Stan badań nad wielokulturowym dziedzictwem dawnej Rzeczypospolitej
The state of research on the multicultural heritage of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Volume 7
Contributor(s): Wojciech Walczak (Editor), Karol Łopatecki (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Cultural history, Social history
Published by: Instytut Badań nad Dziedzictwem Kulturowym Europy
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-64103-16-2
- Page Count: 548
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: English, Polish, Belarussian
(Joint and Separate History. Relations Between Poles,
Lithuanians, Belarusians and Ukrainians Throughout
the Ages (15th–20th Centuries))
- Author(s):Maria Barbara Topolska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:17-30
- No. of Pages:13
- Summary/Abstract:The author of he book (Toruń 2015), whose opinions are still unpopularamong historians, proposes a more open approach to the disputable problemsof historiography of Poland, Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine. She supplementsher 40-year research with most recent literature, including works translatedinto Polish by 2014. Thus, she expects some changes in school and universitycurricula and in media messages concerning the closeness and strangeness ofthese nations. After all, the efforts in implanting Western civilization trendswere made together since the 15th century, and the trends became so commonin schools, education, literature, publishing, religion (both Catholic and GreekChurches), architecture and arts that from the beginning of the 17th centurythey even had a strong influence on the area of Russia, which used to havea different culture. The peak of the influence was in the 19th century, especiallyduring the partitions. Modern Polish-language education and literature wasdeveloped in Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine (1803–1831). Well educated Polishand Polonized specialists living in Russia and all the continents played a veryimportant role in many areas.The tragedies of wars, border changes, emigrant and refugee flows in the20th century politicized the message of joint (until 1795) and separate (19th–21st c.) history. This has led to expressions of hostility and the development ofstereotypes among people and within the newly established states – heirs ofthe multicultural Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. They still thrive today,in the face of another threat to the states from Russia with its ambitions to becomea world superpower.
(The first Jesuits in Malbork as the Representatives of the Multi-ethnic Community of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth)
- Author(s):Rafał Panfil
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:31-84
- No. of Pages:53
- Summary/Abstract:Jesuits worked at the seat in Malbork in the years 1618–1780. In 1652, kingJohn Casimir granted them a St. Mary’s Castle Church, which – according tothe Malbork Jesuits Chronicle – they finally held since 1666 at the consent ofthe Bishop of Chełmno and the Vice-Chancellor Andrzej Olszewski. Since then,there was a period of stabilization connected with Jesuits settling for good insidethe Malbork stronghold and more than a century of almost undisturbeddevelopment of the seat. The aim of the article is to analyze fragments of biographiesof some Malbork Jesuits from the initial period of functioning of theorder’s mission (1618–1666), to determine their cultural and ethnic diversity,to identify their places of origin and their activity before and after the stay inMalbork, as well as connections with the regions and circles they originatedfrom and worked in. The two main regions where the Jesuits working in theMalbork residence came from were the Royal Prussia and Greater Poland, aswell as south-eastern provinces of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, i.e.,Lesser Poland and Ruthenia. People from Prussia and Greater Poland knewbetter the local reality, and apart from the Polish Language, they also spokeGerman. Some of them even came from German families. Jesuits from thesouth had extensive experience in the missionary work, in some cases acquiredat the south-east Borderlands in extreme conditions, which definitely helpedthem as they got to the Royal Prussia. They served as Polish preachers in theMalbork residence, whereas Prussians and Germans, as German preachers.Thus, the Malbork Jesuits were a multicultural and multi-ethnic mixture ofnative residents of the Royal Prussia, Greater Poland, Lesser Poland, Ruthenia,and Mazovia.
(Geographical Provenance and Linguistic Competence
of Jesuits of the Lithuanian Province. Contribution
to Research on the Multicultural Character
of the Commonwealth in the 17th and 18th Centuries)
- Author(s):Andrea Mariani
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:85-112
- No. of Pages:27
Ustawienie walczących stron względem rzeki w bitwie pod Kircholmem w 1605 r.
Ustawienie walczących stron względem rzeki w bitwie pod Kircholmem w 1605 r.
