4th International Scientific Conference SEC - IASR 2019
4th International Scientific Conference SEC - IASR 2019
Author(s): Simona Marin, Petronel Moisescu
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Psychology, Sociology, School education, Adult Education, Educational Psychology, Personality Psychology, Social development, Sociology of Culture, Sports Studies
ISSN: 2601-2529
Published by: Editura Lumen, Asociatia Lumen
Keywords: International Scientific Conference; Sports; Education; Culture; Interdisciplinary Approaches in Scientific Research;
Summary/Abstract: 4th International Scientific Conference "Sports, Education, Culture - Interdisciplinary Approaches in Scientific Research", SEC-IASR 2019, Galati, Romania, 7th – 8th June, 2019
Series: LUMEN PROCEEDINGS. Scientific Conference Proceedings
- E-ISBN-13: 978-1-910129-26-5
- Page Count: 334
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: English
The Importance of the Proprioceptive Training and its Results in the Junior Category Sports Training
The Importance of the Proprioceptive Training and its Results in the Junior Category Sports Training
(The Importance of the Proprioceptive Training and its Results in the Junior Category Sports Training)
- Author(s):Ştefan Alecu, Dragoş Ionescu - Bondoc, Alexandru Ionescu - Bondoc, Cristian Ionescu - Bondoc, Florentina Nechita
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Sports Studies
- Page Range:1-9
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:proprioceptive training, 110 m hurdles; hurdle technique; athletics; training;
- Summary/Abstract:In this study we aim to demonstrate the fundamental role of proprioceptive training as an integral part of the junior category sports training in the 110 m hurdles. For this we tested, before and after the training period, using proprioceptive techniques and exercises to influence the technique of the hurdle runner at the two subjects chosen for this experiment, and the results obtained revealed the progress achieved by them in within the parameters we considered relevant to the study. The objective of this study is to reveal the importance of proprioceptive training in correcting the technique of hurdle running, but also the parameters that change, and their values. The engine program applied between the initial test and the final test is based on a training optimization adjustment system, focusing on the balance of transition and reassessment of the kinetic sensations from the pushing to the landing, taking into account a series of transformations made during the two tests through which the athlete consciously correct the technical mistakes and improve them.
Intellectual Development and Learning at Early Age. A Theoretical Perspective
Intellectual Development and Learning at Early Age. A Theoretical Perspective
(Intellectual Development and Learning at Early Age. A Theoretical Perspective)
- Author(s):Valerica Anghelache
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Adult Education, Educational Psychology
- Page Range:10-19
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:intellectual development; cognitive mechanisms; early education; education; learning;
- Summary/Abstract:The intellectual development at early agesoccupies large spaces in the specialized literature. However, there are many issues that have remained unknown or insufficiently explained. In this sense, the present paper aims to illustrate the relation between the characteristics of the child's intellectual development and the learning process at early ages. It is about a theoretical approach by which we have tried to argue the necessity of knowing these particularities of the child's development, as well as the imperative necessity to reconsider the formal learning process. The analysis of the experimental research in the field indicates the existence of clear correlations between the changes that take place at this stage in the architecture of the intellectual development and variables such as: the previous experiences the child had to face with, the quality of the socio-family environment, the parents’ educational level, the way the child plays, the degree of leadership of the game-based activities.Moreover, by its content, the paper aims to draw attention upon the importance and complexity of this issue and can be considered a good starting point for the experimental investigation of the changes taking place at the age of intellectual development.
Curriculum References Regarding the Methodological Framework that the School Subject “Sports Training Theory” is Based On
Curriculum References Regarding the Methodological Framework that the School Subject “Sports Training Theory” is Based On
(Curriculum References Regarding the Methodological Framework that the School Subject “Sports Training Theory” is Based On)
- Author(s):Mariana Ardelean
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Sports Studies
- Page Range:20-29
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Sports Training Theory; frame syllabus; curriculum products; sports program high schools;
- Summary/Abstract:The school subject “Sports Training Theory” (STT), which is present in the national curriculum at the fifth core curriculum –“Physical Education and Sports”, has the role to form and develop the cognitive competencies tools that students from sports program high schools shall be able to use, in order to make their actions efficient during the classes, as well as during training and competitions. The present research has intended to analyse the methodological framework on which the STT subject bases on, relating it with its curriculum products. There were outlined a series of non-complying aspects in regard to a modern and competent educational system. Using symbolically graphic operators (+) for positive notes that come out from this study and (-) for the negative notes or the ones that require remediation, the image of the school subject STT is presenting as followed: frame syllabus (+), subject syllabus (+, -), methodological guidance for the subject syllabus enforcing (-), specialized methodology (-), textbooks (+), alternative textbooks (-), teaching auxiliaries (-). The obtained results from this research play the prominent part of an “anamnesis”, in the way that appropriate institutions/ organizations that have competence in this field and hold the necessary tools to act, shall not remain still to the pointed issues which haven’t been solve up to present. Moreover, they have to make efforts to reorganize/ relocate the STT school subject on more accurate background, taking into consideration the fact that the curriculum structure and content shall be determined by task analysis, and shall include proficiency objectives including how those objectives shall be met.
Study on the Opinions of Teachers and Students from Sports Program High Schools, Regarding the School Subject “Sport Training Theory”
Study on the Opinions of Teachers and Students from Sports Program High Schools, Regarding the School Subject “Sport Training Theory”
(Study on the Opinions of Teachers and Students from Sports Program High Schools, Regarding the School Subject “Sport Training Theory”)
- Author(s):Mariana Ardelean
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Educational Psychology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:30-39
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Sport Training Theory; teachers; students; curriculum products; teaching strategies;
- Summary/Abstract:The initiated study was done to determine the opinions of a number of 33 teachers from Romanian sports program high schools, who teach the school subject “Sport Training Theory” (STT) from 9th to 12th graders, in order to outline the methodological coordinates according to which they do their activity. Due to the fact that all the efforts in the teaching activity are (and must remain!) centered on the students, in this research it was also considered relevant to know the opinions of a number of 103 students from vocational profile, interviewed at the end of 10th grade. It was chosen this level of study out of two considerations: after two years of intense studying of the analyzed school subject, the expressed opinions could have a higher degree of objectivity, and the expressed statements in this matter could constitute important themes and guiding points in the subsequent methodological measures to be taken, which have as target to shape up competences and to improve the teaching-learning-assessing strategies. Questioning the two categories of subjects (teachers and students) has led, on one hand, to the illustration of the teaching framework in which the STT school subject is quartered, in relation to the values and attitudes that it is expected to be achieved at the end of a learning cycle and graduating the high school sports sections, and on the other hand, to the identification of deficient/ disturbing aspects which leave their mark on the quality and efficiency of the teaching act in comparison with the real needs and expectations that the sports program high school students claim.
