking Deposits of Population. Characteristics in Romania
(Banking Deposits of Population. Characteristics in Romania)
- Author(s):Gheorghe Moroşan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Accounting - Business Administration
- Page Range:171-181
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:savings;bank deposits;interest;banks;time deposits;overnight;
- Summary/Abstract:Starting with the classical theories regarding the economic growth and until now, the accumulation of capital has been given an important role. Along with technological progress and specialization of the labour force, saving is considered a source of economic growth. This paper aims at analysing the savings of the population placed in bank deposits during the period between 2015 and 2019 in Romania. The study focuses on analysing the dynamics of deposit volume and virtually anyone who saves and then invests (in our case investments in bank deposits) expects to obtain an income, a certain yield, a reasonable return. Comparing the interest rates on bank deposits with the inflation rate but also with other interest rates, we want to determine how profitable these investments are for the population. This study examines whether the level of interests on bank deposits placed by individuals in Romania is attractive enough to stimulate savings, given that the country needs capital for development.
Detecting the Risk of Manipulation of Financial Statements for Companies on the Bucharest Stock Exchange Applying the Beneish Mode
Detecting the Risk of Manipulation of Financial Statements for Companies on the Bucharest Stock Exchange Applying the Beneish Mode
(Detecting the Risk of Manipulation of Financial Statements for Companies on the Bucharest Stock Exchange Applying the Beneish Mode)
- Author(s):Mihaela Maria Mihalcea
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Accounting - Business Administration
- Page Range:182-193
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Earnings manipulation;M-Beneish;financial performance;stakeholders;
- Summary/Abstract:In order to protect the interests of the stakeholders regarding the economic performance of the company, econometric models have been developed in the specialized literature that can determine the possibility of manipulating financial statements. The Beneish model developed by Professor Messod Beneish calculates a score based on eight financial rates. In Romania, based on the average score calculated for 1998-2017, 55% of companies listed on the regulated market of Bucharest Stock Exchange are likely to be manipulators. The result is worrying compared to that obtained in Italy for 2009-2010 and Greece for 2011-2012 (33%), or for Vietnamese companies during 2013-2014 (48.4%), but less dramatic than in Albania (68%). By analyzing the M-scores for each company, we conclude that 67% of the analyzed companies manipulated at least half of the annual financial statements, and of these 19% companies manipulated over 75% of the annual financial statements. The result is meant to sound an alarm for the government, even if there is also an optimistic evolution of the manipulators in the second part of the analyzed period and, in general, a linear, decreasing trend. Financial performance looks better in the manipulated financial statements (average profits, ROA, liquidity and solvency rates are higher, and the degree of indebtedness is lower), but it is a distorted performance, not a real one. The individual results, for each company separately, are of real interest to investors, auditors and other stakeholders of the real performance of the company.
An Analysis of Investment Decisions in Agribusiness
An Analysis of Investment Decisions in Agribusiness
(An Analysis of Investment Decisions in Agribusiness)
- Author(s):Ioana Moldovan (Tonea), Ioana Natalia Beleiu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Agriculture
- Page Range:194-205
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Investment decision;creditworthiness;agriculture;
- Summary/Abstract:Investment decisions are meant to bring more efficiency in business being a complex problem in agriculture, both for farmers and for investors and banks. The complexity of this process is also determined by several factors that influence investment decisions. Thus, in the decision taking process usually managers and investors consider the expenditure over a period, the cost of the necessary capital and the expected profitability. Based on the literature review we proposed a list of determinant factors for the investment decision, such as: the increasing incomes provided by the investment, the market size, possible constraints, personal characteristics and the farm specific factors. In the current paper we analyse the relationship between investment decisions, managerial accounting and financing needs of agricultural businesses and identifying the key parts that make managerial accounting important for the creditworthiness of the company.The example analysed in this article proves that costs are not only a base for calculating capital budgeting indicators, but they are also essential for cash flow calculation. Moreover, cash flow proves to be important for a bank's decision in financing a project when essential indicators like liquidity rate are not adequate in the analysed case.
