The Legal Situation of Macedonians in Yugoslavia Cover Image
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La Situation Juridique des Macédoniens en Yougoslavie
The Legal Situation of Macedonians in Yugoslavia

Author(s): Karl Strupp
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Recent History (1900 till today), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), Inter-Ethnic Relations
Published by: CEEOL Collections / Digital Reproductions
Keywords: Yugoslav Federation;
Summary/Abstract: Published in 1929 by LES PRESSES UNIVERSITAIRES DE FRANCE (Fontenay-aux-Roses). // Author’s resumé : Be that as it may: From all of the above, it emerges in my personal opinion, after studying a whole literature that I have examined, that the nationals of Yugoslavia, from Macedonia which became Serbian- Croatian-Slovenian, constitute, within the meaning of the Minority Treaty of September 19, 1919, an ethnic minority. They are distinguished, from an objective point of view, first of all by their history, which, often common, never materialized in the sense of a more intense feeling, and never constituted a simple relation between victors and vanquished, that precisely the situation of the Macedonians fugitives in Bulgaria is the same as that of the partisans of the O.R.I.M., in Yugoslavia. These nationals differ by language. The latest scientific research, by M. Weigand (183) (perhaps the current best connoisseur of Macedonia), and others as well, have given convincing proof of this. From their investigations it emerges that, while the Serbs know neither the article nor the variation, it is the Macedonians who, like the Bulgarians, make extensive use of it. If on the other hand, famous Serbian scholars, for example the geographer M. Cvijic, wanted to incorporate the Macedonians in Serbia, it is because they celebrate, like these, "Slava". But we must not lose sight of the fact that many peoples have accepted the custom of the Christmas tree, without anyone concluding that they are of Germanic nationality.

  • Page Count: 140
  • Publication Year: 1929
  • Language: French
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