КОНТИНЕНТ / CONTINENT East-West-Forum – Issue 1974 / 01 Cover Image
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KONTINENT / КОНТИНЕНТ – Ost-West-Forum – Ausgabe 1974 / 01
КОНТИНЕНТ / CONTINENT East-West-Forum – Issue 1974 / 01

Author(s): Aleksandr Solženicyn, Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov, Eugène Ionesco, Vladimir N Kornilov, Joseph Brodsky, Igor Golomstock, Alexander Piatigorsky, Carl Gustav Ströhm, Luděk Pachman, Ota Filip, József Mindszenty
Subject(s): Literary Texts, Civil Society, History of Communism
Published by: CEEOL Collections / Digital Reproductions
Summary/Abstract: Editorial - Our Task // Alexander Solzhenitsyn - Foreword to the first edition // Andrei Sakharov - Foreword // Eugene Ionesco - Letter to the editor // Vladimir Kornilov - Without arms, without legs [novel]. First part // Yossif Brodskij - Three poems: In the Lake District - The end of the beautiful epoch - On the death of Zhukov // Alexander Solzhenitsyn - »Dialectical materialism - the progressive worldview« A withheld chapter from »The first circle of hell« // Igor Golomschtock - Paradoxes at the exhibition in Grenoble // Alexander Piatigorsky - Notes on the metaphysical situation in today's Russia // Carl-Gustav Ströhm - Meeting with Milovan Djilas // Ludek Pachman - A new »Prague Spring« - question and task / / Ota Filip - Between Ghetto and Emigration // József Cardinal Mindszenty - Farewell to Hungary and impeachment // Editing of the magazine »Kultura« - How we understand Solzhenitsyn's »Letter to the Soviet leadership« // Sinaida Schachowskaja - Commonality of hope and danger

  • Page Count: 260
  • Publication Year: 1974
  • Language: German
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