Supporting the Sustainable Development of Companies Through the Use of Social Responsibility Practices In International Affairs
Supporting the Sustainable Development of Companies Through the Use of Social Responsibility Practices In International Affairs
(Supporting the Sustainable Development of Companies Through the Use of Social Responsibility Practices In International Affairs)
- Author(s):Camelia Cătălina Mihalciuc, Maria Grosu, Anisoara Niculina Apetri
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:206-225
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:sustainable development;sustainable development goals;sustainable development strategy;corporate social responsability (CSR);
- Summary/Abstract:Corporate social responsibility became acquainted with a considerable evolution from a phenomenon little known and practiced by corporations, to a fundamental start-up priority, for both large and small companies. The involvement of corporations in solving global problems (such as global warming, low level of education, poverty eradication, equality between individuals and respect for human rights) is a widespread trend nowadays. In this paper, the authors tried to reproduce the methods of implementing the measures of social responsibility of the companies, which contribute to supporting of the sustainable development, for some representative industrial branches (the industry and the services of the IT sector, the car construction industry, the food industry, the light industry, the mining industry, the cosmetic industry), by presenting the most relevant social responsibility campaigns encouraged by various companies. The corporate responsibility of the corporations has undergone an alert development, evolving from a little known phenomenon and, even less, practiced, towards a controversial subject, on the basis of which numerous works have been elaborated, constituting a fundamental strategic priority in the business process nowadays. Sustainable development and corporate social responsibility are compatible elements and points of view that need to be taken into consideration in the company's development strategy, with benefits for both the company, the environment, and all stakeholder categories.
Organizational Trust - Result of Formal and Informal Relationships Development in Business Organizations
Organizational Trust - Result of Formal and Informal Relationships Development in Business Organizations
(Organizational Trust - Result of Formal and Informal Relationships Development in Business Organizations)
- Author(s):Simona Buta
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Organizational Psychology
- Page Range:226-236
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:trust;organizational trust;formal relationships/networks;informal relationships;
- Summary/Abstract:There are studies and applications that have argued that trust, as a phenomenon, exceeds the interpersonal limit, it leaving its mark both at the organizational level and at the socio-economic level. Thus, trust becomes an important aspect for leading organizations and not only.The present research aims to analyse the relationship between organizational trust and all formal and informal networks / relationships from business organizations in North-eastern Romania. The research aimed to identify whether there is a strong link between the promotion of formal relationships by management and a high level of trust and the development of informal relationships. For this research we used a descriptive, empirical-analytical methodology.The data obtained from the interpretation of the questionnaire, at the level of the companies included in our sample showed that there is a strong link between formal relationships and networks (such as internal relationships to a company and which are given by organization chart, internal rules and various regulations) and relations and informal networks (in which case we are talking about informal relationships that double the internal organization chart of a company) and the degree of trust. The strong connection is demonstrated by the coefficients obtained (ρ (128) = 0.430 - demonstrating the high correlation between formal and informal relations, respectively ρ (128) = 0.407 - demonstrating the high correlation between formal relations and the degree of trust). This means that a more precise delimitation of formal working groups stimulates the creation of a climate of trust between compartments / departments / groups. If the organizational climate in the company allows the development of personal relationships, there is a certain level of trust between employees. Moreover, we have identified the fact that at the level of the companies included in our sample there is a greater or lesser concern of the decision makers from these companies in the development and operation of informal networks / groups; we must mention that this concern is different by activity sectors / companies.
Covid-19 Fake News Analysis from a Social Media Perspective
Covid-19 Fake News Analysis from a Social Media Perspective
(Covid-19 Fake News Analysis from a Social Media Perspective)
- Author(s):Stefan Sfichi, Alexandru Lavric
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social psychology and group interaction
- Page Range:237-251
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:COVID-19;fake news;analysis;social media;
- Summary/Abstract:As the SARS-CoV-2 virus – more popularly known as COVID-19 – has spread around the globe, mankind is fighting this new unseen enemy. This paper comes to review the way that the new CORONAVIRUS is perceived all over the world. In the current scientific literature, there is a gap when speaking about the influence and the impact of fake news. This evaluation corresponds to the main contribution of this paper.
Valencies of the University of Entrepreneuriality in The Matrix of Sustainable Economy: Challenges and Opportunities
Valencies of the University of Entrepreneuriality in The Matrix of Sustainable Economy: Challenges and Opportunities
(Valencies of the University of Entrepreneuriality in The Matrix of Sustainable Economy: Challenges and Opportunities)
- Author(s):Daniela Mihaela Neamţu, Angelica Nicoleta Cozorici, Valentin Cristian Hapenciuc
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:252-264
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:entrepreneurship;entrepreneurial university;skills;stakeholders;
- Summary/Abstract:The objectives of the study refer first and foremost to establishing the role of universities to become a potential agent for change towards sustainability. The research analysis allowed us to explore whether:Stefan cel Mare University offered students the opportunity to develop skills that allowed them to actively respond to entrepreneurial challenges;To what extent students are involved in activities related to the entrepreneurial development offered by the university;The research of the most desired skills by the business environment from the students' point of view will enrich the empirical analysis. I undertook an exploratory research, the results of which we processed using SPSS v.20.The research results have practical implications for universities and can support the advancement of educational programs related to sustainable development.
