Filosofie jako životní cesta: Ad honorem Jan Zouhar
Philosophy as a Life Journey: Ad honorem Jan Zouhar
Contributor(s): Helena Pavlincova (Editor), Radim Bělohrad (Translator), Eva Strnadová (Editor), Martina Hovorková (Editor)
Subject(s): Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Logic, Special Branches of Philosophy, Recent History (1900 till today), Contemporary Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Science, Higher Education , History of Education, Substance abuse and addiction, Phenomenology, Identity of Collectives
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Czech Republic; Brno; Jan Zouhar; philosophy; history of philosophy; higher education;
Summary/Abstract: The collection of papers Philosophy as a Life Journey was published in honour of Jan Zouhar, a distinguished professor, an expert in the history of Czech philosophy and an organizer of university life. The volume begins with an interview in which Professor Zouhar outlines his philosophical creed. The core of the collection comprises six personal contributions (Laudationes) and sixteen original scientific works that focus on a wide range of issues related to philosophy, history, literature, language, ethnography and culture. The final part of the volume (Appendices) contains a brief curriculum vitae of Professor Zouhar and a selection of his works and photographs followed by a list of volume contributors.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-9458-1
- Page Count: 238
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: Czech
Profesor Jan Zouhar hovoří o svém filozofování
Profesor Jan Zouhar hovoří o svém filozofování
(Professor Jan Zouhar Speaks about His Philosophizing)
- Author(s):Jan Zouhar, Katarzyna Maria Cwynar
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Higher Education
- Page Range:9-17
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Jan Zouhar; interview; Jan Zouhar; Katarzyna M. Cwynar; philosophy; philosophizing;
- Summary/Abstract:Pane profesore, Vaše pozice je nejen v české filozofii, ale také mezi filozofy slovanských zemí významná. S Filozofickou fakultou Masarykovy univerzity v Brně (FF MU) jste spjat již od doby svého studia filozofie a také bohemistiky. Pracoval jste v Československé akademii věd a nyní již skoro třicet let působíte na katedře fi lozofi e FF MU. Po několik funkčních období jste byl vedoucím katedry fi lozofi e FF MU a také proděkanem FF MU. Mezi českými a slovenskými filozofy jste nezpochybnitelnou autoritou, jako filozofa Vás znají v Polsku, Bělorusku, na Ukrajině i v Rusku. Mezi Vašimi zájmy zaujímá zvláštní postavení česká filozofie 19. a 20. století včetně filozofického myšlení T. G. Masaryka a J. Patočky. Jste autorem mnoha knih z této oblasti a článků publikovaných nejen v Česku a na Slovensku, ale také v Polsku. Dokonale ovládáte polský jazyk. Své práce píšete nejen v mateřském jazyce, nýbrž rovněž v polštině. Vaše práce jsou překládány také do angličtiny a francouzštiny. Účastníte se významných filozofických konferencí mj. v Česku, na Slovensku a také v Polsku. Jste jedním z tvůrců hnutí filozofů slovanských zemí, členem Sdružení filozofů slovanských zemí, spoluzakladatelem Časopisu filozofů slovanských zemí ΣΟΦΙА, členem jeho vědecké rady a autorem příspěvků. Jste také členem vědeckých redakcí jiných vědeckých časopisů v České republice a Slovenské republice i v Polsku. Máte také velké úspěchy na poli organizačním. Patří k nim nepochybně řízení a rozvoj katedry fi lozofi e FF MU. Jste aktivní v oblasti popularizace myšlenek T. G. Masaryka. Jste předsedou správní rady (kuratoria) Ústavu T. G. Masaryka a donedávna též členem rady Masarykova ústavu AV ČR, institucí, jež se spolu s archivem AV ČR zabývají dokumentací díla T. G. Masaryka a publikováním jeho prací. Svou aktivní účastí podporujete organizaci Konferencí filozofů slovanských zemí a jste jejich stálým účastníkem. A to je, pane profesore, jen pár informací o Vašich vědeckých a organizačních úspěších. Domnívám se, že mladší generace fi lozofů slovanských zemí a také čtenářů časopisu ΣΟΦΙА nemá o Vás dostatek informací. Mohl byste, pane profesore, přiblížit svou osobu včetně důležitých událostí ve Vašem dosavadním životě, a především pak své teoretické stanovisko?