(Positions of the Fighting Troops with Regard to the River
during the Battle of Kirchholm in 1605)
- Author(s):Mariusz Balcerek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:113-150
- No. of Pages:37
- Summary/Abstract:The text is an attempt to answer the question of positions of the troops ofthe Swedish king Charles IX and the Hetman of Lithuania Jan Karol Chodkiewiczin the Battle of Kirchholm with regard to the Daugava river. The analysisrefers to the fighting area, the march of Swedes, positions of both camps, theplace of crossing of the army of the Duke of Courland and Semigallia, Friedrich,and the course of the battle. This allowed to draw some conclusions.First, the Daugava river does not flow straight from the east to the westnear Kirchholm, but it changes its course. Just before the town it turns towardthe north west, and after Kirchholm it again flows straight to the west. Onthe map we can see the river curved towards the south. The neighborhood ofKirchholm and the battlefield are in the western part of the curve.Second, the Swedes were marching from Riga towards Kirchholm alongthe Daugava river. In the morning, they faced Kirchholm from the west, andlater entered the town. The center of Kirchholm was located on a hill, so thearmy of Charles IX occupied the hill. It is important that they had the Daugavariver on their right all the time, and were facing the east.Third, the army of Jan Karol Chodkiewicz set the camp by the river, eastof Kirchholm. The Hetman arranged his army so that its left wing was adjacentto the camp and faced the west.Fourth, the march of the Swedish troops along the Daugava river preventedthe troops of Friedrich, the Duke of Courland and Semigallia, from crossing itwest of Kirchholm. As a result, they had to cross the river east of Kirchholm,between the enemy armies.Fifth, as the Swedes left their original positions on the hill, they moved awayfrom the river, which changes its course there, curving towards north-west.Consequently, the army of Charles IX lost their protection of the river on theright flank, of which its enemies took advantage during the battle.
„Szwedzkie napoje” czyli rzecz o wysadzeniu zamku w Sandomierzu w świetle grafiki Gesta ad Sandomiriam Erika Dahlbergha
„Szwedzkie napoje” czyli rzecz o wysadzeniu zamku w Sandomierzu w świetle grafiki Gesta ad Sandomiriam Erika Dahlbergha
(“Swedish Beverages”, or the Blowing up
of the Castle in Sandomierz in the Light
of the Print Gesta ad Sandomiriam by Erik Dahlbergh)
- Author(s):Karol Łopatecki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:151-180
- No. of Pages:29
- Summary/Abstract:When presenting war, modern artists mostly depicted battles, sieges, orpolitically significant events (such as signing the peace treaty, surrender, etc.).However, we have one print from the time of Swedish Deluge that presentsa different image. It is the work by Erik Dahlbergh titled Gesta ad Sandomiriam,whose author depicted a successful trick of Swedish soldiers in Sandomierz.The troops retreating from the castle used gunpowder to blow it up, killingseveral hundred Polish soldiers. The work was included in a book by SamuelPufendorf on the achievements of Charles X Gustav, first published in 1696.The analysis of the print shows that the author presented the events nearSandomierz simultaneously. First, he placed on one plane the failed offensiveof Lubomirski’s and Czarniecki’s army and the retreat of the Swedish army onApril, 3. An interesting detail is the body of Mårten Törnsköld shown threetimes, at different stages of performing the task. Besides, the letters includedby Dahlbergh, from “A” to “F”, represent the chronology of events. So the workdoes not show just one event, but it unfolds the dynamics of military activitiesfrom the beginning of April 1656. The main points of the setting are themilitary staff sending troops on punts and the explosion of the castle – theyindicate the beginning and end of the presented events.The print was prepared on the basis of iconographic sources, but of fundamentalimportance was the diary by the general quartermaster of the Swedisharmy, Johan Gorries von Gorgas kept by Dahlbergh, presenting events fromFebruary, 29, to April, 15. The events it describes are thoroughly presented inthe print.
(Brest-Litovsk in May 1657:
Swedish Efforts and Transylvanian Despair)
- Author(s):Anatolij Nikitczik
- Language:Belarussian
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:181-216
- No. of Pages:35
- Summary/Abstract:The history of Brest-Litovsk is inseparably connected with the SecondNorthern War (1655–1660). Then, the town and the castle became a strategicfortification. As a result, it was occupied by the Swedish-Transylvanian armyin 1657.Epistolographic sources created by the main participants of military actionsin May 1657 include a lot of information that is important for researchersstudying the history and architecture of Brest-Litovsk. The most outstandingof the documents is the letter from prince George II Rákóczi to Swedish kingCharles X Gustav, written on May 20, 1657. That source includes a detailed descriptionof the Brest fortress and defence capabilities. Swedish military engineerErik Jönsson Dahlbergh took part in the work on fortifying Brest-Litovsk.The full use of information included in the letter is possible thanks to the preservedcartographic documentation from the mid. 17th century.The prince’s letter contains three sections devoted to different subjects.The first includes current political information connected with the activities ofSwedish-Transylvanian-Cossack coalition. The second part is a list of cannons,ammunition and powder stored in the Brest castle. The third section, titled “Inmunienda Brestia considerationes sunt hac”, presents some recommendationsconnected with the improvement of the fortification and the town. The articleincludes a detailed analysis of Rákóczi’s letter using the plans and panoramasof the town prepared then.