The Influence of Sensory Stimuli on Improving Attention and Memory in Children
The Influence of Sensory Stimuli on Improving Attention and Memory in Children
(The Influence of Sensory Stimuli on Improving Attention and Memory in Children)
- Author(s):Nela Tatiana Balint
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Educational Psychology
- Page Range:40-49
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:attention; memory; sensory stimuli;
- Summary/Abstract:The stimulus is any variation of a factor in the environment that produces stimulation, or any factor that produces or evokes an action in a nerve, muscle, gland, or other excitable tissue, or determines the activation of a function or of a metabolic process (Moţet, D., 2010: 286). The child's psychological development is not done by itself, instinctively, but through two fundamental instruments: play and imitation. Play develops the psychological processes of direct and unmediated reflection of reality - the perception (by handling various objects, the child develops the perception of size, shape, color, weight, distance, etc.) and the representations, but also the intellectual mental processes, attention, memory, thought, imagination. The aim of this study was to observe, analyze and interpret the results recorded during the application of sensory stimuli to improve attention and memory in school children of 7-10 years old. The research was based on the following working hypothesis: presumably, by using sensory stimuli one can contribute to the improvement of attention and memory in children.
The Suppression Mediate the Relations between Cyberbullying and Depression, Anxiety and Self-esteem
The Suppression Mediate the Relations between Cyberbullying and Depression, Anxiety and Self-esteem
(The Suppression Mediate the Relations between Cyberbullying and Depression, Anxiety and Self-esteem)
- Author(s):Mioara Boca-Zamfir
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Personality Psychology
- Page Range:50-58
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:cyberbullying; depression; anxiety; self-esteem; emotion regulation;
- Summary/Abstract:Using Internet can be fun, attractive and educative for adolescents but can have also negative consequences. One important threat of the internet is cyberbullying which can be defined as an aggressive behaviour carried out using electronic devices. Many studies have previous demonstrated that cyberbullying is associated with many emotional (fear, angry) and psychological (depression, anxiety) problems. Also, research has shown that adolescents who experience cyberbullying have problems in emotion regulation. The aim of this research is to study the mediated role of suppression in relationships of cyberbullying with depression, anxiety and self-esteem. There were 310 adolescents, aged from 13 to 18 years old (145 males, 165 females) from secondary and high schools of Galati area who completed the questionnaires. The results found a partial mediated role of suppression on the relations between cybervictimisation and depression, anxiety and self-esteem. Higher use of suppression mediates the negative effects of cybervictimisation on psychological states of youth. Specifically, cybervictimisation lead to a higher use of suppression and suppression lead to higher depression and anxiety and to lower self-esteem. The findings of this study could be useful for schools and communities in setting plans and strategies to prevention and treatment of consequences of cyberbullying.
Puccini’s Feminine Characters Between Duty Imperative and Love Sacrifice
Puccini’s Feminine Characters Between Duty Imperative and Love Sacrifice
(Puccini’s Feminine Characters Between Duty Imperative and Love Sacrifice)
- Author(s):Gabriel Bulancea, Eugenia-Tatiana Bulancea
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Philosophy
- Page Range:59-64
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Giacomo Puccini; verism; Tosca; Turandot; Charles Mauron;
- Summary/Abstract:Author of twelve operas that he composed between 1884 and 1924,Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924) will transform the feminine characters into complex characters, into the most formidable agents of artistic emotion and generators of stage action. Whether we refer to ManonLescaut (1893), Boema (1896), Tosca (1900), Madama Butterfly (1904), La fanciulla del West (1910), Suor Angelica (1918) or Turandot (1924), the woman is almost always presented as virtuous, sweet, loving the profound, pure-hearted, capable of accepting sufferance or the ultimate sacrifice. [2]The main themes are love and death, and they are present in most of his operas. All the other feelings are marginalised or subordinated to love. This is one of the reasons for which his operas are also called melodramas by the exegesis, Puccini being considered one of the continuators of the line initiated by Donizetti, Bellini and Massenet. The heroine is fragile, sentimental and sensual, young and innocent, the entire drama being built around her. Love sparkles spontaneously between the protagonists of the drama, having an honest, profoundly emotional nature; it starts within a happy context and it acquires a tragic nature eventually. One of the essential features of Puccinni’s drama consists of a gradual accumulation of tension along the three acts in order to generate the catastrophic denouement in the final act. Thus, the first act offers us the falling in love scene, being usually marked by a love duet. The second act contains the most important sections of the drama, ending in an unpredictable event, while the third act, most often than not the shortest, brings with it a sudden denouement of the action, being based on one of the characters’ lament. [6]
The Determinism of Professional Development Needs in Continuous Teacher Training
The Determinism of Professional Development Needs in Continuous Teacher Training
(The Determinism of Professional Development Needs in Continuous Teacher Training)
- Author(s):Cristina Butnaru
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Adult Education, Educational Psychology
- Page Range:65-73
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Need for professional development; individual need; social need; continuous teacher training;
- Summary/Abstract:The need for professional development is a gap that could be bridged by a proper training that is meant to foster both demonstrated and expected competences of an individual or a group. Nowadays it is necessary to distinguish between the socially generated needs for professional development and the individually generated ones. Some of them include certain needs which are seemingly unrelated to professional competences, but which can influence the individual learning process: the need for self-training, the need to interact with other teachers, the need for leisure time, the need to study at a personal pace. It is obvious that a more thorough analysis is definitely required prior to courses in order to tailor them to each individual‘s professional development set of needs. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to provide a deeper and more realistic analysis of professional development needs, which can lead to a better insight into a more effective benchmarking of continuing professional training. The taxonomy featured in this paper is a tool that can be used by providers of continuing professional training to such an extent that they are enabled to optimise their course content and approach. Furthermore, this framework which relies on genuine professional needs empowers teachers to reflect on their own development priorities when they are supposed to select a suitable training programme provided by different educational suppliers.