- Price: 4.50 €
Honza Zouhar a já
Honza Zouhar a já
(Honza Zouhar and Me)
- Author(s):Pavel Materna
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Higher Education , History of Education
- Page Range:18-20
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Honza Zouhar; philosophy; Masaryk University;
- Summary/Abstract:Na filozofickou fakultu UJEP (jak komunisté nazvali Masarykovu univerzitu) jsem nastoupil jako logik k 1. lednu 1965. Po řadě nedobře strávených a vlastní vinou i neschopností komunistického režimu daných nepříliš plodných let v Praze jsem se těšil na možnost využít v univerzitním prostředí obor, který jsem měl opravdu rád a o jehož moderní podobě jsem něco věděl od otce a od některých kolegů z období „aspirantury“. Brněnská fakulta a tehdejší katedra filosofie mě přijala velmi pěkně („stará garda“: prof. Macháček, doc. Nový, který katedru vedl, a kolegové Cetl, Gabriel, Hlavoň a postupně další přátelé z jiných pracovišť včetně nezapomenutelné sekretářky paní Libuše Doubkové). Proces seznamování probíhal postupně a nekonfliktně.
- Price: 4.50 €
Na začátku byla zvědavost…
Na začátku byla zvědavost…
(At the Beginning, There Was Curiosity…)
- Author(s):Pavel Spunar
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Higher Education , History of Education, Post-War period (1950 - 1989)
- Page Range:21-22
- No. of Pages:2
- Keywords:Jan Zouhar; philosophy; Masaryk University; Brno Faculty of Philosophy;
- Summary/Abstract:Dávno, někdy na počátku osmdesátých let minulého století, jsem poprvé zaslechl jméno mladého brněnského filozofa Jana Zouhara. Seděli jsme ve třech u kávy a padla otázka, zda by náš akademický Kabinet pro studia řecká, římská a latinská neměl s brněnským Ústavem pro výzkum společenského vědomí a ateismu uspořádat společnou vědeckou konferenci o pozdní antice a prvotním křesťanství. Nešlo o nic světoborného, ale přeci. Slovo „ateismus“ v názvu ústavu budilo emoce.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sprievodca filozofiou. Jedno osobné Ďakujem
Sprievodca filozofiou. Jedno osobné Ďakujem
(A Guide through Philosophy. One Personal ’Thank You’)
- Author(s):Erika Lalíková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Higher Education , History of Education, Post-War period (1950 - 1989)
- Page Range:23-25
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Brno; higher education; philosophy; Jan Zouhar;
- Summary/Abstract:Ak by sme sa preniesli do sveta rozprávok a ponorili sa do tej – možno jednej z najznámejších – o troch sudičkách a pokúsili sa uhádnuť, čo (by) „nadelili do vienka“ jednému malému chlapčiatku narodenému v milujúcej rodine pred 70 rokmi v Brne, začínalo by to akiste tým najvzácnejším – láskou. Láskou k rodine, mestu a krajine. Láskou k literatúre, divadlu, fi lozofi i a vede. A láskou k ľuďom, k prírode a všetkým jej darom. Nebudem rekapitulovať, neprislúcha mi to, ani hodnotiť, či sa sudičky mýlili. Či sa do bodky naplnili ich priania. Chcela by som sa len proste poďakovať človeku, ktorého si vážim a ktorého mám v hlbokej úcte, za roky, kedy sa stal aj mojím sprievodcom po svete filozofie, za množstvo podnetov, priateľské rady, ktoré mi neraz pomohli. Chcela by som sa poďakovať aj za študentov, ktorí u nás, na pôde bratislavskej Katedry filozofie a dejín filozofie FiF UK, mali tú česť počúvať prednášky pána profesora Jana Zouhara. Dodnes majú príležitosť čítať a pracovať s množstvom cennej literatúry, ktorej bol autorom a či spoluautorom. S pomocou práve aj týchto textov môžu hlbšie chápať podstatu stvárňovania potrieb vzniku filozofického myslenia v našom prostredí. Hľadania a uchopenia jeho rozmanitých podôb. Aj vďaka textom profesora Zouhara sa spolu formovalo niekoľko generácií (aj) bratislavských študentov filozofie (od bakalárov, cez magistrov, doktorandov, ako aj poslucháčov Univerzity tretieho veku), predovšetkým tých, ktorí mali chuť pochopiť postupné modulácie a podoby filozofického myslenia v Čechách i na Slovensku.
