КОНТИНЕНТ / CONTINENT East-West-Forum – Issue 1988 / 46 Cover Image
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KONTINENT / КОНТИНЕНТ – Ost-West-Forum – Ausgabe 1988 / 46
КОНТИНЕНТ / CONTINENT East-West-Forum – Issue 1988 / 46

Author(s): Matwej Alexejew, Peter Boris, Fjodor Burlazkij, Helmut Dahm, Iossif Djadkin, Boris Kagarlizkij, Jurij Mitjunow, Jurij F. Orlov, Tamara Samsonowa, Vasilij Seljunin, Ernest Skalski, Alexander Wampilow
Subject(s): Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Civil Society
Published by: CEEOL Collections / Digital Reproductions
Summary/Abstract: NO AUTHOR: Concerned about the country's future. Open letter to the citizens of Kiev // JURIJ ORLOW: On the meaning of Gorbachev's reforms // HELMUT DAHM: End of the beginning - or the beginning of the end? // WASSILIJ SELJUNIN: The revenge of the bureaucracy // B. SEMJONOW: Plan and free market // ERNEST SKALSKI: The reform in Poland // VLADIMIR TISMANEANU: Ceausescu against glasnost' // FJODOR BURLAZKIJ: Khrushchev - or: How do you overcome one Abyss in two leaps // TAMARA SAMSONOWA: Perestroika and Marxism // M. ALEXEJEW: On a pilgrimage in the metropolis // JURIJ MITJUNOW: New thinking and the role of Radio Moscow // BORIS KAGARLIZKIJ: Glasnost', literature and press // PETER BORIS: A visit to a poet prince // ALEXANDER WAMPILOV: little pocket on the rib // Russian poetry of the present // NO AUTHOR: On the millennium of the baptism of Russia // IOSSIF DJADKIN: On the number of Stalin's victims // On the events in Nagornyj Karabakh

  • Page Count: 104
  • Publication Year: 1988
  • Language: German
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