Aspects on Assessment Deontology of Teachers
Aspects on Assessment Deontology of Teachers
(Aspects on Assessment Deontology of Teachers)
- Author(s):Viorica – Torii Caciuc
- Language:English
- Subject(s):School education
- Page Range:74-83
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:deontology; competencies; continuous development; teacher evaluation; student evaluation;
- Summary/Abstract:In the context of the increase in the quality of the didactic act, the research on the report between the causes and the results which are activating the educational context, the reductionalist temptations and the ways of avoiding them, constitute a priority of the educational sciences. The quality of the didactic activity results, most of the time, from the competence with which the didactic staff manages to obtain good results which correspond to their settled goals, as part of organized and intentionally unfolded activities. The efficiency and efficaciousness with which a pedagogue manages to unify the three major activities of the educational process – teaching, learning and evaluation – do not reflect only the pedagogical competences and their skilfulness, but also their moral qualities. Thus some of the moral principles and values are reflected in the style of teaching, in ,,the personal equation of the teacher”, as a sign of subjectivism, from the act of evaluation, in the typology of the relationships he/she has with the pupils, with the parents or with the academic community that he/she belongs to. Besides the problem of the subjectivism of the evaluation and its moral connotations, we might mention some other aspects which can be associated directly or indirectly with the pedagogue’s moral code. Their analysis imposes a deontological approach.
Effectiveness of Sportized Physical Education Based on the Correlation between Physical Qualities and Body Functions
Effectiveness of Sportized Physical Education Based on the Correlation between Physical Qualities and Body Functions
(Effectiveness of Sportized Physical Education Based on the Correlation between Physical Qualities and Body Functions)
- Author(s):Evgeny Cherepov, Vitaliy Epishev, Ksenia Naumova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Sports Studies
- Page Range:84-89
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:physical qualities; physical education; individualization; young males; correlation analysis;
- Summary/Abstract:Modern challenges require improving the system of youth physical education and providing young people with a wide choice of physical activities. The article deals with the practical provisions for improving the system of physical education designed for young males. The study is based on both systems theory and a synergy approach. It also reveals that certain physical qualities and body functions possess a significant correlation. Therefore, a targeted influence on dominating qualities may indirectly improve associated qualities. The authors propose a method for individualizing training in young males taking into account the correlations existing between physical and functional preparedness and paying special attention to the most developed physical qualities. The experimental group practiced physical education incompliance with basic principles of a PE academic program and extra-curriculum activities making a special emphasis on certain physical activities and the most developed physical qualities. The following activities were proposed to young males: “Team sports”, “Track-and-field athletics”,“Fitness aerobics”, “Sambo”. The study justifies the effectiveness of the PE programs developed in compliance with the correlations between physical qualities and body functions. The authors registered a significant improvement in flexibility, coordination, strength endurance, and speed-strength qualities in the experimental group during a 9-month experiment.
Practicing Sports in Romania at the School Level
Practicing Sports in Romania at the School Level
(Practicing Sports in Romania at the School Level)
- Author(s):Marian Chirazi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Sports Studies
- Page Range:90-96
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:children; sport; organization; statistics;
- Summary/Abstract:One of the peculiarities of the physical education and sports education in Romania is the existence of the sportive sports education: Sports High Schools (which have classes beginning with the gymnasium cycle), sports classes (grades I-XII) in different schools (in particular in the theoretical schools) and the additional sports education represented by the Scholar Sports Clubs (CSS) and the Children's Palace (PC). The statistical analysis, carried out as a result of attempts to optimize the education of physical education and sports, has highlighted the fact that the most practiced sports are athletics (in all counties - 42), football (41), handball (41) followed by volleyball (34) and basketball (31). Having a very large area of distribution, we could call them national sports although national and international results are far from justifying the large amounts of money allocated. But here's a list of funded sports and "exotic" sports such as yachting and softball, baseball, hockey on the grass, ski jumping.
Ways of Optimizing the Elementary Collective Attack Tactics by Using the Cooperative Learning Technique for the Girls' Basketball Team (U13)
Ways of Optimizing the Elementary Collective Attack Tactics by Using the Cooperative Learning Technique for the Girls' Basketball Team (U13)
(Ways of Optimizing the Elementary Collective Attack Tactics by Using the Cooperative Learning Technique for the Girls' Basketball Team (U13))
- Author(s):Dana Lucica Ciocoiu, Oana Tiron
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Sports Studies
- Page Range:97-106
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Cooperative learning technique; collective elementary tactics; attack;
- Summary/Abstract:This article is an excerpt from an experimental study which aimed at showing the practical use of the cooperative learning technique in the sports training session. The purpose of the research was focused on the need to find solutions to increase the efficiency of elementary collective tactics of attack by using the cooperative learning technique with the girls' basketball team (U 13) - Sports High School (L.P.S). Globally, the research program was focused on the initial and final testing of specific motricity (2016-2017 control tests/ season tests, according to RBF) and on the testing of elementary collective technical and tactical components of attack in women's basketball players in the U13 category by summarizing the observation forms. The tests proposed and performed by the players have completed the means used in the training sessions. The dynamics of the processed data highlights an evolution of the spostswomen' training recorded at the final tests in the 2016-2017 competition year. The obtained results confirm that the learning through cooperation technique can be used in the learning-consolidation stages for the assimilation of simple elementary tactical collective attack actions for basketball players from LPS Galaţi category U13 and thus the research hypothesis is confirmed. The learning through cooperation technique has also contributed to the formation of collaborative skills in players, during the game preparation and competition stages, but also the prerequisites of practising those social skills that will be needed later in one's personal life (family, career, etc.). This article summarizes a teaching model, comprising a theoretical presentation and the practical use of the learning through cooperation technique to acquire the elementary collective tactical combinations for attacking in the basketball game, in the U13 category.