Reflections on the Right of Appreciation of the Fiscal Authority with an Impact on Young Entrepreneurs
Reflections on the Right of Appreciation of the Fiscal Authority with an Impact on Young Entrepreneurs
(Reflections on the Right of Appreciation of the Fiscal Authority with an Impact on Young Entrepreneurs)
- Author(s):Daniela Hudelcu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:265-272
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:entrepreneur;fiscal authority;fiscal obligation;taxpayers;fiscal legislation;tax risk;
- Summary/Abstract:The importance of this paper concerns the right of appreciation of the fiscal authority in quality as an administrator of fiscal receivables due to the consolidated budget, which holds a primordial role in the collect a revenues due by taxpayers. The young entrepreneurs, as taxpayers, have an obligation to know rigorously transparency mechanisms established by law, in order to fulfill a fiscal obligations due at state budget, but the role of fulfillment of the right of appreciation of the fiscal authority is to create the premises of fulfillment of rights provided fiscal legislation. The exercise of the right of assessment by the fiscal authority must comply with the requirements established by the Fiscal Procedure Code, being a prerogative of the democracy system within a rule of law. The conduct of the fiscal authority, the role and importance of examining the facts of each taxpayer, the limits established by law within which all this is exercised lead to a careful analysis, viewed from the perspective of the young entrepreneur. This category of entrepreneur is less in the spotlight of the fiscal authority, so that, this study reveals situations for which there must be serious concerns on the part of the actors involved in order to improve the condition of the young entrepreneur.
Educational Resilience of Pupils and the Role of the School Counselor in Its Development
Educational Resilience of Pupils and the Role of the School Counselor in Its Development
(Educational Resilience of Pupils and the Role of the School Counselor in Its Development)
- Author(s):Liliana Peter, Angela Luminita Moldovan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Educational Psychology
- Page Range:273-285
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:educational resilience;school counseling;factors;resources;
- Summary/Abstract: From the resilient perspective manifested in the school environment, this manifests preponderant under the form of the children’s capacity to overcome situations such as: bad grades, more difficult homework, tight deadlines for projects, exams and tests stress. Regarding resilience, the success in a development area does not imply a positive adaptation in all the domains, thus being necessary the implementation of more specific terms such as emotional, educational and behavioral resilience. The school counseling has an active and significant role in the development of the pupils’ educational resilience, both through the interventions addressed directly to the, and through the programs for the teachers and parents, alongside the promoting activities of collaboration between the school and the community.
Organizational Change and Resistence to Change Within Companies
Organizational Change and Resistence to Change Within Companies
(Organizational Change and Resistence to Change Within Companies)
- Author(s):Loredana Elena Comănescu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:286-298
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:organizational change;resistance to change;motivation and communication in organizations;leadership;
- Summary/Abstract:If the general concept of change is only “a new state of affairs different from the old state of things”, it is more difficult to define organizational change. The name of organizational change makes it obvious that it is a change in organizational activities, but this statement does not say too much about the type of activities that are subject to change. Making a comparison between operational and organizational change, we will see that the first refers exclusively to individuals, with their roles and values, while the second covers a much broader field, namely all operational processes - those of service delivery, customer service, production and logistics. Besides these, organizational change also covers changes that occur in work processes (which can be understood as “a set of work tasks to achieve a clear goal” [1]) and their subsystems. Organizational change can be also defined as “a transitional state between the present state and a future state to which the organization tends” [2]. Another relevant factor in defining change is represented by the causes that determine the apparition of change, which mainly characterizes the radical and paradigmatic change named “second order change” by Levy [17].
