Information Safety of Primary School Pupils: Lessons in Libraries Cover Image
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Informační bezpečnost žáků základních škol: Lekce v knihovnách
Information Safety of Primary School Pupils: Lessons in Libraries

Author(s): Pavla Kovářová
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Library and Information Science, Library operations and management, Electronic information storage and retrieval, Education and training, School education, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Czech Republic; Brno; information safety; primary school pupils; lessons in libraries;
Summary/Abstract: Responsible behaviour is essential to prevent information attacks. It is a necessary complement to the technical and legal instruments to ensure information safety. Safety on the Internet and also when working with non-electronic information is part of the Framework Educational Programme for Primary Schools, but it is implemented inadequately. At the same time, it is a sensitive subject in which libraries can provide education with a number of advantages over other institutions. They have often already established cooperation with elementary schools and give lessons in the use of information and IT. Adding information safety to the range of topics is therefore just another step for mutually beneficial cooperation withthe local community. However, the lessons have to develop the competencies in an appropriate and conceptual way. The publication presents the reasons for and appropriate ways of setting a framework for information safety lessons. The pivotal part of the publication presents the conception of education that is useful not only in libraries. All classes use active learning and they build on each other freely. The conception contains a total of nine lessons (one for each grade), which mainly cover topics of authorship and evaluating information, and safe behaviour when working with information, focusing on communication on the Internet. Two questionnaires and didactic testing of librarians were used in developing the conception. The results show that the information safety lessons build on already implemented activities of libraries and that librarians have sufficient skills to carry out lessons included in the proposed conception. The conception was revised based on action research conducted from 2012 to 2017. The results were obtained through observation during lessons (carried out by a researcher, a teaching librarian and the teacher of the class, a teaching librarian and a library director were interviewed). Lessons were piloted in the Municipal Library in Polička in cooperation with the Masaryk Elementary School; effectiveness of the lessons was confirmed by other three schools (Primary School Pomezí, district Svitavy, Primary School and Kindergarten Blažkova, Brno and Dance Conservatory, Brno) and one library (Library at the Crossroads in cooperation with Křídlovická in Brno). Based on action research, lessons were adapted into the form published in this work.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-9271-6
  • Page Count: 263
  • Publication Year: 2019
  • Language: Czech
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