Inclusive Education and Psycho-Pedagogical Counseling of Pupils with Educational Risk from Disadvantaged Backgrounds
Inclusive Education and Psycho-Pedagogical Counseling of Pupils with Educational Risk from Disadvantaged Backgrounds
(Inclusive Education and Psycho-Pedagogical Counseling of Pupils with Educational Risk from Disadvantaged Backgrounds)
- Author(s):Mariana Constantinescu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Educational Psychology
- Page Range:107-116
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:psycho-pedagogical counselling; school inclusion; disadvantaged educational environments; educational risk;
- Summary/Abstract:The risk behaviours of pupils in disadvantaged environments have an influence on the pupils' personality, causing school, educational and social dysfunctions. An inclusive education program, motivational techniques and psycho-pedagogical counselling for students with educational risk from disadvantaged backgrounds provide some clarifications of the concepts: risk behaviours, school dropout, pupils with special needs, school inaction, school and social inclusion. Knowing these characteristics is a prerequisite for achieving an effective educational act, an intervention program tailored to the educational needs of the beneficiaries. The approach of these problems is practically-applicative, by offering psycho-pedagogical intervention techniques. This module / program focuses on the dimension of prevention of behavioural disorders, change, problem solving and personal development, using an educational model and development model. The psycho-pedagogical counselling, motivational techniques and supportive strategies are the practical premise of diminishing deviant behaviours and school inclusion. Case studies, programs and intervention plans realized by teachers who participated in the training program provide paradigms for the analysis and interpretation of risk situations and groups as well as patterns of action on them to achieve attitudinal and behavioural change in order to optimize the development of pupils' personality and reintegration into the school environment.
Models of Moral Education in Some Romanian Language and Literature Textbooks for Secondary School
Models of Moral Education in Some Romanian Language and Literature Textbooks for Secondary School
(Models of Moral Education in Some Romanian Language and Literature Textbooks for Secondary School)
- Author(s):Ana-Elena Costandache
- Language:English
- Subject(s):School education, Educational Psychology
- Page Range:117-124
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Education; literary text; textbook(s); moral value; literature;
- Summary/Abstract:The contemporary Romanian society lays stress on the individuals’ problems, most specifically on the students who have to cope with the challenges of modern education, in both the home and school environment, in an attempt to gain an education according to relevant models of moral conduct.Education and self-education are closely related to the individuals’ needs and willingness to become educated, through school (during the school years), family or media. The last one, however, attracts and distracts students more, as compared to books, which seem to be losing more and more ground and which should remain only a means of discovering one’s own identity.Reading generally represents a means of discovering and becoming aware of language models used by certain writers and of written communication models which contribute significantly to the students’ shift from standardized, non-literary texts (which may be easily found in magazines, newspapers, etc.) to literary ones.The present paper aims at bringing to the fore the importance of literary texts in the Romanian Language and Literature textbooks for secondary students from the point of view of the moral education models they provide.
Canonical Authors and the Identity Values in the High School Curriculum
Canonical Authors and the Identity Values in the High School Curriculum
(Canonical Authors and the Identity Values in the High School Curriculum)
- Author(s):Nicoleta Crînganu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Higher Education
- Page Range:125-139
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:school literature; curriculum; collective mind;
- Summary/Abstract:The school literature is the most important object in transmittind, configurating and consolidating the value system of a people. The school curriculum is not anymore a simple list of authors and works, its’ structure is more complex keeping in mind the triple status of the Romanian Language and Literature in the Romanian school system – as official tongue of the state, as a school language and a school study subject. However, the list of canonical authors is significant for the curriculum’s authors vision about the value system that the community intends to develop at the future generations. In this respect, two visions are confronted about the Romanian Language and Literature curriculum: the traditional one, that insists on some literary values that cannot be repealed, and the other one, a (post)modern vision that emphasises the pleasure of the reading/of the text and on the student’s needs. Regardless of the position of the curriculum author, it is fundamental that the studied literary works propose not only aesthetic values, but also ethic and identity values. For this reason, the options cannot be random. Something that has been learnt as a human model, studied during literature classes stays as a mental program for the lifetime.This paper is aims to identify a series of ethic and identity values as the can be found in the texts studied by high school students through the list of canonical authors, showind as well how the disappearence or the insertion of some writers and literary works have an impact on collective mind.
Increasing Efficiency of Semifond Running by Improving Technical Aspects
Increasing Efficiency of Semifond Running by Improving Technical Aspects
(Increasing Efficiency of Semifond Running by Improving Technical Aspects)
- Author(s):Andreea-Georgiana Dobre, Claudiu Mereuță, Dragoș Bondoc-Ionescu, Florin-Eduard Grigore
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social development
- Page Range:140-150
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:technical; resistance; fatigue; performance; video analysis;
- Summary/Abstract:Our analysis attempts to highlight some technical aspects that we believe can be exploited to increase the effectiveness of re-systematic injuries by detecting the non-synchronizations that occur between the body segments during effort on a fatigue background.We refer here to the different power released by the lower limbs, which generates deviations of the impulse vectors and which ultimately result in a lesser capitalization of the mechanical work actually performed.The level at which the performance in the 1500 m running on the world scale could be greatly improved by discovering those small details that could still be corrected.High-frequency video analyzes can serve this purpose, but the biomechanics of body movements must be properly controlled to know what we are reporting.The novelty consists in the fact that through this research we want to identify the technical faults occurring in the run distance competitions, in order to subsequently develop an intervention program with the main purpose of improving the frequently encountered technical errors. For this, we will use monitoring and video analysis, then interpreting the results with a program called Kinovea.Kinovea is a video analysis software that allows you to capture and play at different speeds a video recording with the ability to analyze kinematic parameters.
Visual Choice Reaction Time in Schoolchildren Aged 12-14 Years Old. Comparison between Trained and Untrained Children
Visual Choice Reaction Time in Schoolchildren Aged 12-14 Years Old. Comparison between Trained and Untrained Children
(Visual Choice Reaction Timein Schoolchildren Aged 12-14 Years Old. Comparison between Trained and Untrained Children)
- Author(s):Diana Victoria Gidu, George Cosmin Muşat
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Educational Psychology
- Page Range:151-159
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:choice reaction time; gender comparison; trained and untrained children;
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the work was to study if there is any difference in visual choice reaction time [VCRT] between the children who practice sports and non-sporting children, and if the performance depends on the gender and design of the testing: continuous [50 and 100 trials] versus sequential [10 trials each sequence, with 30 sec. rest between sequences]. The 20 non-sporting children [10 girls and 10 boys] were tested only continuously but the 20 sporting ones [10 girls and 10 boys] were tested both continuously and sequentially. While testing the subjects were using their preferred hand. The results support the conclusion that while there is no difference between girls and boys, VCRT in sporting children is significantly better, than in non-sporting ones, both in girls [657.84 ± 70.02 vs 760.77 ± 112.82 ms; p<0.05 ] and boys [698.67 ± 65.27 vs 833.09 ± 102.36 ms; p<0.01]. On the other hand, in athletes the results obtained within the 100 trials sequential testing were significantly better than in the continuous testing.
