Selected Papers. Belgrade women's studies journal: Anniversary issue 1992/2002
Selected Papers. Belgrade women's studies journal: Anniversary issue 1992/2002

Contributor(s): Jelisaveta Blagojević (Editor), Dušan Đorđević-Mileusnić (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Social Sciences, Gender Studies, Sociology, Gender history
Published by: Centar za ženske studije & Centar za studije roda i politike, Fakultet političkih nauka, Beograd

  • Print-ISBN-13: 86-902929-2-6
  • Page Count: 224
  • Publication Year: 2002
  • Language: English
How the Mind Feels? - Reading Spinoza

How the Mind Feels? - Reading Spinoza
(How the Mind Feels? - Reading Spinoza)

The Motif of the Female in Nietzche's Critic of the Dogmatized Truth

The Motif of the Female in Nietzche's Critic of the Dogmatized Truth
(The Motif of the Female in Nietzche's Critic of the Dogmatized Truth)

Technopoetics of Textual Bodies: Writing, Culture and Desire in XX Century Latin American Literature

Technopoetics of Textual Bodies: Writing, Culture and Desire in XX Century Latin American Literature
(Technopoetics of Textual Bodies: Writing, Culture and Desire in XX Century Latin American Literature)

Logic of the Proper

Logic of the Proper
(Logic of the Proper)

What Do Prefaces Actually Do? The Function and Transformation of Authorial Prefaces in the Eighteenth Century Novel

What Do Prefaces Actually Do? The Function and Transformation of Authorial Prefaces in the Eighteenth Century Novel
(What Do Prefaces Actually Do? The Function and Transformation of Authorial Prefaces in the Eighteenth Century Novel)

On Women and Literature at the Beginning of XX Century

On Women and Literature at the Beginning of XX Century
(On Women and Literature at the Beginning of XX Century)

Political Subject in Contemporary Feminist Theories

Political Subject in Contemporary Feminist Theories
(Political Subject in Contemporary Feminist Theories)

Swallowing Pearls: The Narrative Strategies of Ann Beattie

Swallowing Pearls: The Narrative Strategies of Ann Beattie
(Swallowing Pearls: The Narrative Strategies of Ann Beattie)

Women, Nationalism and War: "Make Love Not War"

Women, Nationalism and War: "Make Love Not War"
(Women, Nationalism and War: "Make Love Not War")

The Critical Meditative Humorist

The Critical Meditative Humorist
(The Critical Meditative Humorist)

When the Word for Peacemaker was a Woman: War and Gender in the Former Yugoslavia

When the Word for Peacemaker was a Woman: War and Gender in the Former Yugoslavia
(When the Word for Peacemaker was a Woman: War and Gender in the Former Yugoslavia)

Trivial Romance as an Archetypal Genre: The Fiction of Dubravka Ugrešić

Trivial Romance as an Archetypal Genre: The Fiction of Dubravka Ugrešić
(Trivial Romance as an Archetypal Genre: The Fiction of Dubravka Ugrešić)

Criminological Study of Sexual Abuse

Criminological Study of Sexual Abuse
(Criminological Study of Sexual Abuse)

Registered Partnership as a Necessary Civil Option and Part of the Feminist Agenda

Registered Partnership as a Necessary Civil Option and Part of the Feminist Agenda
(Registered Partnership as a Necessary Civil Option and Part of the Feminist Agenda)

The Opposition Between Nature and Culture as the "Natural" Definition and Interpretation of Sexual Difference - Levi-Strauss’ Projection of the Origins of Culture as a Social Contract Between Men

The Opposition Between Nature and Culture as the "Natural" Definition and Interpretation of Sexual Difference - Levi-Strauss’ Projection of the Origins of Culture as a Social Contract Between Men
(The Opposition Between Nature and Culture as the "Natural" Definition and Interpretation of Sexual Difference - Levi-Strauss’ Projection of the Origins of Culture as a Social Contract Between Men)

Why is a Woman a Symptom of Rights?

Why is a Woman a Symptom of Rights?
(Why is a Woman a Symptom of Rights?)

The Road to Mileva Marić-Einstein Private Letters

The Road to Mileva Marić-Einstein Private Letters
(The Road to Mileva Marić-Einstein Private Letters)

Langhueur d’Amour or, on the Typological Connection Between Don Juanism and Nihilism

Langhueur d’Amour or, on the Typological Connection Between Don Juanism and Nihilism
(Langhueur d’Amour or, on the Typological Connection Between Don Juanism and Nihilism)

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