- Price: 4.50 €
Poslání a smysl filosofie
Poslání a smysl filosofie
(The Purpose and Role of Philosophy)
- Author(s):Otakar A. Funda
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:26-28
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:philosophy; purpose; role;
- Summary/Abstract:V době, kdy se z různých stran množí nejen povrchní, ale i vážné a důvody podložené otázky po smyslu a poslání filosofie dnes a kladou si je zároveň s jubilantem a kolegou Janem Zouharemi mnozí další filosofové (též já v rámci sebekritické ironie jsem podráždil jednou některé členy české filosofické obce ve vysílání Leonardo, když jsem řekl, zda ta filosofie vlastně není luxus darmošlapů?), dovoluji se vrátit k otázce smyslu a poslání filosofie i já. Svoji glosu věnuji Janu Zouharovi, který se svým dílem a působením vepsal do směřování brněnské filosofie, k jehož otevřenosti chovám svou sympatii i vděčnost.
- Price: 4.50 €
K problematice náboženské řeči
K problematice náboženské řeči
(On Religious Speech)
- Author(s):Jiří Gabriel
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Semantics, Philosophy of Religion, Rhetoric
- Page Range:29-32
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:religion; speech; Christianity;
- Summary/Abstract:Už jako školák navštěvující hodiny náboženství jsem se podivoval lidem chodícím v průvodu na oslavu Božího těla, protože náš katecheta (jemuž jsem věřil) nás učil, že Bůh je bytost duchová – tudíž, jak jsem jeho slovům rozuměl, bez těla, tj. masa a krve. Jak může taková „bytost“ vůbec existovat, jsem tehdy ještě nepřemýšlel. – Časem jsem se dověděl, že v průvodu se nosí tělo Kristovo, v podobě posvěcené hostie.
- Price: 4.50 €
Jan Zouhar kočující
Jan Zouhar kočující
(Jan Zouhar Trouping)
- Author(s):Josef Petrželka, Dagmar Pichová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Higher Education , History of Education, Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010)
- Page Range:33-35
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Jan Zouhar; trouping; philosophy;
- Summary/Abstract:Je nám ctí připomenout zde alespoň stručně divadelní kariéru našeho milého kolegy Jana Zouhara, a to na základě dochovaných záznamů, dobových svědectví a vzpomínek spoluherců. Ačkoliv se mladý Jan vyučil češtinářem a z nouze také filosofem, srdce ho vždy táhlo na prkna, která znamenají svět. Po jistých hereckých zkušenostech v minulém tisíciletí, jež však nejsou z důvodu časového odstupu ověřitelné nezávislými zdroji, se touha jeho srdce začala výrazněji naplňovat až v tomto miléniu.
- Price: 4.50 €
Obrazová příloha
Obrazová příloha
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Photography, Higher Education , History of Education, Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today)
- Page Range:36-43
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Jan Zouhar; photographs;
- Price: 4.50 €
Jan Zouhar jubilující – aneb Co není ve slovníku
Jan Zouhar jubilující – aneb Co není ve slovníku
(Jan Zouhar’s Jubilee – or What Is Missing in the Dictionary)
- Author(s):Petr Jemelka
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:44-51
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:philosophy; history of philosophy; culture; tradition;
- Summary/Abstract:The text introduces Jan Zouhar as an important representative of contemporary Czech philosophy. It is an attempt to cover the breadth of his philosophical thinking, which extends from the historiography of Czech philosophy to some remarkable overlaps. For instance, we can mention the position of philosophy in the context of our spiritual culture, the place and role of tradition at present, and a reflection on the role that philosophy plays in human life.