Sociological Considerations on Social Inequalities and Disparity of Opportunities in Education
Sociological Considerations on Social Inequalities and Disparity of Opportunities in Education
(Sociological Considerations on Social Inequalities and Disparity of Opportunities in Education)
- Author(s):Gabriela-Violeta Iordăchiță
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Educational Psychology
- Page Range:160-168
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:social inequalities; disparity of opportunities in education; communism; development; merit-based society;
- Summary/Abstract:The studies on inequalities in educational opportunities have been conducted along studies on social mobility, social class stratification and forming or studies concerned with the evolution of modern democracies. Our theoretical approach represents a critical analysis of the education system in order to identify state policies or common practices which do not lead to a better operation of the state itself. Our goal is that of identifying such aspects and introduce them on the public agenda in order to create remedial public policies. Conclusions show that a decrease of income inequality distribution among social classes and a democratic, merit-based political system which is not subjected to legislation or procedure changes at short times would increase equity and social cohesion of a society, thus creating better work and life opportunities for a larger number of people.
Fitness or Optimal Physical Condition - Conceptual Delimitation
Fitness or Optimal Physical Condition - Conceptual Delimitation
(Fitness or Optimal Physical Condition - Conceptual Delimitation)
- Author(s):Cristian Ștefan Liuşnea
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Sports Studies
- Page Range:169-181
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Fitness; physical condition; physical activity; physical exercises; health;
- Summary/Abstract:In the elaboration of the paper, we started from the hypothesis that the definition of the fitness concept is important in order to determine then t[he objectives of the activity based on the use of its specific means. Following the elaboration of the theoretical study, we found that there are several opinions regarding fitness, which are explained by the different perspectives of approaching the concept, by the particularities of the socio-cultural evolution of contemporary societies, by the practices and policies thought for each cultural space, determined by standards of living, standards, but also by economic, social and cultural interdependencies. In this context, we have also been interested in the perception of the term in the Romanian space In our approach we will go from the statements of some authors like Celeste Ulrich [48, 49] who defined Physical Fitness as: "the ability of the human body to function with force and liveliness, without exaggerated fatigue, with enough energy to enjoy leisure activities and to prevent physical stress. Muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance and vigor are the visible signs of physical condition”.
The Importance of Using an Appropriate Methodology for the Development of Speed by Gymnazial Cycle Children
The Importance of Using an Appropriate Methodology for the Development of Speed by Gymnazial Cycle Children
(The Importance of Using an Appropriate Methodology for the Development of Speed by Gymnazial Cycle Children)
- Author(s):Cristian Ștefan Liuşnea
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Sports Studies
- Page Range:182-198
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:methodology; drive systems; speed; exercises; stacks;
- Summary/Abstract:The most favorable timeframe for speed development, especially the response rate, is between 6-18 years of age, with the youngest age having the greatest potential, because the basic psychic processes are not stabilized and the analyzers, especially the motor analyzer, can improve their basic functions and especially those related to driving activity. Considering the multitude of factors involved in the manifestation of speed and differentiated age periods in which it is possible to act with increased chances on one or other of the factors, it is necessary to amplify and diversify the exercises and activities meant for the development of the speed, a more careful differentiation of their dependent the age of the students they act on. Only with the observance of an appropriate methodology based on the optimization and the objectivity of the actuation systems used and the objectives pursued at each age-period can be obtained increased results in the development of this important quality, strongly determined by the hereditary dowry.
An Integrative Approach to Teaching Continuous and Perfect Tenses in English
An Integrative Approach to Teaching Continuous and Perfect Tenses in English
(An Integrative Approach to Teaching Continuous and Perfect Tenses in English)
- Author(s):Antoanela Marta Mardar
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Educational Psychology
- Page Range:199-208
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Aspect; duration; progress; temporariness; result;
- Summary/Abstract:The appropriate use of tenses in English is agreed to be one of the most problematic aspects with which Romanian speakers of English have to cope when trying to communicate correctly and effectively in this language. Some problems are related to formal aspects, i.e. to aspects which imply combining the grammatically correct forms of the elements making up tenses in English (auxiliary and main verbs). Nevertheless, not few are the problems related to semantic and stylistic aspects, i.e. to aspects which condition tense choices depending on the types of actions to be expressed and on the speakers’ need to stylistically mark the messages conveyed (modality).When teaching tenses in the continuous and perfect aspects in English, the two types of problems mentioned above may be avoided if the formal and semantic matrixes specific to these tenses are used. Some might argue that young and teenage learners of English are likely find such formal and semantic matrixes rather abstract and might be unable to further apply them in similar contexts. Nonetheless, the present paper will demonstrate that a gradual and adapted approach to the formal and semantic aspects obviously shared by the continuous and perfect tenses in English may prove useful and effective, irrespective of the students’ age and level of linguistic competence. Once understood and extensively practised, the two matrixes need to be appropriately evaluated in order to ensure long-term results.
Using Analogies in Teaching Indirect Speech to Romanian Students
Using Analogies in Teaching Indirect Speech to Romanian Students
(Using Analogies in Teaching Indirect Speech to Romanian Students)
- Author(s):Iulian Mardar
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Educational Psychology
- Page Range:209-219
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:speech; direct speech; transformations; analogies; teaching methods;
- Summary/Abstract:Turning a dialogue, i.e. direct speech (DS), into a reported text, i.e. indirect speech (IS), implies a series of substantial transformations undergone by the verb, among other parts of speech. Such changes are not difficult to operate by native speakers of English, even though natives also learn gradually how to report what other people say as they develop their communication skills in English.Things are quite challenging in the case of non-native speakers of English whose native languages do not imply such strict transformation rules as English does. Although numerous, the logical changes in the verb form which have to be operated while reporting DS may be made more accessible to adult Romanian learners of English by using analogies with math formulae or with practicalaspects from the real life.The present paper is aimed at enlarging on some of the most original analogies which have been successfully used in order to facilitate the Romanian adult learners’ understanding of the specific grammar rules to be taken into account when turning sentences from direct to IS.
