КОНТИНЕНТ / CONTINENT East-West-Forum – Issue 1984 / 30 Cover Image
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KONTINENT / КОНТИНЕНТ – Ost-West-Forum – Ausgabe 1984 / 30
КОНТИНЕНТ / CONTINENT East-West-Forum – Issue 1984 / 30

Author(s): Nisametdin Achmetov, German Naumovič Andreev, Stefan Bratkowski, Aleksa Đilas, Natalja Gesse, Michail Klotschko, Leszek Kołakowski, Semen Izrailevič Lipkin, Ol'ga Medvedkova, Vladislav Naumov, Lev Šestov, Yakov Suslenskij, Wladimir Wasilyevitch Weidlé
Subject(s): Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Civil Society
Published by: CEEOL Collections / Digital Reproductions
Summary/Abstract: OLGA MEDWEDKOWA: When the peace movement is tried in Moscow ... Appeal to the world public // LESZEK KOLAKOWSKI: The Stick and the Theory // STEFAN BRATKOWSKI: The state as bankrupt // ALEKSA DJILAS: Democratic reforms and Yugoslav solidarity // A system of oppression without tyrants // “Say that your sons died in Afghanistan” Interview with the former Soviet soldier VLADISLAW NAUMOW // MICHAIL KLOTSCHKO: The victims of Stalin's atomic bomb // The conscience of Russia. A conversation with NATALJA GESSE on the situation of Andrei Sakharov // GERMAN ANDREJEW: The phenomenon of the Russian intelligentsia (conclusion) // VLADIMIR WEIDLE: Return to home // LEV SCHESTOW: The terrible riddle is solved. Thoughts on A. S. Pushkin // SEMJON LIPKIN: Meeting with Stalin // NISAMETDIN ACHMETOV: Poems // YAKOV SUSLENSKIJ: Conversations with the examining magistrate

  • Page Count: 108
  • Publication Year: 1984
  • Language: German
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