- Price: 4.50 €
Slovensko-poľské kontakty profesora Jana Zouhara
Slovensko-poľské kontakty profesora Jana Zouhara
(Professor Jan Zouhar’s Slovakian-Polish Contacts)
- Author(s):Zlatica Plašienková, Barbara Szotek
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today)
- Page Range:52-60
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Jan Zouhar; Slovak; Polish and Czech philosophy;
- Summary/Abstract:The article briefly reflects on Professor Jan Zouhar’s personal and professional contacts within his activities in the Slovak and Polish philosophical environment with an emphasis on the personal experience of the authors. It points out Professor Zouhar’s contribution and influence on the development of mutual relations and fruitful cooperation in the field of philosophy, as well as on the unforgettable human dimension that he brought to these relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
T. G. M.: Problém filozofie osobnosti, jeho vztahy a souvislosti
T. G. M.: Problém filozofie osobnosti, jeho vztahy a souvislosti
(T. G. M.: The Problem of the Philosophy of Personality, Its Relations and Contexts)
- Author(s):Ivo Pospíšil
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Special Branches of Philosophy, Recent History (1900 till today), Higher Education , History of Education
- Page Range:61-72
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:philosophy of a key personality; origin; love flare; correspondence as evidence of life crossroads;
- Summary/Abstract:The presented contribution analyses – in the context of Jan Zouhar’s research scope and also on the background of the professional interests of the immortalized František Kautman (1927–2016) – the ‘philosophy’ of T. G. Masaryk’s (1850–1937) work. At the beginning, there are new publications on his alleged origin from the family of the Austro-Hungarian monarch, further their fictionalization, the investigation of his late sexual life and, last but not least, the flow of his juvenile correspondence with Zdenka Šemberová (1841–1912). For her, this communication was full of erotic and intellectual hopes which were not fulfilled and led to her lifelong loneliness and resignation, especially after the death of her father Alois Vojtěch Šembera (1807–1882), professor of Vienna Slavonic studies, one of the first opponents of the medieval authenticity of the legendary Czech Manuscripts, all of this on the background of the life of the university and Czech Vienna, where they both lived, and the adjacent Moravia. Masaryk, with his weak knowledge of standard Czech, Šemberová, at that time already a mature lady, record in their correspondence the course of their lives, their opinions, readings, and document their intellectual maturing. Their correspondence represents evidence of the lives of both: Masaryk was gradually becoming a scholar and mainly a politician, and understood their correspondence, from which Zdenka expected also an amorous fulfilment, as a mere practical exercise in stylistics and a confrontation of opinions. Their correspondence throws a new, not always favourable light on the youth of the future Czechoslovak president. Already there, the elementary features of his personality were taking their shapes.
- Price: 4.50 €
Robert Konečný a jeho písemná pozůstalost v univerzitním archivu
Robert Konečný a jeho písemná pozůstalost v univerzitním archivu
(Robert Konečný and His Written Estate in the University Archives)
- Author(s):Jiří Pulec
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Recent History (1900 till today), Higher Education , History of Education, Fascism, Nazism and WW II
- Page Range:73-87
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Robert Konečný; written estate; philosophy; health-care psychology; literature; resistance to Nazism;
- Summary/Abstract:In January 2018, Masaryk University archives obtained an extensive written estate of Robert Konečný (1906–1981), an associate professor of philosophy and professor of psychology at Masaryk University, the pioneer of health-care psychology in Czechoslovakia, a poet and author, and a major figure of resistance to Nazism. Robert Konečný’s personal files, which belong among the best preserved items in the university archives, were organized and made accessible during 2018. Extensive correspondence mainly includes collections of letters from key figures of Czech literature, philosophy and psychology. A remarkable part of the estate consists of texts of Konečný’s lectures and speeches as well as documents on his educational activity in radio and television broadcasting. The files also represent a valuable source for the study of resistance to Nazism in Moravia. An extensive set of manuscripts, typescripts and prints from the fields of psychology, philosophy and literature can serve as a basis for the preparation of Konečný’s bibliography.
- Price: 4.50 €
Dopisy Jana Patočky Robertu Konečnému
Dopisy Jana Patočky Robertu Konečnému
(Jan Patočka’s Letters to Robert Konečný)
- Author(s):Helena Pavlincova
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989)
- Page Range:88-107
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Jan Patočka; Robert Konečný; letters;
- Summary/Abstract:The contribution contains 11 unpublished letters of Jan Patočka from 1935–1967 supplemented with the author’s comments and explanations. The addressee of the letters, the nature of which is friendly and rather private, was the Brno philosopher, poet and psychologist Robert Konečný. The author devotes the introduction to the illumination of the origins of the letters and the description of the lives of both friends, whose actions, thought and unquestionable moral authority make them integral figures of the humanist tradition of Czech philosophy.