General Trends and Evolutions in the Policies and Strategies Regarding the Training of Human Resources in Education
General Trends and Evolutions in the Policies and Strategies Regarding the Training of Human Resources in Education
(General Trends and Evolutions in the Policies and Strategies Regarding the Training of Human Resources in Education)
- Author(s):Simona Mioara Marin
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Educational Psychology
- Page Range:220-226
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:educational policies; human resources training strategies; educational strategies and good practices; European guidelines;
- Summary/Abstract:The training of human resources in education is a fundamental component of any education system and it is generally agreed tohave a direct impact on the education reform process. Under the circumstances, an analysis of training models and strategies andof educational policies regarding didactic and professional standards and competencies, identification of good practices and procedural dysfunctions, doubled bya joint integrativeresearch becomeessential for optimizing the process of quality assurance in education.
Methodological Aspects Concerning the Psychoeducational Intervention in the Case of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders of Children with Migrant Parents
Methodological Aspects Concerning the Psychoeducational Intervention in the Case of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders of Children with Migrant Parents
(Methodological Aspects Concerning the Psychoeducational Intervention in the Case of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders of Children with Migrant Parents)
- Author(s):Sandrina Mindu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Educational Psychology
- Page Range:227-239
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:assisted resilience; socio-emotional skills; experiential approach migrant parents;
- Summary/Abstract:The dynamics of family structure modifications in Romania is quite intense, on the background of economic, political, moral instability which manifests at national level. The number of families where the parents are separated from the children because they left the country for work and where the role of the parents is filled by the extended family members (grandparents, aunts, uncles or other relatives) is larger from year to year. Under these circumstances, the family is challenged to identify new resources and find new strategies so as to maintain each member’s relational balance and emotional health. The present research aims as a general objective to highlight a possible methodological structure for psychoeducational intervention in the case of emotional and behavioral disorders of children whose parents left to work in European countries. The practical-applicative objective is to identify the ways in which, within the psychoeducational intervention program, the resilience of children and parents can be increased in the context of family structure modification. Integrating the family into a psychoeducational approach focused on increasing the resilience of its members to separation, developing socio-emotional skills, flexibility and autonomy may be a solution to minimize the negative effects on the psychological development of children that might occur in this context of family structure modification.
Tax Optimization at the Level of Sports Clubs
Tax Optimization at the Level of Sports Clubs
(Tax Optimization at the Level of Sports Clubs)
- Author(s):Florentina Moisescu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Sports Studies
- Page Range:240-245
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:optimization; sport club; management strategies;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper deals with the way in which sport clubs resort to tax optimization in order to avoid the fulfilment of their obligations towards the general budget, which is established by speculating, for their benefit, the content of the legal rules applicable in the matter, which allow the choice of a particular tax regime, advantageous to them. Tax optimization is an important point in effective asset management strategies. In tax law there is the principle that any company is free to organize its activity in order to optimize their tax and payments and, as a result, most companies try to find legal ways to pay lower taxes. However, it often happens that tax optimization is mistook for tax evasion and moralizing speeches appear in a field considered immoral from the start. However, tax optimization implies law enforcement and includes any immediate measure likely to reduce the tax costs associated with a specific operation/transaction. We can therefore conclude that tax optimization represents a thorough understanding of the business of the sports organization, its mechanisms and limitations, as well as finding those routes offered by both local and international tax laws that lead to the reduction of the amount and the postponement of the tax charge as much as possible, so that the company can reduce or better manage the impact of cash flow.
The Role of the Cash Flow Table in Substantiating Effective Management Decisions in Sports Organizations
The Role of the Cash Flow Table in Substantiating Effective Management Decisions in Sports Organizations
(The Role of the Cash Flow Table in Substantiating Effective Management Decisions in Sports Organizations)
- Author(s):Florentina Moisescu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Sports Studies
- Page Range:246-251
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:management decisions; sports organization; cash-flow strategy;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper deals with the role of the treasury in financing the activity and ensuring the sustainability of a sports organisation, the importance of assessing its ability to generate liquidity and liquidity equivalents, as well as the funding needs of the organisation.At the level of managerial decision-making, the treasury gains more weight, the more the following question arises: How is it that we have high profit margins, but there is never enough money? Sport club managers can fall into the trap of believing that a consistent profit margin or a spectacular increase in turnover guarantees the sufficiency of cash resources. These positive aspects, however, may sometimes prove fatal to the cash resources. In this respect, the treasury represents the basis for determining short-term (solvency) and long-term (financing needs) financial analysis and management indicators, favouring the forecasting of the financial situation of the entity. From the analysis performed in this paper, we consider that the analysis of cash flow is useful for substantiating efficient management decisions by: correlating the profit (loss) with the cash; separating the activities involving cash from non-cash activities; assessing the ability of an enterprise to meet its cash payment obligations; cash flow assessment for future activities (cash-flow strategy).
Comparative Study on Effectiveness of Different Methodologies to Improve the Forehand and the Backhand to Tennis Players at the Age of 7-9 Years
Comparative Study on Effectiveness of Different Methodologies to Improve the Forehand and the Backhand to Tennis Players at the Age of 7-9 Years
(Comparative Study on Effectiveness of Different Methodologies to Improve the Forehand and the Backhand to Tennis Players at the Age of 7-9 Years)
- Author(s):Petronel Moisescu, Răzvan-Marian Bucătaru
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Sports Studies
- Page Range:252-263
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:tennis 10s; tactical training; training methods;
- Summary/Abstract:In classic tennis, learning process has been running for several years, being a long activity, the volume of skills and knowledge acquisition running for a longer period(6-8 years). Then,depending on the progress and differences between the children, their preparation will be individualized. Tennis 10s is a program that was created and implemented by the international tennis federation(ITF) in the early 2000s,as an integrated part of a campaign named „Tennis Play and Stay”, officially launched in February 2007,aiming to increase the practice of tennis all over the world. In the last period tennis has become more popular in Romania due to the exceptional international result of the athletes representing this sport. An important role is played by the integration of modern training methods,borrowed from abroad, in Romanian tennis clubs. Practically, coaches from Romania adopt the classical training methodology, the training methodology from”tennis 10s” or a mixture between them. Through this work I want to see by what method of training tactics are develop more pronounced, at 7-9 years-old tennis players, from the point of view of direction and amplitude in forehand and backhand. At the same time, through applied tests I will also discover if there are any substantial differences in the motion technique caused by balls having a different inner pressure.