"Sunt mihi quae valeant in talea pondera". Opanowanie wschodnich nadbałtyckich prowincji szwedzkich przez armię rosyjską w 1710 r.
"Sunt mihi quae valeant in talea pondera". Opanowanie wschodnich nadbałtyckich prowincji szwedzkich przez armię rosyjską w 1710 r.
(Sunt mihi quae valeant in talea pondera. How the Russian
Army Conquered East Baltic Provinces of Sweden in 1710)
- Author(s):Paweł Krokosz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:217-276
- No. of Pages:59
The Dominican friars in Polish Livonia and the Duchy of Courland: between history and the Black legend
The Dominican friars in Polish Livonia and the Duchy of Courland: between history and the Black legend
(The Dominican friars in Polish Livonia and the Duchy
of Courland: between history and the Black legend)
- Author(s):Reinis Norkārkls
- Language:English
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:277-294
- No. of Pages:17
- Summary/Abstract:Dominican missionaries of the Lithuanian province came to Polish Livoniaat the end of the 17th century. By 1772 there were Dominican convents in Pasieneand Aglona, as well as a vicariate in Rušona, from which the friars regularlyvisited a number of chapels in the close vicinity. Although their primary taskwas a missionary work, we found them serving parishes and assisting diocesanpriests in their pastoral duties further away from their main centres even in theneighbouring Duchy of Courland. At the time of the First Partition, there werealtogether 34 friars (in comparison to 24 Jesuits) working in Polish Livonia,which made up about one third of the Catholic clergy in this area. They alsoplayed a significant part in the local religious life by maintaining two Mariansanctuaries and organizing so called popular missions.The Dominicans of the northern borderlands of the Polish-LithuanianCommonwealth so far have merited very limited scholarly attention. Only fewprimary sources concerning their presence in Polish Livonia have survived andfor quite a long time, information about it has been drawn from several outdatedpublications of a secondary nature. Moreover, until very recently Latvianhistoriography had been dominated by “the Black legend” that described theDominicans as Polonizers, who were hostile to the Latvian language and culture.The author of this “legend” was a journalist Francis Kemps (1876–1952).He didn’t base his theory on archival studies, but deduced it from his ownamateur speculations about the origin of the Belarusian minority in Latgale.According to him, in the former Polish Livonia there were almost no genuineBelarusians at all and those, whom people called Belarusians, were actuallyhalf-Polonized Latvians. Since in Kemps’s time one of the highest concentrationsof Belarusians living among Latvians was in Pasiene, which had beenserved by Dominicans for around 150 years, exactly the Dominicans, accordingto Kemps, were the ones to blame for transforming Latvians into Belarusiansby the means of Polonization. In the light of recent research, it is, however,clear that contrary to Kemps’s views Pasiene had a predominantly East Slavicpopulation even before the arrival of the friars. Apart from that, some latelydiscovered sources suggest that among Dominicans the command of Latvianlanguage was considered to be a valuable asset.
Uwagi do tajemniczej biografii Idziego Józefa Hylzena († 1800)
Uwagi do tajemniczej biografii Idziego Józefa Hylzena († 1800)
(Notes to the mysterious biography
of Idzi Józef Hylzen († 1800))
- Author(s):Paweł Jeziorski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:295-334
- No. of Pages:39
(The Cossack Army During the Reign of Sigismund III Vasa
in Polish Historiography After 1945)
- Author(s):Mariusz Robert Drozdowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:335-356
- No. of Pages:21
Sieć cerkiewna na terenie klucza poleskiego ekonomii brzeskiej w XVI–XVIII
Sieć cerkiewna na terenie klucza poleskiego ekonomii brzeskiej w XVI–XVIII
(The Church Network in the Polesie Demesne of Brest
Stewardship between the 16th and 18th Centuries)
- Author(s):Andrzej Buczyło
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:357-372
- No. of Pages:15
- Summary/Abstract:The article is an attempt to reconstruct the network of churches withinthe Polesie demesne of Brest stewardship between the 16th c. and the end ofthe 18th c. There were a total of 18 parish centers in the discussed area. Initially,they were Orthodox churches. Starting from the 1st half of the 17th century,they transformed into Uniate ones. The church network had developed to thefull by the 1670s. In the 18th c., only one chapel of ease was built, and anotherone, functioning at the Ruda royal court, was discontinued.In the beginning, nearly all the churches of the Polesie area probably belongedto the protopopy (later deanery) of Polesie. Only 4 churches were different:Oziaty, between 1726 and 1729 reassigned to the deanery of Kobryn, aswell as Radzież, Ołtusz and Orzechowo, which in the 18th century belongedto the deanery of Włodawa. Some records suggest that originally those threecould also have been part of the protopopy/deanery of Polesie.The analysis of the layout of the parish network in the area clearly showsthe huge impact of geography. Numerous boggy and hardly manageable areaswere the reason why one-village parishes were predominant in the Polesie demesne,which was more typical of southern Uniate dioceses than of the areaof the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (where the model of parish covering severalvillages was more popular).
