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Le Régime Serbe et la Lutte Révolutionnaire en Macédoine
The Serbian Régime and the revolutionary Fight in Macedonia

Author(s): Kiril G. Părličev
Subject(s): History, Recent History (1900 till today), Special Historiographies:, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Period(s) of Nation Building, Between Berlin Congress and WW I
Published by: CEEOL Collections / Digital Reproductions
Summary/Abstract: Published in 1917 by Pascalew Publisher in Sofia in the series „Bibliothèque des "Questions balkaniques", printed by the Royal Printing Press. // The author: A large number of scholars, travelers, geographers, ethnographers, historians and European publicists from both opposing camps have spoken out, during the last century and before the Balkan wars, on the ethnographic character of Macedonia. Almost all come to the conclusion that Macedonia is a country inhabited mainly by Bulgarians (in addition to Turks and Jews). The Ottoman Imperial Firman which sanctioned the restoration of the Bulgarian National Church, as well as international solemn acts, such as the Conference of Ambassadors in Constantinople, the Treaty of San Stefano and that of Berlin - confirmed this great truth. // Without dwelling on this question, we had to note this fact incidentally by exposing the factual situation, as it was under the Serbian regime and during the revolutionary struggle of the population in Macedonia during the period which embraces the end of the year 1912, when the Serbs had occupied the country, until the end of 1915, when the latter, having lost their former territory, had even had to abandon Macedonia. // Indeed, what did Macedonia represent when the Serbs, albeit for a period of three years, were the masters in this country?

  • Page Count: 233
  • Publication Year: 1917
  • Language: French
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