- Price: 4.50 €
Husserlův Platón
Husserlův Platón
(Husserl’s View of Plato)
- Author(s):Ivan Blecha
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):History of Philosophy, Ancient Philosphy, Philosophy of Science, Phenomenology
- Page Range:108-118
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Edmund Husserl; Plato; phenomenology; theory of science; logic; rationalism; empiricism;
- Summary/Abstract:Unlike Martin Heidegger, who was always critical of Plato’s role in the history of philosophy, and Jan Patočka, who was more charitable but still had serious misgivings about Plato, Edmund Husserl saw Plato truly positively. However, his view resulted from the fact that he had simplified Plato’s theory substantially and adapted it to his own view of philosophy. According to Husserl, Plato was an inspirational figure as a founder of philosophical ‘theory of science’, and because he sought abstract knowledge of the Forms, he could serve as a useful contrast to the one-sided philosophy of modern empiricism. This paper attempts to present Husserl’s position in a greater detail and assess it.
- Price: 4.50 €
K pojetí kultury u Gillese Lipovetského
K pojetí kultury u Gillese Lipovetského
(On Gilles Lipovetsky’s Concept of Culture)
- Author(s):Ivana Holzbachová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Contemporary Philosophy, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:119-129
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Gilles Lipovetsky; post-modern culture; modern society; fashion;
- Summary/Abstract:With a bit of exaggeration, it could be claimed that Lipovetsky’s lifetime work has focused on (contemporary or post-modern) culture. Surprisingly, Lipovetsky has never defined the concept of culture. It is, thus, necessary to reconstruct it from his work. The presented paper analyses the concept of culture on the background of Lipovetsky’s account of fashion. This account is very broad. Lipovetsky emphasises that fashion covers a large area extending from clothing, social intercourse and religion all the way to an account (and self-constitution) of man. In this regard, Lipovetsky puts special emphasis on the development of individualism in modern society. He also points out inconsistencies in the understanding and the manifestations of individualism.
- Price: 4.50 €
Prométheus například. Moc mýtu, distance a přihlížení podle Hanse Blumenberga
Prométheus například. Moc mýtu, distance a přihlížení podle Hanse Blumenberga
(Prometheus for Example. The Power of Myth, Distance and Observing according to Hans Blumenberg)
- Author(s):Břetislav Horyna
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):History of Philosophy, Recent History (1900 till today), Contemporary Philosophy
- Page Range:130-145
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:myth;metaphor;the power of myth;Hans Blumenberg;J. W. v. Goethe;F. Nietzsche;actio per distans (action across distance);effects at a distance;Prometheus & Epimetheus;profasis;Sturm und Drang;
- Summary/Abstract:The Study Prometheus, for example loosely follows up the central theme of Hans Blumenberg’s theory of myth and mythology, the character of Prometheus and Promethean conceptions in scientific as well as imaginative literature (poetry and drama). The aim is not an elaborate reflection of all the variations on Promethean themes that were summarized in Blumenberg’s epochal book Work on Myth (1979). The author rather selects some themes from the works on the myth about Prometheus in Classical Greek literature (Hesiod, Aeschylus) and, at the turn of modernism, in German movement Sturm und Drang (Goethe). Most attention is paid to a fictional figure known as actio per distans (action at distance, with keeping a distance) and its variations from the distance between people and gods through the distance between people to the distance of an ageing poet from spirit of the age (Zeitgeist), to which he no longer belongs.
