Germany and the powers before the war in official writings of Prince Bernhard von Buelow. Vol I Cover Image
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Deutschland und die Mächte vor dem Krieg. In offiziellen Schriften des Prinzen Bernhard von Bülow. Vol I
Germany and the powers before the war in official writings of Prince Bernhard von Buelow. Vol I

Author(s): Author Not Specified
Subject(s): History, Diplomatic history, Political history, Recent History (1900 till today), Present Times (2010 - today)
Published by: CEEOL Collections / Digital Reproductions
Summary/Abstract: "Germany and the powers before the war in official writings of Prince Bernhard von Bülow" was published in 1929 "without his participation" by an "unnamed" (quote). Today's readers are well aware that confidential documents from politics and diplomacy are published without permission. Since this volume is an digitized remake of the 1929 edition, one does not learn much about the further history of the book, or only in the margin in the blurb: "Even if Bülow was expressly against the publication of these letters, they made big waves after publication (...) ". Bülow also died in 1929. One difference to today's secret documents on the Internet is certainly the time lag to the events: these documents date from the years 1903 to 1905, i.e. more than 20 years of buffer until publication --- and the emperor of that time was no longer in power. At the time of these documents, Bülow was Chancellor of the Reich. In addition to communication with numerous ambassadors (Madrid, Paris, London, St. Petersburg etc. etc.), this volume also contains parts of Bülow's correspondence with the emperor. In the age of imperialism and secret diplomacy, Bernhard von Bülow was one of the most powerful politicians. Bülow's top-secret correspondence with the quick-tempered Kaiser Wilhelm II gives an unadulterated insight into the innermost power structures of the German Empire. Based on the numerous letters to German ambassadors abroad, the targeted influence on the foreign powers can also be understood. Even if Bülow was expressly against the publication of these letters, they made waves after their publication and, as an original source, they are still of fundamental importance for today's research.

  • Page Count: 522
  • Publication Year: 1929
  • Language: German
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