Love and Death in Selected Works of the German Middle Ages Cover Image
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Láska a smrt ve vybraných literárních dílech německého středověku
Love and Death in Selected Works of the German Middle Ages

Author(s): Sylvie Stanovská
Subject(s): History, Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Middle Ages, German Literature
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Germany; literature; middle ages; love; death;
Summary/Abstract: The book brings, for the firt time in history of Czech germanistic medieval studies, their synopses in Czech including the characteristics of the principal persons/heroes and their attitudes towards love and death. It is intended to help those reader who wish to get a deeper insight into complex/intriguing actions of heroic epic works, courtly novels and novelettes, medieval love poems or paramount prose written in the German-speaking world. It brings basic facts concerning authors and actions of those works and illustrates them with extracts in the original language and translations which with the exceptions of “The Song of the Niebelungs” and “The Ploughman from Bohemia” are recently translated into Czech for the first time.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-9236-5
  • Page Count: 84
  • Publication Year: 2019
  • Language: Czech
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