Икономическият аспект на оценката на въздействието като елемент от участието на България в управленския процес на Европейския съюз
The Economic Aspect of Impact Assessment as an Element of the Participation of Bulgaria in the EU Governance
Author(s): Svetla Boneva, Dimitar Hadjinikolov, Paskal Zhelev, Stefan Petrov
Contributor(s): Rumen Brusarski (Editor), Georgi Marinov Georgiev (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Governance, Economic policy, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Public Finances, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting, EU-Legislation
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Bulgaria; EU; Impact Assessment; Impact Assessment Tool; Governance; EU Governance
Summary/Abstract: The purpose of this monograph is to present and analyse as completely as possible and with great level of detail the impact assessment tool and to examine its application in the European Union, including in Bulgaria. To achieve the aforementioned goals, the following research tasks have been completed: 1) An overview of the contemporary foreign and Bulgarian specialized economic literature in the impact assessment field has been conducted; 2) The main theoretical concepts of the impact assessment tool are reviewed and presented in their nature, objectives, scope, impact types and main principles for impact assessment application; 3) The main steps in an impact assessment preparation process are outlined; 4) A SWOT analysis is conducted on the main methods utilized in the impact assessment preparation; 5) The role of the various European institutions related to the impact assessment is analysed – European Commission, European Parliament, Council of the EU; 6) An indicative impact assessment of an EU legal act which will be transposed in Bulgaria has been prepared; 7) Constatations are outlined as well as conclusions and recommendations are formulated about the opportunities to improve the practices of impact assessment implementation in Bulgaria.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-954-644-587-2
- Page Count: 252
- Publication Year: 2014
- Language: Bulgarian