- Price: 4.50 €
Jméno Jan v průběhu 12.–21. století na území dnešní České republiky
Jméno Jan v průběhu 12.–21. století na území dnešní České republiky
(The Name Jan (John) from the 12th to the 21st Centuries on the Territory of Today’s Czech Republic)
- Author(s):Jana Pleskalová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Language studies, Geography, Regional studies, Middle Ages, Modern Age, Recent History (1900 till today), Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:146-152
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:anthroponym; Jan; Czech language; Czech Republic; development;
- Summary/Abstract:The author investigates the first name Jan (John), its modifications and usage on the territory of today’s Czech Republic. On the basis of rich anthroponymic sources she has proved that the name Jan has belonged among the most frequently used names in the Czech lands since the 12th century and has kept this status to the present day. Numerous hypocoristic modifications of this name have served the purpose of distinguishing individuals bearing the same official name. Today, they still exist as both surnames (Janáček, Janda) and hypocoristic forms of first names (Jenda, Honzík) used in informal contexts.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ke stereotypu zobrazování Turka ve starší české literatuře
Ke stereotypu zobrazování Turka ve starší české literatuře
(On the Stereotype of Depicting Turks in Older Czech Literature)
- Author(s):Michaela Hashemi
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Czech Literature, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Biblical studies, Translation Studies
- Page Range:153-157
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Tomáš Rataj;Czech Lands in the Shadow of the Crescent;Chronica Hungarorum;Johannes de Thurocz;new editions of Prefat’s and Harant’s books of travels;a translation of Bible to Turkish;J. A. Komenský;
- Summary/Abstract:The text is a reflection of a well-researched professional publication by Tomáš Rataj České země ve stínu půlměsíce (Czech Lands in the Shadow of the Crescent, 2002). After a multilateral acknowledgement of the book, the author fills in relevant items written by some of the staff of the Faculty of Arts MU, some of which were published only after the publication of Rataj’s work. Additionally, she refines, with reference to the study of Jan Kumpera (1994), the existence of a translation of the Bible into Turkish initiated by Comenius, namely its printing in the 19th century. At the end, the author mentions her personal teaching activities on the topic in the context of the honoured person of Jan Zouhar’s personality as a pedagogical ideal.
- Price: 4.50 €
Morava jako multietnický organismus: problémy jazyka a identity v letech 1848–1918
Morava jako multietnický organismus: problémy jazyka a identity v letech 1848–1918
(Moravia as a Multi-Ethnic Organism: Problems of Language and Identity between 1848–1918)
- Author(s):Jiří Malíř
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Language studies, Geography, Regional studies, Sociolinguistics, Western Slavic Languages, 19th Century, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:158-170
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:nation-building process; national identity; specific features of Czech-German relationships; Moravia in 1848–1918;
- Summary/Abstract:The study deals with the development of linguistic, ethnic and international relationships in Moravia in 1848–1918 and their specific features. The focus is mainly on the complex relationships between Czech-speaking and German-speaking inhabitants of Moravia and the aspects that played a key role in them. These included a complicated settlement situation given by the mixing of Czech and German inhabitants (the numerous ‘German linguistic islands’), the economic influence of Jewish inhabitants on international relations in linguistically diverse cities, the impact of social and economic status of various groups of inhabitants on their voting and political participation, the unevenness in the promotion of national identity and the effects of Czech-German international compromise of 1905. The application of the principle of personal autonomy led to alleviation of international tensions as well as an increased demand for legal determination of nationality.
- Price: 4.50 €
O sjezdu, který byl a nebyl
O sjezdu, který byl a nebyl
(On a Congress that Did and Did Not Take Place)
- Author(s):Josef Zumr
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):History of Philosophy, Higher Education , History of Education, Post-War period (1950 - 1989), History of Communism
- Page Range:171-175
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:1968; new ideology of political institutions; philosophers’ support of the ideology;
- Summary/Abstract:The contribution focuses on changes that took place at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences in 1968. Besides the replacement of the institute management, it was primarily the participation of the academics in the preparation of the documents for the 14th Congress of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and its new political orientation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zrušitelnost v normativních kontextech
Zrušitelnost v normativních kontextech
(Defeasibility in Normative Contexts)
- Author(s):Jan Štěpán
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Logic
- Page Range:176-181
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:defeasibility; non-monotonous reasoning; adaptive logic; practice;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper defines normative contexts, describes the general concept of defeasibility and the logical means to its solution. It also illustrates defeasibility of legal norms on case studies.