A Delicate Balance: Transparency and Privacy in State of Emergency
A Delicate Balance: Transparency and Privacy in State of Emergency
(A Delicate Balance: Transparency and Privacy in State of Emergency)
- Author(s):Raluca Onufreiciuc
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy
- Page Range:299-309
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:transparency;digital dividend;right to privacy;state of emergency;government response;flexibility clauses;economic challenges;
- Summary/Abstract:Privacy and transparency are not mutually exclusive, but rather two sides of the same coin. The principle of transparency plays an essential role in encouraging citizens to participate actively in the democratic life of the European Union and the right to privacy is a constitutional right which is guaranteed for everyone in what regards personal or professional life.In a state of emergency case, the need for transparency in decision making and accountability are essential to increase public trust and clarity in government actions and measures. In terms of enhanced protection of personal data, it is of ultimate importance to differentiate between how government can use public health data and how employers can contribute to a vital public health cause. In this context, identifying and analyzing the proper mechanisms and adequate methods that can be used, are a necessity and can play a crucial role in dealing with future challenges and changes in the public or private space.
Social Responsibility while Pandemic
Social Responsibility while Pandemic
(Social Responsibility while Pandemic)
- Author(s):Angela Luminita Moldovan, Liliana Peter
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:310-318
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:social responsibility;pandemic;population;
- Summary/Abstract:While there is a pandemic the population awaits the most measures to be taken by the authorities. The authorities make certain political and economic calculations and intervene either with delay, or even not at all. The confuse situation emerges because of incompetence, unconsciousness and ignorance. Where the authorities do not succeed, the NGOs, the mass-media, the brands or associations and foundations step in and try to troubleshoot the problems. All the attention must be directed to the healthcare system through material, financial and spiritual support. Every person who wishes to help has different priorities determined by their life experiences. Empathy and compassion represents the motivation for a socially responsible behavior. We can never be prepared enough to efficiently manage an eventual pandemic, but the more we manifest this socially responsible behavior, the more we realize how good it is to us and we will try to act more often in the society.
Innovation embraces Tradition – The Technology Impact on Interpretation of Cultural Heritage
Innovation embraces Tradition – The Technology Impact on Interpretation of Cultural Heritage
(Innovation embraces Tradition – The Technology Impact on Interpretation of Cultural Heritage)
- Author(s):Heike Bahre, Giovanni Buono, Valerie Isabel Elss
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Tourism
- Page Range:319-326
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Heritage and regional development;technology;methods of interpretation;crowdfunding;virtual reality;
- Summary/Abstract:This article presents a current EU project on the methods of interpretation of European cultural heritage in the context of tourism. Around 453 cultural heritage sites are on the UNESCO World Heritage List within Europe [1]. Europe's cultural heritage is very diverse. This is by no means just about museums, castles or theatres; tradition and customs are also part of Europe's cultural heritage. As an essential part of the collective European memory, it is important to preserve this diversity.On the other side, the influence of new information and communication technologies (ICT) is increasing in all areas of society.How could the potentials of new developments within technology be instrumentalized within the interpretation of cultural heritage? To what extent does fintech (finance technology) tools like crowdfunding also play a decisive role in the interpretation of cultural heritage along with make it financially sustainable to align private and public interests? Based on a research project, the authors want to give empirical proposals of the usability of modern devices and technologies in the use of heritage interpretation and tourism marketing.
Labor Force as a Resource for Rural Entrepreneurship in Romania
Labor Force as a Resource for Rural Entrepreneurship in Romania
(Labor Force as a Resource for Rural Entrepreneurship in Romania)
- Author(s):Carmen Boghean, Mihaela State
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:327-336
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:labour force participation;employment;unemployment;rural areas;
- Summary/Abstract:In rural areas there are smaller opportunities to find jobs, because of lower economic activity than in urban areas. The labour market faces different challenges than those in urban areas, where people are closer to education, training and employment opportunities. The main obstacle in obtaining a job by the rural population is the lack of employment opportunities for individuals in the localities of residence. In addition to the above, we can add the lack of education, specific skills, respectively the lack of desire or motivation to work. An essential aspect for increasing employability in rural areas is the personal and professional development of jobseekers during the process of identifying and seeking it. Entrepreneurship has a decisive role to play in increasing employment and social integration of the population in rural areas. In order to reduce unemployment and increase the employment rate of the rural population, rural entrepreneurs must be supported and encouraged to capitalize on. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the participation of the population to labour force in rural areas. The data were collected from the website of The National Institute of Statistics and were analysed using the descriptive method. The results show that unemployment rates are higher in rural areas, in the context of aging and increased migration in these areas.