Study on the Influence of Coordinative Capacities on Motor Performance of Primary School Students
Study on the Influence of Coordinative Capacities on Motor Performance of Primary School Students
(Study on the Influence of Coordinative Capacities on Motor Performance of Primary School Students)
- Author(s):Petronel Cristian Moisescu, Raluca Mădălina Burlui
- Language:English
- Subject(s):School education, Educational Psychology
- Page Range:264-273
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:coordinating skills; motor performance; students; primary education;
- Summary/Abstract:We can say with certainty about children’s coordinative capacities that they have a wide applicability in both daily and sporting activity, which means that they are native and perfectable qualities if subjects act on them selectively, continuously and as early as possible. Coordinative capacities represent a combination of complex qualities, which interfere with all other motor qualities. At the young school age, due to the maturation of the nervous system and as a result of the large number of organized motor skills, the level of coordination improves. The ease of learning the movements is benefited by a certain type of cognitive and sensory development recorded during this period and that materializes in the capacity of perception and observation. As far as the skill is concerned, the muscular strength increases and the ambidextrous character is emphasized, but also the extremities of the left and the right are highlighted. Ossification at this stage is intense at the level of the pelvis in the girls, as well as the calcification processes at the level of the hand, the joints strengthen and the volume of the muscles increases, the fine musculature of the hand develops. With all this in mind, it is important to work with care, as any kind of exaggeration or incorrect positions leads to persistent deformations. The morphofunctional maturity of the young children of school age implies the adaptation of the body to certain physical efforts, to the formation of awareness skills and to the relatively rational coordination of their movements.
Concentration Time Values in Men’s +105 Kg Top-Class Weightlifting Competitions
Concentration Time Values in Men’s +105 Kg Top-Class Weightlifting Competitions
(Concentration Time Values in Men’s +105 Kg Top-Class Weightlifting Competitions)
- Author(s):Daniel Constantin Murărețu, Ana-Maria Șuruba-Rusen (Vasiliu), Răzvan-Liviu Petre, Marian Daniel Teodoru
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Sports Studies
- Page Range:274-284
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:attention; performance weightlifting; imaging technique; concentration time;
- Summary/Abstract:We can say with certainty about children’s coordinative capacities that they have a wide applicability in both daily and sporting activity, which means that they are native and perfectable qualities if subjects act on them selectively, continuously and as early as possible. Coordinative capacities represent a combination of complex qualities, which interfere with all other motor qualities. At the young school age, due to the maturation of the nervous system and as a result of the large number of organized motor skills, the level of coordination improves. The ease of learning the movements is benefited by a certain type of cognitive and sensory development recorded during this period and that materializes in the capacity of perception and observation. As far as the skill is concerned, the muscular strength increases and the ambidextrous character is emphasized, but also the extremities of the left and the right are highlighted. Ossification at this stage is intense at the level of the pelvis in the girls, as well as the calcification processes at the level of the hand, the joints strengthen and the volume of the muscles increases, the fine musculature of the hand develops. With all this in mind, it is important to work with care, as any kind of exaggeration or incorrect positions leads to persistent deformations. The morphofunctional maturity of the young children of school age implies the adaptation of the body to certain physical efforts, to the formation of awareness skills and to the relatively rational coordination of their movements.
The Analysis of the Parametres of Motor Training of Senior Volleyball Players Nationally
The Analysis of the Parametres of Motor Training of Senior Volleyball Players Nationally
(The Analysis of the Parametres of Motor Training of Senior Volleyball Players Nationally)
- Author(s):Neculai Harabagiu, Alexandru Păcuraru
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Sports Studies
- Page Range:285-293
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Analysis; parameters; motor training; volleyball;
- Summary/Abstract:Nowadays, the volleyball game has become a very dynamic one. Its swiftness is given by the great speed of execution of the technical elements and game procedures. Therefore, the players must have an appropriate level of motor training. This thing, in particular, refers to the senior volleyball players, where the level of physical training is a determining one and it reflects in their performances within national and even international competitions. All of these make up an assessment criterion for the selection of players nationally, where the sportsmen activate both in the European competitions, as well as worldwide ones. The Romanian Federation of Volleyball places at the disposal of the participating teams in the National Championship of Romania several guiding tests, so as to highlight the level of motor training of players in all the training stages, including the competitional ones. In this context, we had the same objective in our research, where we tested the level of the motor training specific for the participating teams in the National Championship of Male Volleyball, while the collected results are to be used in an experimental study, oriented towards increasing the effort capacity of the sportsmen and implicitly, increasing the efficiency in the game of senior volleyball players by applying the “Data Volley” software of statistical assessment.
Experiment on Minivolleyball Training Optimization Through Technique-Correcting Systems
Experiment on Minivolleyball Training Optimization Through Technique-Correcting Systems
(Experiment on Minivolleyball Training Optimization Through Technique-Correcting Systems)
- Author(s):Carmen Pârvu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Sports Studies
- Page Range:294-301
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Acquisition; correction; optimization acquisition; volleyball; corrective systems;
- Summary/Abstract:The present research deals with the importance of using correcting systems in sports training, also tackling some regulations that are sometimes inconsistent with the real potential of the players, or the game requirements for the next level.The paper evinces by means of an experiment the need to introduce 4 corrective systems for optimising the technique used in minivolleyball groups. The regulations on the obligatory 3 hits in the team’s own court raise many training problems both for coaches and young players who, in addition to consolidating technical elements and procedures, also have to work on accuracy as early as the minivolleyball level. The systems used are mechanical, easy to manufacture, are relatively inexpensive, but prove to be very helpful in the young players’ motor learning according to today’s requirements in this sporting field. The idea of conceiving such mechanical systems started from the study of the commonest technical mistakes found in practice. The subjects under study are athletes registered at the Arcada Sports Club Galați, where I work as a coach, who are boys between 7-10 years of age, and improved their executions by means of these technique-correcting systems during the training sessions. The results obtained in the final test allow us to believe that the use of these corrective systems in training may prepare the young players more effectively, making them more capable of facing the new regulations.
