The great Four at Work. Contributions to the History of the Peace Conference Cover Image
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Die großen Vier am Werk. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Friedenskonferenz
The great Four at Work. Contributions to the History of the Peace Conference

Author(s): Margarete Rothbarth
Subject(s): History, Diplomatic history, Political history, Recent History (1900 till today), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939)
Published by: CEEOL Collections / Digital Reproductions
Keywords: Versailles Peace Conferences; League of Nations; Clemençeau; Wilson; Balfour; Robert Cecil; Braţianu; Lloyd Georges;
Summary/Abstract: Published in 1921 by DEUTSCHE VERLAGSGESELLSCHAFT FÜR POLITIK UND GESCHICHTE, BERLIN // The author has been fellow employee of the League of Nations. // From her introduction: „To write a history of the peace conference today (=1921) would not only be presumptuous, but an impossibility. On the other hand, posting material that contributes to their knowledge is a duty. That is the consideration that prompted this work. The minutes of the Paris meeting are not yet available. Despite Wilson's "Open covenants openly arrived at"; despite Lloyd George's promises in Parliament. But some “who were there” have already given their testimony. Appointed and uncalled. These publications, all of which have appeared in foreign languages, are the sources for this publication. This book is not written out of party attitudes. Some may derive the justification for a war of revenge from this. But whoever draws this conclusion does not understand the doctrine which it loudly and irrefutably preaches. In proving the inability of the old ideology and diplomacy to bring peace to the world, it is a powerful reminder to get serious about the new attitude.”

  • Page Count: 134
  • Publication Year: 1921
  • Language: German
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