За полчаса до весны. Доклад о неравенстве и дискриминации в Беларуси
Half an Hour before Spring. Report on Inequality and Discrimination in Belarus
Author(s): Author Not Specified
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Sociology, Social Norms / Social Control
Published by: Belarusian Helsinki Committee
Keywords: Discrimination; EquaL Rights;
Summary/Abstract: The purpose of this report is to identify the main areas, forms and causes of inequality and discrimination in modern Belarusian society through an analysis of legislation, administrative and judicial practice, as well as to formulate appropriate recommendations for the Belarusian authorities. The report consists of four chapters. The first of them covers the conceptual basis of the report and the methodology of its writing, provides basic facts about Belarus. The second chapter examines the situation of various vulnerable groups through the prism of equality and non-discrimination: religious, ethnic and linguistic, and focuses on groups whose problems of inequality are largely due to traditionalist attitudes in Belarusian society (women, people with disabilities and people living with HIV). as well as representatives of the LGBT community). A special group includes people who hold opposition views and beliefs. The third chapter of the report provides an overview of the international legal obligations of the Republic of Belarus in the field of equality and non-discrimination at the UN, OSCE and CIS levels, considers the features of the Belarusian national legislation and state policy, and also case law on this topic. (Published by Helsinki Committee in cooperationb with Association of Equal Rights)
Series: Belarus Helsinki Comm. on Discrimination
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-0-9560717-9-8
- Page Count: 327
- Publication Year: 2013
- Language: Belarussian