Hierarchowie Cerkwi unickiej w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów – stan badań i postulaty badawcze
Hierarchowie Cerkwi unickiej w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów – stan badań i postulaty badawcze
(Hierarchs of the Uniate Church in the Polish-Lithuanian
Commonwealth: the State of Research and Research Proposals)
- Author(s):Dorota WEREDA
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:373-388
- No. of Pages:15
- Summary/Abstract:The Uniate Church is an important part of the cultural heritage of multiculturalCommonwealth. Its history is intertwined with the social, political andreligious history of Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, and Lithuania. Bishops playedthe key role in the functioning of the Uniate Church. Knowledge on this socialgroup, which significantly affected the attitudes of nearly four-million communityliving in the eastern regions of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth,may contribute to a better understanding of historical processes occurring inCentral and Eastern European countries, as well as fuller and more accurateunderstanding of the “cross-cultural situation” in the region from historical andcontemporary perspectives. On account of their rights, bishops had especiallyresponsible tasks, and in their activity they had some prerogatives that enabledthem to considerably influence the transformations of Old Polish society bydetermining the course of social and cultural development.Because of the lack of a single center of activity of the Uniate Archdioceseof Kiev in the 17th and 18th centuries and the historical turmoil in the 19thand 20th centuries, archival records are very dispersed among libraries andarchives in towns such as Vilnius, Lviv, Kiev, Kharkiv, Petersburg, or Vienna.Communication with the Apostolic See produced a body of documentationkept in Vatican archives.Despite many works by Polish and Ukrainian scholars, further investigationof archive, library and museum materials in Poland and abroad is needed,involving source material that is poorly known so far. The study of hierarchs’written works and the texts that testify to their pastoral, social and culturalactivity may have interesting results.Collecting and analyzing iconographic materials, e.g., bishops’ portraits,could also be valuable for the study of many cultural aspects.
Poszukiwanie rodowodu Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów przez autora Skarbca rozmaitych sciencyi…
Poszukiwanie rodowodu Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów przez autora Skarbca rozmaitych sciencyi…
(Search for the Origin of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth by the Author of Skarbiec rozmaitych sciencyi…)
- Author(s):Joanna Orzeł
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:389-414
- No. of Pages:25
- Summary/Abstract:Skarbiec rozmaitych sciencyi, splendorami, z kilkuletniej pracy i staraniaI.I.S. dla własnych synów podjętego, zebranymi ubogacony, na sześć różnych częścidywidowany a oraz osobami poważnemi wielu allegowanych autorów przyozdobionyof 1759, kept at the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academyof Sciences in Vilnius, is a book by an unknown author, which can serve as anextensive compendium of information. The author only signed the book withinitials I.I.S., which makes his identification difficult.One of the sections of the work refers to the history of the Polish-LithuanianCommonwealth. The author’s goal was to describe real, not fictitioushistory of his homeland. The nobleman presented the earliest beginnings,starting with Noah and his three sons. He explained the common origin ofresidents of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from the tribe of Sarmatians,and characterized that people. Then, he described the rulers of the Kingdomof Poland, beginning with the mythical figure of Lech and ending withqueen Jadwiga. Before the reign of Władysław Jagiełło, he listed the rulers ofthe Grand Duchy of Lithuania beginning with the legendary Palemon. AfterJagiełło, he presented the next Jagiellonian rulers and elected kings, up to thecontemporary king August III.Despite using erudite narrative and drawing on works by serious historiographers,the author repeats the established myths.
(Forgotten Higher Schools of the Commonwealth: Kražiai –
the Athens of Samogitia, Kremenets – the Athens of Volhynia,
Podolínec – the Oxford of Spiš)
- Author(s):Jan Skłodowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:415-466
- No. of Pages:51
- Summary/Abstract:Universities in Kražiai (Samogitia), Kremenets (Volhynia), and Podolínec(Spiš) were located in the borderland inhabited by different nationalities (Polish,Lithuanian, Ruthenian, German, and Jewish) in the multinational andmulticultural Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. That situation implicatedthe inclusion of certain ideas in the civilization message. The most importantof them implicated the need to develop the civic attitude which we would nowgenerally call European. It was based on Christian values but it was not associatedwith a specific nation, because in those times, the nation made up of thecitizens of the Commonwealth was political, not ethnic. This sense implicatesanother, culture-forming (or even educational) one. It was a pioneering format,in many aspects still valid now, when Poland, Lithuania and Slovakia aremembers of the European Union, and Ukraine aspires to be one.