The Exercises and Memory in the Secondary Schoolchildren
The Exercises and Memory in the Secondary Schoolchildren
(The Exercises and Memory in the Secondary Schoolchildren)
- Author(s):Damian Petcu, Diana Victoria Gidu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):School education, Educational Psychology
- Page Range:302-308
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:exercise fromphysical education class; mathematical and humanistic memory; secondary schoolchildren;
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the work was to study if the exercise from physical education classhave or not positive effects in the memory of the secondary schoolchildren. For that, 97 schoolchildren between 11 and 15 years old were tested. These tests aimed at determining the quality of memory by two types of tasks: a mathematical one, and a humanistic one. The tests were performed both, before and after the physical education class. In order to assess the level of the physical demand, the heart rate was recorded during the class.The effort from physical education class has no disruptive effect on the mathematical memory [p<0.05]. On the humanistic type of memory the effects were null in boys and girls over 13 years old, while in girls under 13 years old, the effects were negative [p<0.05].
Correlations between the Coordinating Capacities and the Technical Parameters at the Level of the Handball Teams (Junior III)
Correlations between the Coordinating Capacities and the Technical Parameters at the Level of the Handball Teams (Junior III)
(Correlations between the Coordinating Capacities and the Technical Parameters at the Level of the Handball Teams (Junior III))
- Author(s):Madalina-Gabriela Postelnicu, Ion Mihaila
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Sports Studies
- Page Range:309-315
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:handball; coordinating capacities; technical training; correlation coefficient; junior III;
- Summary/Abstract:Nowadays, the characteristics of the modern handball game impose the part of the young practitioners the possession of a really rich motor-technical stock and the quickly adaptation to the encounter of unforeseen situations during the game in order to efficiently achieve the gaming tasks. The purpose of this study is to determinate the relationships between the coordinating capacities and the technical parameters of the handball players. In this regard, the research was carried out on a group of athletes aged between 13-14 years, within the Handball Sports Club-ART Galati. Athletes have been tested in terms of coordination skills and technical training. To evaluate the influence of the coordinating capabilities on the technique and vice versa, we chose the calculation of the Pearson correlation coefficient r. Based on the results obtained, r has values between 30% and 89% in 20 calculated correlations, which proves the existence of a connection between the two variables. We can say that the development of coordination capacities at this age echelon is a priority factor in learning and strengthening the specific elements and techniques of handball. Thus, it is advisable to use various methodical procedures in the training process that lead to the development of this psychomotor quality. At the same time, in selecting the means of action for the development of coordination capacities, one has to take into account the particularities of the age, the level of training and the training period.
The Role of Football Methods and Means in Optimizing the Physical Education Lesson
The Role of Football Methods and Means in Optimizing the Physical Education Lesson
(The Role of Football Methods and Means in Optimizing the Physical Education Lesson)
- Author(s):Cătălin Vasile Savu, Iuliana Barna
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Sports Studies
- Page Range:316-326
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:method; football game; subject; physical exercise;
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper aims at detecting the means that can lead to an increase in the efficiency of teaching football in school, in all its aspects. Using the most effective methods for teaching football in physical education classes becomes a priority, and innovations in this field are welcomed as, in this practical way, an improvement of the methodology and especially an improvement of the training content can be achieved.This paper is meant to identify the means that can lead to an optimisation of football teaching in school, under all its aspects. Using the most effective methods in teaching football becomes a priority and innovations in this field are welcome, as an improvement of the methodology may be achieved and particularly an improvement of the educational content.The purpose of the research has been to test, during a school year, in the physical education classes, the football-specific methods and means. By using these to a high degree during the physical education classes, an optimisation of the educational process may be achieved, thus acquisition of technical and tactical contents of the football game at this age.The experiment which took place during an entire school year demonstrated by its results that for the grades where football-specific means were predominanly used , carefully selected and applied methodically, in accordance with the students' morphological and functional abilities, progress was achieved on all levels: anthropometric, motor, technical and tactical, qualitativelly as well as quantitatively.
Recovery Following a Posterior Hemivertebrectomy through Swimming and Schroth Therapy
Recovery Following a Posterior Hemivertebrectomy through Swimming and Schroth Therapy
(Recovery Following a Posterior Hemivertebrectomy through Swimming and Schroth Therapy)
- Author(s):Florin Ţurcanu, Simona Pia Făgăraș, Dana Simona Turcanu, Alexandru Păcuraru, Laura Edith Ciulea
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Sports Studies
- Page Range:327-334
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Hemivertebra; Schroth Technique; Scoliosis; Kiphosis; Swimming;
- Summary/Abstract:This present study was run during 21.06.2018 – 20.02.2019 and aims to present a program for the recovery of cifoscolysis caused by the presence of a thoracic hemivertebre, remuoved by surgery at PONDERAS Academic Hospital from Bucharest.The imaging performed before the surgery (Rx, CT, MRI) show the following: the left T10 hemivertebra is completely segmented by a posterior quadrant, with a secondary Cobb T9-T11=46 degrees scoliosis, T12-L4=50 degrees; right vertebral pedicle T9 type D; no medullary or posterior pit anomalies. The pacient aged 14, performs the regular medical check-up at Recover Bucharest, and the actual recovery by using the Schroth technique at OrtoprofilTirguMures, and through swimming at Aqua per Salus within the University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology from TirguMures. During this present study, we used the method of observation through the interpretation of the full spine MRI performed every 3 months following the first period of 6 weeks when the first post-surgery control was performed. At the 20th week of surgery, there was a correction of scoliosis T12-L4 by 4 degrees to scoliosis before surgery. Through Schrothtehnic specific exercises and Brass and Back swimming, in the next 28 weeks a T8-T12 junctionacifosis was corected 5 degrees from previous examination.