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United We Stand Strong

Papers from the Fifth International Scientific Conference of the European Studies, Faculty of Philosophy at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, 31 May – 1 June 2018

Contributor(s): Ingrid Shikova (Editor), Kaloyan Simeonov (Editor), Mirela Veleva (Editor), Gergana Radoykova (Editor), Penka Hristova (Editor), Vihar Georgiev (Editor), Linka Toneva-Metodieva (Editor), Borislav Mavrov (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Political Theory, Environmental and Energy policy, International relations/trade, Political behavior, Politics and communication, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Human Resources in Economy, EU-Legislation, Politics and Identity, Asylum, Refugees, Migration as Policy-fields
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: European Integration; European Union; European Union Development; EU Economy; EU Politics; EU Integration
Summary/Abstract: This book presents reports from ‘United We Stand Strong’, the Fifth International Conference of the European Studies Department, Faculty of Philosophy at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. The conference was held between 31 May and 1 June 2018 with the support by Hanns Seidel Foundation. The collective book is а result of a project by the European Studies Department at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in teaching and research on the Europeanisation of the countries of Southeast Europe (2016-2019), co-financed by the Erasmus+ program.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-954-07-4568-8
  • Page Count: 354
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: English, Bulgarian
In and Out of the Crisis – An Explorative Study of the Resilience of European Labour Markets

In and Out of the Crisis – An Explorative Study of the Resilience of European Labour Markets
(In and Out of the Crisis – An Explorative Study of the Resilience of European Labour Markets)

European Attitudes in Eastern European Countries After the Economic Crisis

European Attitudes in Eastern European Countries After the Economic Crisis
(European Attitudes in Eastern European Countries After the Economic Crisis)

Анализ на факторите, обуславящи необходимостта от изграждането на Стълб на социалните права на ЕС

Анализ на факторите, обуславящи необходимостта от изграждането на Стълб на социалните права на ЕС
(Analysis of the Factors Contributing to the Necessity for Establishing European Pillar of Social Rights)

Which European Union for the 21st century? Assessing Reform Options

Which European Union for the 21st century? Assessing Reform Options
(Which European Union for the 21st century? Assessing Reform Options)

The New Approach of the European Union in Accession Negotiations – the Focus on Chapters 23 “Judiciary and Fundamental Rights” and 24 – “Justice, Freedom and Security”

The New Approach of the European Union in Accession Negotiations – the Focus on Chapters 23 “Judiciary and Fundamental Rights” and 24 – “Justice, Freedom and Security”
(The New Approach of the European Union in Accession Negotiations – the Focus on Chapters 23 “Judiciary and Fundamental Rights” and 24 – “Justice, Freedom and Security”)

Геополитически предизвикателства пред Западните Балкани

Геополитически предизвикателства пред Западните Балкани
(Geopolitical Challenges to the Western Balkans)

The Europeanization of the Western Balkans. How far has the EU come, where did it fail and where should it go next?

The Europeanization of the Western Balkans. How far has the EU come, where did it fail and where should it go next?
(The Europeanization of the Western Balkans. How far has the EU come, where did it fail and where should it go next?)

Западните Балкани и еврото – различни подходи към обща цел

Западните Балкани и еврото – различни подходи към обща цел
(Western Balkans and the Euro – Different Approaches Towards a Common Goal)

Querying the Role of Trade Among the EU and the Western Balkans for a United and Strong European Union

Querying the Role of Trade Among the EU and the Western Balkans for a United and Strong European Union
(Querying the Role of Trade Among the EU and the Western Balkans for a United and Strong European Union)

From Macedonia to Northern Macedonia: How (not) to Solve the Macedonian Name Dispute

From Macedonia to Northern Macedonia: How (not) to Solve the Macedonian Name Dispute
(From Macedonia to Northern Macedonia: How (not) to Solve the Macedonian Name Dispute)

Европейската перспектива на Западните Балкани: приносът на София

Европейската перспектива на Западните Балкани: приносът на София
(The European Perspective of the Western Balkans: Sofia’s Contribution)

The EU Western Balkan Strategy: Enlargement Perspective or Unrealistic Expectations

The EU Western Balkan Strategy: Enlargement Perspective or Unrealistic Expectations
(The EU Western Balkan Strategy: Enlargement Perspective or Unrealistic Expectations)

„It Is Not Only The Economy, Stupid“ – The Importance of National and European Identity for the Future of Europe

„It Is Not Only The Economy, Stupid“ – The Importance of National and European Identity for the Future of Europe
(„It Is Not Only The Economy, Stupid“ – The Importance of National and European Identity for the Future of Europe)

Създаването на Европейската прокуратура: предложения de lege ferenda

Създаването на Европейската прокуратура: предложения de lege ferenda
(The Establishment of the European Public Prosecutor's Office: Proposals de Lege Ferenda)

Миграцията като лакмус: Общата европейска система за убежище и бъдещето на ЕС

Миграцията като лакмус: Общата европейска система за убежище и бъдещето на ЕС
(Migration as a Litmus: The Common European Asylum System and the Future of the EU)

Between Promise and Delivery – Fundamental Rights in the EU

Between Promise and Delivery – Fundamental Rights in the EU
(Between Promise and Delivery – Fundamental Rights in the EU)

Европейският енергиен съюз като фактор за укрепване на Европейския съюз

Европейският енергиен съюз като фактор за укрепване на Европейския съюз
(The European Energy Union as a Factor for Strengthening the European Union)

Foreign Policy Positioning of the Western Balkan Countries in the Context of the EU Enlargement Strategy by 2025

Foreign Policy Positioning of the Western Balkan Countries in the Context of the EU Enlargement Strategy by 2025
(Foreign Policy Positioning of the Western Balkan Countries in the Context of the EU Enlargement Strategy by 2025)

Unchanged and Unanswered Challenges Ahead of Stormy Period

Unchanged and Unanswered Challenges Ahead of Stormy Period
(Unchanged and Unanswered Challenges Ahead of Stormy Period)

National Interests in the EU Eastern Enlargement – Key Lapse in the Academic Literature

National Interests in the EU Eastern Enlargement – Key Lapse in the Academic Literature
(National Interests in the EU Eastern Enlargement – Key Lapse in the Academic Literature)

Политиката на разширяване на Европейския съюз в контекста на „Европа на различните скорости“

Политиката на разширяване на Европейския съюз в контекста на „Европа на различните скорости“
(The European Union's Enlargement Policy in the Context of "Multi-speed Europe")

The “Multi-Speed Europe“ – a Reality, Solution and to Discontent of Some – a Necessity

The “Multi-Speed Europe“ – a Reality, Solution and to Discontent of Some – a Necessity
(The “Multi-Speed Europe“ – a Reality, Solution and to Discontent of Some – a Necessity)

Бъдещето на европейската езикова политика в контекста на Брекзит

Бъдещето на европейската езикова политика в контекста на Брекзит
(The Future of the European Language Policy in the Context of Brexit)

Комуникиране на Българското председателство на Съвета на Европейския съюз

Комуникиране на Българското председателство на Съвета на Европейския съюз
(Communicating the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union)

Civil Society and the Preparation for the Presidency of the Council of the EU in Romania. The “EU-RO 2019” Forum

Civil Society and the Preparation for the Presidency of the Council of the EU in Romania. The “EU-RO 2019” Forum
(Civil Society and the Preparation for the Presidency of the Council of the EU in Romania. The “EU-RO 2019” Forum)

Behavioral Insights in EU Policy Making – Innovation in Government

Behavioral Insights in EU Policy Making – Innovation in Government
(Behavioral Insights in EU Policy Making – Innovation in Government)

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