Deglobalization and Factors of Sustainable Development
Deglobalization and Factors of Sustainable Development
(Deglobalization and Factors of Sustainable Development)
- Author(s):Paula Munteanu, Laurentiu Ciornei, Liviu-Valentin Vlăducu, Getuta David
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Supranational / Global Economy
- Page Range:337-347
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Factors of sustainable development;deglobalization;
- Summary/Abstract:The KOF Globalization Index reflects the level of economic, social and political globalization and covers over 200 countries. Since 2015, this index has fallen for the first time, after stagnating between 2009-2015. This decline is mainly attributed to trade and financial flows caused by the deterioration of the general policy framework. Equally, the social component has the same downward trend. In view of these considerations, many voices call into question the process of deglobalisation or diminishing integration between the nations of the world. Equally, the Sustainable Development Goals aim at global collaboration in the three dimensions - economic, social and environmental - taking into account different national levels of development and in line with national priorities and policies.In the present study, we aimed to address the factors of sustainable development from the perspective of the deglobalization process and to identify to what extent the objectives of sustainable development will be affected, in the medium and long term, given that two of the pillars on which the sustainable development is based are directly affected.
Perception of the Representatives of the Public Administration on the Development of Rural Tourism in the Mountain Area of Suceava County
Perception of the Representatives of the Public Administration on the Development of Rural Tourism in the Mountain Area of Suceava County
(Perception of the Representatives of the Public Administration on the Development of Rural Tourism in the Mountain Area of Suceava County)
- Author(s):Liliana Daniela Diacon, Luminița Mirela Lăzărescu, Lidia-Maria Apopei
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Tourism
- Page Range:348-357
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:tourism rural;mountain area;development;Public Administration;
- Summary/Abstract:The mountain area of Suceava county has many unique and well-preserved tourist resources that give personality to this space through age, originality, traditional rural households and a generous number of accommodation places. The data of the National Institute of Statistics from 2018 on the capacity of tourist accommodation, places Suceava county on the third place, after Constanța and Brașov counties. The present study follows the perception of the representatives of the public administration vis-à-vis rural tourism and its development in the mountain area of Suceava county. The research highlights the role of local authorities in the development of rural tourism and its promotion from the point of view of those in local management. The methodology is based on the survey conducted on the basis of the questionnaire by the method of face-to-face interview, between September 1 and November 30, 2019 in the mountain area of Suceava county. It is found that in all the localities in the mountain area, the interviewees are aware of the existing tourism potential and have responded to the requests made by the tour operators in the 36 studied communes. In conclusion, following the analysis of the results, it is found that rural tourism is an economic alternative for the inhabitants of the rural area of Suceava, with real possibilities of development, benefiting from the support of the local authorities.
European Structural Funds and Rentability
European Structural Funds and Rentability
(European Structural Funds and Rentability)
- Author(s):Andrei-Alexandru Moroșan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Supranational / Global Economy
- Page Range:358-367
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Structural Funds;Rentability;Turnover;Financial analysis;
- Summary/Abstract:One of the great achievements of the European Union is the creation of the single market, but for it to work efficiently, it is imperative that the gaps between the participating states be minimal. Thus, to address this issue the EU has created a Regional Development Policy through which it allocates Structural and Cohesion Funds to finance projects in countries with lower economic development. Lately there is an increasingly fierce debate on the efficiency of structural funds for EU members in Central and Eastern Europe. This debate is fueled by various studies that show that although many of the projects financed from Structural Funds achieve their objectives, the effects are not visible in the aggregate indicators.Within this article we intend to analyze the impact that the Structural Funds have on the profitability of the beneficiary companies. For this we analyzed a group of companies that benefited from non-reimbursable financial aid during the multiannual financial period 2007-2013 and a group of companies that did not benefit from this facility. Following the analysis of the financial accounting data reported by the companies in the two groups, statistically significant differences were identified.