Niemiecka rodzina na Podlasiu – Dziedzictwo Artura Hasbacha (1864-1940)
Niemiecka rodzina na Podlasiu – Dziedzictwo Artura Hasbacha (1864-1940)
(A German Family in Podlasie: the Heritage of Artur Hasbach (1864–1940))
- Author(s):Janusz Danieluk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:467-492
- No. of Pages:25
- Summary/Abstract:The Hasbachs were a bourgeois German family from the North Rhine-Westphaliaregion. Artur Hasbach’s grandfather, Johann Wilhelm Hasbach, had beena local pastor. His father Ewald, in turn, focused his career on the textile industry.Initially, he worked at a cloth factory in Aachen. It was there that he meta factory owner from Choroszcz, August Moes, who offered him a managerialposition at his plant. In 1861, Ewald married Moes’ niece, Maria Körner. Arturwas born as their second child on July 6th, 1864, in Białystok. His two youngerbrothers were Erwin (1876) and Waldemar (1878). In 1864, Ewald establishedhis own textile enterprise in Białystok. A year later, he leased the northern partof the Dojlidy manorial estate from Aleksander Kruzensztern. In 1874, Hasbachextended the lease area and established a factory complex there, includinga weaving plant, a spinning mill, and a dyeworks. After he graduated froma weaving school in Elbeuf, France, Artur, became a co-manager of the Dojlidyfactory. In 1891, he purchased some land and the leased factory buildings fromZofia Rudygier, which he used for the needs of his factory. In 1890, he marriedJenny (Eugenia) Decker. They had many children: Maria (1891), Sergiusz(1892), Aleksander (1894), Elżbieta (1896), Dorota (1897), and Włodzimierz(1898). After the death of Ewald Hasbach in 1901, Artur took over the majority(2/3) of the shares in the Dojlidy factory and became its manager. In 1915, asa result of the war, Hasbach had to evacuate the factory movables deep intoRussia. Once he returned to (already independent) Poland, he engaged in plywoodmanufacture and founded a plywood company “Fabryka Dykt. ArturHasbach”. In 1933, as a result of the world economic crisis, the factory wentbankrupt, and all the movable property was taken over by the Directorate ofthe State Forests Białystok-Dojlidy. In 1927, Hasbach’s health began to fail (hehad a leucoma), so he moved to live at a forest manor “Stanek”. After he gotcompletely blind and liquidated the company, he withdrew from professionaland social life. In 1940, Artur was carried to Berlin by his daughter Maria, andhe died there the same year.
Edukacja artystyczna i zawodowa kobiet w Galicji od końca XIX w. do lat trzydziestych XX w. - dziewiarstwo
Edukacja artystyczna i zawodowa kobiet w Galicji od końca XIX w. do lat trzydziestych XX w. - dziewiarstwo
(Artistic and Professional Education for Women in Galicia
between the Late 19th Century and the 1930s: Knitting)
- Author(s):Olena Kozakevych
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:493-538
- No. of Pages:45
Kościół Prawosławny w PRL. Stan badań i problemy badawcze
Kościół Prawosławny w PRL. Stan badań i problemy badawcze
(The Orthodox Church in the Polish People’s Republic.
The State of Research and Research Problems)
- Author(s):Piotr Chomik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:539-548
- No. of Pages:9
- Summary/Abstract:In the 1980s, there was an increased interest in the history and broadlyunderstood culture of the Orthodox Church in Poland. Historians usually focusedon the period of 16th–18th centuries. Examples of that are works by TeresaChynczewska-Hennel and Marian Bendza concerning that period, publishedin the 1980s. In the same time, Mirosława Papierzyńska-Turek wrote publicationson the Orthodox Church in the Second Commonwealth.However, research works referring to Polish People’s Republic could onlybe published after the system transformation in 1989. Kazimierz Urban is consideredto be the precursor of research on the history of the Orthodox Churchin Polish People’s Republic. Works by A. Mironowicz and S. Dudra are alsoimportant for the discussed period.In order to thoroughly study the history of the Orthodox Church in PolishPeople’s Republic, archival research is necessary, with special consideration ofthe Archive of Newest Records (Archiwum Akt Nowych), Archive of the Instituteof National Remembrance, and selected regional archives.