Probleme de politică agrară. Puncte de vedere
Agricultural Policy Issues. Points of view

Contributor(s): Gabriel Popescu (Editor), Nicolae Istudor (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Geography, Regional studies
Published by: EDITURA ASE
Keywords: economy; agrarian policy; land market; property relations; agricultural association and cooperation; rural economy; rural development; land consolidation; Romanian agricultural economics; agricultural cooperatives; cooperative structure
Summary/Abstract: The volume "Agricultural Policy Issues. Points of view" brings together the opinions of specialists in the field, that reflects the current situation and the stage of evolution of the romanian agricultural sector, as well as the problems encountered in achieving and implementing the economic and productive legal framework of great interest for agriculture and its modernization. This book is a broad scientific event, which treats responsibly the defining segments of the economy and agricultural policy, with emphasis on issues related to the architecture of ownership and exploitation structures, property relations, involvement of the agricultural sector in association actions and cooperation under the influence of new modernization and development strategies subject to the area of scientific debate of the academic and university personalities present at the event. The present research focuses on the perimeter of economics and agricultural policy, addressing important strategy points, which capitalize on the scientific knowledge of specialists and decision-making bodies that forms the pyramid of romanian society, whose opinion completes a set of synergistic actions for efficiency and development of agriculture in Romania. The indisputable value of the scientific materials included in the volume can be recognized by the very essence of the debate – the involvement of the act of knowledge in finding solutions and opportunities for solving problems that affect the natural economic course of agriculture.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-606-34-0270-8
  • Page Count: 267
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: Romanian
Probleme de politică agrară. Puncte de vedere (Full eBook)

Probleme de politică agrară. Puncte de vedere (Full eBook)
(Agricultural Policy Issues. Points of view (Full eBook))

Piaţa pământului. Relaţiile de proprietate din agricultură

Piaţa pământului. Relaţiile de proprietate din agricultură
(The land market. Property relations in agriculture)

Comasarea terenurilor

Comasarea terenurilor
(Land consolidation)

Asocierea și cooperarea în agricultură

Asocierea și cooperarea în agricultură
(Association and cooperation in agriculture. Cooperation)

Gospodăria ţărănească în economia rurală

Gospodăria ţărănească în economia rurală
(The peasant household in the rural economy)

Cercetarea agricolă – prezent și perspective

Cercetarea agricolă – prezent și perspective
(Agricultural research – present and perspectives)

Priorităţi strategice de politică agrară

Priorităţi strategice de politică agrară
(Strategic priorities of agricultural policy)

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