Adapted Techniques for Protecting Traditional Buildings
Adapted Techniques for Protecting Traditional Buildings
(Adapted Techniques for Protecting Traditional Buildings)
- Author(s):Ionuț Dohotariu, Andrei Purcaru
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Tourism
- Page Range:368-376
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:traditional architecture;vernacular building materials;Bukovina;
- Summary/Abstract:The variations of morpho-spatial and formal modeling within the local / regional architecture typologies are determined not only by specific microclimatic elements (plain field or hills), but also by numerous other conditionings such as the type and use of local building materials. Nowadays, low quality modern materials and the effects of poorly understood modernization have a negative impact on the environment and the rural ambience. The traditional houses have taken over, perfected and diversified over time the repertoire of construction systems and execution techniques developped in the previous stages. Using traditional techniques in the process of built heritage restauration is synonymous with its adaptation to the contemporary comfort requirements and to the fulfillment of the exigencies of resistance and stability. The main constituent elements of the traditional building systems leads us to the analyzing the houses on subassemblies: the roof (roof frame and covering), walls, foundations and socle, carpentry and opening. Proper repair of traditional houses must be carried out accurately, taking into account the fact it is imperative to use good quality materials that prove effective during the reconstruction process. Beyond the importance and cultural relevance of the traditional house, the compatibility of materials is a complex and thorny process that involves a lot of responsibility.
The Consumption Decision in Rural Tourism and Models of Rural Tourism in South Transylvania
The Consumption Decision in Rural Tourism and Models of Rural Tourism in South Transylvania
(The Consumption Decision in Rural Tourism and Models of Rural Tourism in South Transylvania)
- Author(s):Andreea Stroe
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Tourism
- Page Range:377-386
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:consumption decision;rural tourism;village;rural heritage;tangible assets;intangible assets;
- Summary/Abstract:Rural tourism has developed in the recent years due to the desire of people to return to their roots and to connect more to nature, away from the crowdedness of the city. Moreover, the fact that a lot of entrepreneurs tend to develop their business in the rural area has lead to an extension of rural services and products. The growth of tourists' interest for visiting rural areas encouraged the residents of inland villages to the new development and new entrepreneurial orientation-tourism. Regardless of the rural area or the country where the rural tourism is practiced, the rural tourist profile tends to have a series of common elements. These include the desire to escape from the city and to integrate into the rural life from the village, the desire to relax, the desire to spend free time with family or any other person in a natural setting and not least, the desire to know the culture of the rural space, with all that it entails. In Romania the rural tourist bases its consumption decision on the intagible and tangible assets that can represent a heritage to be explored, mainly in the perspective of untouch and well preserved traditions at which one can assist. As a result, the tourist who visits these places is supposed to be eager to know the Romanian traditions, to participate in an active way in the life of the village, as it is lived by the members of the community and to enjoy beautiful scenary. So, the purpose of the paper is to analyze the rural consumption decision, the factors that can influence it and to recognize some general tourism models that can be applied in rural area.
The Need For Change And Shaping The Post-COVID Business Environment in Romania
The Need For Change And Shaping The Post-COVID Business Environment in Romania
(The Need For Change And Shaping The Post-COVID Business Environment in Romania)
- Author(s):Lucia Moroşan-Dănila, Otilia-Maria Bordeianu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy
- Page Range:387-397
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Business environment;COVID-19;containment policies;crisis;labour force;
- Summary/Abstract:COVID-19 and the containment policies aimed at controlling it have changed the way people work, the consumer behaviour, forcing most of the businesses to re-configure. During different crisis we have seen many changes, some changes were temporary but also some changes became permanent. Such crises can and will fundamentally reshape our beliefs and behaviours, in terms of our daily lives (at professional and personal level) and economic activities and tendencies. The companies need to prepare for a post-crisis world, rather than waiting for a return to the same conditions in from the past. This paper presents the main changes affecting the business environment today, at European but also national level (focusing on presenting relevant statistics related to the affected companies and fields of activities, the structure of the labour force, level of indebtedness, payment capacity, as well as the associated legal implications) and finally it aims at identifying the practical measures that companies must take to sense, exploit, and re-shape the post-COVID-19 reality. Today, the managers have to find an economically and socially viable path to the next normal.
Low Touch Economy and Social Economy in Rural Heritage Rich Communities Impacted by COVID-19 Crisis
Low Touch Economy and Social Economy in Rural Heritage Rich Communities Impacted by COVID-19 Crisis
(Low Touch Economy and Social Economy in Rural Heritage Rich Communities Impacted by COVID-19 Crisis)
- Author(s):Anamaria Bucaciuc, Gabriela Prelicean, Carmen Chasovschi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy
- Page Range:398-409
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Rural heritage;social economy;low touch economy;COVID-19 crisis;
- Summary/Abstract:While rural communities have always struggled with factors like marginalisation, low entrepreneurial development, high unemployment, low education and poor health services, the COVID-19 crisis brings extra pressure by reducing close-contact interactions and by introducing travel and hygiene restrictions. Cultural heritage has represented for many rural communities a competitive advantage in their economic development, either already exploited or seen as an opportunity. The problem of this process in the new COVID-19 context is represented by a demand and supply shock, caused by the stop of direct labour, high decrease of acquisitions and cease of travel. In these new economic and social circumstances, it is important to explore the way the COVID19 crisis impacts rural heritage rich communities and which are possible further actions in order to ensure a return to dynamic social and economic interactions. The present paper will bring into focus the concepts of Low Touch Economy and Social Economy as a support in dealing with these new economic and social conditions and will prospect possible intertwining between the two. Presented as a literature review and an exploration, the paper brings into focus the brand new concept of Low Touch Economy presented by Board of Innovation, a business design and innovation strategy firm located in Netherlands.
