КОНТИНЕНТ / CONTINENT East-West-Forum – Issue 1988 / 45 Cover Image
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KONTINENT / КОНТИНЕНТ – Ost-West-Forum – Ausgabe 1988 / 45
КОНТИНЕНТ / CONTINENT East-West-Forum – Issue 1988 / 45

Author(s): Walentyn Anastasijew, Timothy Garton Ash, Joseph Brodsky, Kosta Čavoški, Aleksej Gridnjew, L. Ionin, Antonie Körting, Leszek Kołakowski, Allan Kroncher, Hans Noll, Wladimir Pimonow, Vladimir Nikolaevič Vojnovič
Subject(s): Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Civil Society
Published by: CEEOL Collections / Digital Reproductions
Summary/Abstract: NO AUTHOR: The fresh breath of perestroika // ALLAN KRONCHER: Perestroika: revolution or counterrevolution? // L. IONIN: Legalization as a brake? // B. P .: Remarks from a skeptic // W. ANASTASIJEW: The first bell ring // VLADIMIR PIMONOV: The limits of glasnost ’// TIMOTHY GARTON ASH: Does Central Europe really exist? // IOSSIF BRODSKIJ: Nobel Prize speech // HANS NOLL: Turning away from the “nomenklatura” // KOSTA ČAVOŠKI: // Party monism and the rule of law // ANTONIE KÖRTING: On the gift of creating existence // LESZEK KOŁAKOWSKI: The Kaiser Kennedy legend // WLADIMIR WOINOWITSCH: // The fairy tale of the steamer // Thaw. Story of an exile // ALEKSEJ GRIDNJEW: Poems // B. P .: A world without weapons or a world without violence // Again about the “so-called Jewish question” // “The attitude of the KGB has not changed” and a. Contributions to perestroika // memorandum of the Latvian human rights group "HELSINKI'86"

  • Page Count: 114
  • Publication Year: 1988
  • Language: German
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