- Price: 4.50 €
Botrys neboli esej o záludnostech historikovy práce (rozprava o metodě)
Botrys neboli esej o záludnostech historikovy práce (rozprava o metodě)
(Botrys or an Essay on the Trickiness of the Historian’s Work (Discourse on the Method))
- Author(s):Libor Vykoupil
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:182-191
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:history of gastronomy; Greek viticulture; raisins; brandy; Botrys;
- Summary/Abstract:The elder and more experienced certainly know or at least have a vague idea that there used to be a Greek brandy named Botrys containing 40 % of alcohol. Its name was probably derived from the name of Botrytis cinerea (botrytis bunch rot, more commonly). The Greek term is Βότρυς and its transcription into Latin alphabet is Votrus or Votris. However, if a scholar attempts to verify in such an elementary finding, they can get entangled in very complex and tricky historical facts. After weeks of hard work it turned out that it is probably easier to write a chapter on the history of Greek economy of the second half of 19th century than a few lines on a distillery producing a brandy called Botrys. And so this contribution somehow by the way describes a solution to the „raisin problem“ in order to conclude with some basic information on the label Botrys.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Volte své jedy!“ K problematice vztahu trampské subkultury k alkoholu a krčemnému prostředí
„Volte své jedy!“ K problematice vztahu trampské subkultury k alkoholu a krčemnému prostředí
("Choose Your Poisons!" On the Relationship of Tramp Subculture to Alcohol and Tavern Life)
- Author(s):Karel Altman
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Substance abuse and addiction
- Page Range:192-209
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:tramp subculture; free time; alcohol; taverns; Czech Republic;
- Summary/Abstract:Although the need to compensate life in the rush and buzz of the city made its numerous inhabitants seek quiet recreation outdoors, some of them sought recreation as well as excitement, whose source were adventures inspired by their ideas of the Wild West. In the past century, its heroes, real or fictional, have become the symbols of the bearers of a distinctive and unique subculture called tramping, popular exclusively in Czechia (and partly Slovakia). In spite of the unique lifestyle, tramps could not do outdoors without refreshment, food and drink, which were provided by taverns and pubs in villages and secluded places near their campsites. Those businesses that proved successful and effective from the perspective of our tramps and men of prairies became known as tramp taverns. It was mainly there, especially during various excesses, that their god, Pajda, had to stand by them.
- Price: 4.50 €
Jan, jídlo a pití
Jan, jídlo a pití
(Jan, Food and Drink)
- Author(s):Radim Brázda
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Special Branches of Philosophy, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:210-227
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:gastrosophy; philosophy of food; Feuerbach; Moleschott; dietetics; nutrition and literature;
- Summary/Abstract:The contribution summarizes Jan Zouhar’s lectures in the series of light-hearted conferences titled Food, Drink and European Culture, which he gave in 2002–2019. Using examples and references, it places their themes into the context of philosophy of food, known as gastrosophy.
- Price: 4.50 €
Jan Zouhar. Stručný životopis a výběrová bibliografie díla
Jan Zouhar. Stručný životopis a výběrová bibliografie díla
(Jan Zouhar. A Brief Curriculum Vitae and Selected Bibliography)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Bibliography, Recent History (1900 till today)
- Page Range:228-235
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Jan Zouhar; CV; bibliography; philosophy;
- Summary/Abstract:Jan Zouhar se narodil dne 16. června 1949 v Brně. Po maturitě na Střední průmyslové škole stavební jej kulturní zájmy a humanitní zaměření přivedly ke studiu filozofie a češtiny na Filozofické fakultě Univerzity Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Brně. Z učitelů filozofie na něho měli největší vliv zejména Jaromír Bartoš, Jiří Cetl a Lubomír Nový. Po absolutoriu působil dva roky jako středoškolský učitel a poté, v roce 1975, nakročil na vědeckou dráhu v Ústavu pro výzkum společenského vědomí a vědeckého ateismu ČSAV v Brně.
- Price: 4.50 €
Autoři příspěvků
Autoři příspěvků
(List of Contributors)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):History of Philosophy, Scientific Life
- Page Range:236-237
- No. of Pages:2
- Keywords:authors list;
- Price: 4.50 €
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:English
- Subject(s):History of Philosophy, Scientific Life
- Page Range:238-238
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:abstracts;
- Price: 4.50 €