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Digitální informační kurátorství jako univerzální edukační přístup
Digital Information Curatorship as a Universal Educational Approach

Pragmatist educational theory and its practical-research implementation

Author(s): Michal Černý
Subject(s): Education, Electronic information storage and retrieval, Methodology and research technology, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: education; approach; methodology; curatorship; digital information models; ICT; digital libraries; open source; curated texts;
Summary/Abstract: This research and theoretical monograph aims to describe universally the phenomenon of curatorship as an educational approach. Martin Heidegger writes about the lights that exist as a fact in the world, but the light that illuminates it, or our view of how it looks and where it spreads can be different. This first idea of the German phenomenologist is borne by the whole publication. The phenomenon of curatorship is gradually trying to look out of information science, primarily as a question of organization of knowledge, but also in terms of how it is possible to effectively search and work in such a structure of information (collection or set). The second point that is accented in the book is philosophical. The publication, on a relatively large scale, analyzes in detail the philosophical foundations of curatorship as an edukative phenomenon and its sources see in connectivism, pragmatism and phenomenology. Attempts to emphasize not a substantive view of philosophy, but of procedural. Collection, even one who approaches it, is not finished and immutable objects that meet freely, but the incessant “making ourselves”. The third view that the publication offers is devoted to pedagogy and philosophy of education. It analyzes the digital information curatorship as a pedagogical phenomenon, but also attend to educational antinomiím or outlining specific didactic principles that it is possible to work with a collection in the process of education to do. The last fourth stand-alone perspective in the field of scientific discourse is a technical view, in which the book attempts to describe both API issues, content integration and interface functions, as well as individual services that can be educationally used in the curatorial context. In this respect, it follows the tradition of Luciano Floridi, who devotes much space in his texts to technological excursions. This area also includes metadata discussions as one of the key structures needed to effectively curator content. The book also contains two important parts. The first is the analysis of the various theoretical concepts and models that can be accessed by curators, whether from the point of view of practical creative activity or the paradigmatic view of the whole issue. This analysis is apparently the only one in the current literature that is done with sufficient care and erudition. He then follows up his own design of the digital curatorial model, which is a philosophically and didactically conceptualized concept, and presents, together with Whitteker and his curatorial model based on PIM, a second significant theoretically significant project with great application potential. The book is not only theoretical but also contains empirical studies that deal with the various research aspects associated with curatorship. The book works with micro case studies that relate to the pedagogical experience of the author both in the presenter’s and in the e-learning form. Although most of the conclusions from this section have already been published separately in the form of partial articles or conferences, they are probably the broadest research faculty related to the educational perspective of educational content. The publication is already the third, albeit widespread, publication of a book that is currently the only monograph that deals with the phenomenon of curatorial content in terms of educational or educational perspectives. At the same time, the whole subject can framing both philosophical-empirical and transdisciplinary. Martin Heidegger, in one of his lectures, states that these really interesting things are happening at the border of individual disciplines. The book entitled “Digital Information Curatorship as a Universal Educational Approach: Pragmatism Education Theory and its Practical-Research Implementation” at the frontiers of these balances in its content.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-9234-1
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-9233-4
  • Page Count: 207
  • Publication Year: 2019
  • Language: Czech
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