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Światopogląd scjentystyczny – korelaty i uwarunkowania
The Scientistic Worldview. Correlates and Conditions

Author(s): Łukasz Jach
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Psychology
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: Scientistic Worldview
Summary/Abstract: The monograph presents the results of nineteen different studies on the psychological conditions and correlates of contemporary scientistic worldview (scientotheism). This worldview can be characterized by the tendency to justify one’s own beliefs and actions with scientific facts and living according to the theories posed by scientists, connected with the belief that the scientific language is the most perfect and valuable way of articulating the world and the phenomena that exist in it.This monograph has been divided into two parts. The first part, titled, “Connections and Predictors of the Scientific Worldview” comprises four chapters. Chapter one is devoted to the analysis of the connections between scientotheism and personality traits, as well as such aspects of the human existence as the need for cognitive closure, need for cognition, maximalist tendencies and cognitive reflexivity. Chapter two contains information relating to the relationship between the discussed worldview and the image of God, temporal orientations and the convictions regarding human traits and characteristics. Chapter three discusses the connections between the scientistic worldview and the spheres of values and life aspirations, while chapter four presents the connections between scientism and psychological mercantilism, causative and collective orientations, as well as the belief in the fact that life is, in fact, a sum zero game.The second part of the book is entitled “Consequences of the Scientistic Worldview” and consists of five chapters. Chapter five discusses the links between scientotheism and the attitudes towards health and vaccination. Chapter six presents the connections between the discussed worldview and the attitudes towards bioethical norms. Chapter seven focuses on the relationship between the scientistic worldview and aesthetic preferences, while chapter eight contains information regarding the potential role of scientotheism in the process of constructing one’s self-esteem on the basis of issues connected with science. Chapter nine presents the research findings on the connections between the scientistic worldview and the methods of evaluating information of various levels of credibility.The monograph presents a continuation of the issues touched upon by the author in his previous book, titled Science as the Object of Cult. Introduction to Scientotheism (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2015). It is addresses to people interested in the meaning of science in the contemporary world, academics who study contemporary social and cultural trends, as well as people who study the relationship between science and its wider perception.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3782-1
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3781-4
  • Page Count: 238
  • Publication Year: 2020
  • Language: Polish
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