КОНТИНЕНТ / CONTINENT East-West-Forum – Issue 1982 / 21 Cover Image
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KONTINENT / КОНТИНЕНТ – Ost-West-Forum – Ausgabe 1982 / 21
КОНТИНЕНТ / CONTINENT East-West-Forum – Issue 1982 / 21

Author(s): Nikolaj N. Alekseev, Larisa I. Bogoraz, Vladimir Bukovskij, Avîgdôr Dāgān, Andrzej Drawicz, Jurij Galʹperin, Georgij Iwanow, Stefan Kisielewski, Leszek Kołakowski, Józef Kuśmierek, Ėduard Kuznecov, Edward Lipiński, Otto Luchterhandt, Anatolij Tichonovič Marčenko, Rodolfo Quadrelli, Varlam Tichonovič Šalamov, Aleksander Smolar, Michail Wolodarskij
Subject(s): Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Civil Society
Published by: CEEOL Collections / Digital Reproductions
Summary/Abstract: Eduard Kuznetsov, Wladimir Bukowski, Otto Luchterhandt - On the status of the Soviet political prisoner // Rodolfo Quadrelli - Italy in the face of nihilism // Michail Wolodarskij - On the prehistory of Soviet-Afghan relations // Andrzej Drawicz - How Mikhail Bulgakov went to hell // Georgiy Ivanov - Poetry. Introduced and translated by Kay Borowsky // Warlam Shalamov - The Nameless Cat // Avigdor Dagan - The Shofar Blower // Jurij Galperin - Taranuchin's Bobik // Larissa Bogoras - Camp Mothers and Minors // The Trial of Anatolij Martschenko // Nikołaj Alexejew - Comments by one Workers // Memorandum of the Democratic National Front of the USSR // Voices from the Soviet Union on "Solidarity" // Polish intellectuals for Sakharov // Declaration by the Committee for Social Self-Defense "KOR" // Edward Lipiński - For an independent Poland // Stefan Kisielewski - After the dissolution of »KOR« // Józef Kuśmierek - On the possibility and impossibility of a Polish-Russian dialogue // After the imposition of martial law. Appeals of "Solidarity" // Leszek Kolakowski / Aleksander Smolar - Letter to the members of the Presidium of the Socialist International

  • Print-ISBN-10: 3-548-38033-6
  • Page Count: 184
  • Publication Year: 1982
  • Language: German
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