Heritage without heirs or when the soul of the houses takes the path of migration. A reflection on the abandoned houses of Bukovina
Heritage without heirs or when the soul of the houses takes the path of migration. A reflection on the abandoned houses of Bukovina
(Heritage without heirs or when the soul of the houses takes the path of migration. A reflection on the abandoned houses of Bukovina)
- Author(s):Paul-Panfil Ivan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Migration Studies
- Page Range:410-418
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Heritage;migration;population;Bukovina;
- Summary/Abstract:As part of the European Union the definition of migration has changed: we can no longer talk about immigrants and emigrants across the EU as long as it is a home for all its citizens. We don’t emigrate or immigrate to the EU anymore; we just migrate or travel. Practically we take a walk into a giant and multicultural familiar space.There is no doubt that Romania's presence within the European Union has positively influenced the economic and social development of our country but, in the meantime, the phenomenon of migration has expanded a lot over the last 30 years for Romania, the main reason for leaving being the financial gain that cannot be earned in the home country. Migration has resulted, globally, in the decrease of the population and the loss of a significant volume of labour, including highly qualified.
European Rural Businesses During The Covid-19 Pandemic: Designing Initiatives For Current And Future Development
European Rural Businesses During The Covid-19 Pandemic: Designing Initiatives For Current And Future Development
(European Rural Businesses During The Covid-19 Pandemic: Designing Initiatives For Current And Future Development)
- Author(s):Ancuța Lucaci, Carmen Nastase
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Micro-Economics
- Page Range:419-429
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:European rural businesses;Covid-19 pandemic;initiatives;development;
- Summary/Abstract:The main purpose of this paper is to identify and explore the initiatives which the European rural businesses have deployed when coping with Covid-19 pandemic and to emphasize the impact of these initiatives for the further development of the rural business environment in post Covid-19 pandemic in Europe. Rural businesses contribute towards Europe’s growth and prosperity and, furthermore, help to preserve the cultural heritage for future generations. Also, have a huge impact on the development of the rural areas, through their socio-economic contribution: employment, suppliers, customers, business competitors. The Covid-19 pandemic has strongly influenced people’s lives and business activeness of rural areas. The widespread pandemic has given rise to significant challenges for the development of rural businesses. In order to exceed these circumstances, have been launched certain initiatives for supporting rural businesses in the fight against Covid-19:websites collecting examples of initiatives deployed by rural businesses, online platforms that promote local products and drive-in services for selling local food.The results of this research underline the fact that all the initiatives focused their attention towards supporting and developing the operations of rural businesses during Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, this type of initiatives can provide inspiration for forthcoming responses to global pandemic and other types of crisis.
Contemporary Influence on the Built Cultural Heritage. Case Study Applied in the Villages of Mureș County
Contemporary Influence on the Built Cultural Heritage. Case Study Applied in the Villages of Mureș County
(Contemporary Influence on the Built Cultural Heritage. Case Study Applied in the Villages of Mureș County)
- Author(s):Andreea-Oana Enache
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Tourism
- Page Range:430-437
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:cultural heritage;tradition;contemporary influences;tourism;
- Summary/Abstract:The elements of cultureand local tradition are essential of the collective imaginary, but also of th enational portfolio. The discovery of the cultural heritage through techniques and methods of promotion and integration of some objectives in the tourist circuit, are for the purpose development of tourism and attracting the potential consumers of cultural heritage. The contemporary influence is encountered both in promoting the area, the tourist circuit and the business, as well as in responding to the demands of consumers of built cultural heritage. Thus, in this material, we will analyze the contemporary influences that help the development of the business and the area in which it is carried out, by applying five entrepreneurial models in several villages in Mures County.