Virgil Madgearu: profesorul, omul cetăţii, doctrinarul
Virgil Madgearu: the teacher, the man of the city, the doctrinaire
Contributor(s): Dumitru Miron (Editor), Mihai Korka (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Adult Education, Higher Education
Published by: EDITURA ASE
Keywords: Romanian higher education history; higher commercial and industrial studies; new disciplines in the curriculum; doctoral seminar; interdisciplinary research; civic activism; schools of economic thought; peasant doctrine and peasant party in Romania
Summary/Abstract: This volume is a collective work dedicated to the memory of Virgil Madgearu (1887-1940) a preeminent professor of the Academy of Higher Commercial and Industrial Studies, the innitial name of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. Each chapter of the book reveals defining elements of Madgearu’s life and work, his beliefs, viewpoints and active involvement in the academic and institutional development of the university (1917-1940), in the interdisciplinary research of the economy and society, in shaping the Romanian peasant doctrine and promoting Europe wide the interests of agrarian countries, in assuming political responsibilities as parlamentarian or as member of various interwar governments. As a respected professor and a leading politician he vigorously rejected the presence and influence of extreme right movements in the society and that valiant attitude was at the origin of his assassination in November 1940.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-606-34-0354-5
- Page Count: 155
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: Romanian
Virgil Madgearu: profesorul, omul cetăţii, doctrinarul (Full eBook)
Virgil Madgearu: profesorul, omul cetăţii, doctrinarul (Full eBook)
(Virgil Madgearu: the teacher, the man of the city, the doctrinaire (Full eBook))
- Contributor(s):Dumitru Miron (Editor), Mihai Korka (Editor)
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Adult Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:1-155
- No. of Pages:155
- Publication Year:2020
- Keywords:Romanian higher education history; higher commercial and industrial studies; new disciplines in the curriculum; doctoral seminar; interdisciplinary research; civic activism; schools of economic though
- Summary/Abstract:This volume is a collective work dedicated to the memory of Virgil Madgearu (1887-1940) a preeminent professor of the Academy of Higher Commercial and Industrial Studies, the innitial name of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. Each chapter of the book reveals defining elements of Madgearu’s life and work, his beliefs, viewpoints and active involvement in the academic and institutional development of the university (1917-1940), in the interdisciplinary research of the economy and society, in shaping the Romanian peasant doctrine and promoting Europe wide the interests of agrarian countries, in assuming political responsibilities as parlamentarian or as member of various interwar governments. As a respected professor and a leading politician he vigorously rejected the presence and influence of extreme right movements in the society and that valiant attitude was at the origin of his assassination in November 1940.
Introducere Virgil Madgearu – dascălul, creatorul de școală de gândire economică modernă, omul cetății
Virgil Madgearu – dascălul, creatorul de școală de gândire economică modernă, omul cetății
Virgil Madgearu – the teacher, the creator of the school of modern economic thought, the man of the fortress)
- Author(s):Dumitru Miron
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:13-34
- No. of Pages:22
Capitolul 1 Virgil Madgearu: Universitar, Om politic, Spirit european
Capitolul 1
Virgil Madgearu: Universitar, Om politic, Spirit european
(Chapter 1
Virgil Madgearu: University, Politician, European Spirit)
- Author(s):Mihail Oprițescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:35-58
- No. of Pages:24
Capitorul 2 Virgil Madgearu – model de excelență universitară pentru contemporani și urmași
Capitorul 2
Virgil Madgearu – model de excelență universitară pentru contemporani și urmași
(Chapter 2
Virgil Madgearu – model of university excellence for contemporaries and descendants)
- Author(s):Mihai Korka
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:59-74
- No. of Pages:16
Capitolul 3 Aspecte semnificative ale doctrinei economice promovate de Virgil Madgearu
Capitolul 3
Aspecte semnificative ale doctrinei economice promovate de Virgil Madgearu
(Chapter 3
Significant aspects of the economic doctrine promoted by Virgil Madgearu)
- Author(s):George-Laurențiu Șerban-Oprescu, Liana Badea, Grigore Ioan Piroșcă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:75-101
- No. of Pages:27
Capitolul 4 Virgil Madgearu între istoricism, marxism și liberalism clasic
Capitolul 4
Virgil Madgearu între istoricism, marxism și liberalism clasic
(Chapter 4
Virgil Madgearu between historicism, Marxism and classical liberalism)
- Author(s):Andreas Stamate-Ştefan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:102-124
- No. of Pages:23
Capitolul 5 Virgil Madgearu – omul politic
Capitolul 5
Virgil Madgearu – omul politic
(Chapter 5
Virgil Madgearu – the politician)
- Author(s):Ion Vorovenci
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:125-150
- No. of Pages:26
Încheiere Actualitatea concepţiei economice a profesorului Virgil Madgearu
Actualitatea concepţiei economice a profesorului Virgil Madgearu
Actualitatea concepţiei economice a profesorului Virgil Madgearu)
- Author(s):Sorin Dimitriu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:151-155
- No. of Pages:5