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Bośnia i Hercegowina. Kultura, literatura, język, polityka
Bosnia and Herzegovina. Culture, Literature, Language, Politics

Contributor(s): Anetta Buras-Marciniak (Editor)
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Bosnian Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: Bosnian language; Bosnians; economic and political crisis in Yugoslavia; literary works of women in Bosnia; Bosnia and Herzegovina
Summary/Abstract: The next volume in the series “The Balkans in the 20th and 21st Centuries” presents an overview of issues related to contemporary Bosnia and Herzegovina. Each chapter covers a distinct thematic area: culture, literature, language and politics. The publication has been intended to provide a repository of knowledge about the federal state formed after the bloody breakup of Yugoslavia. The collection of studies paints a detailed picture of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Investigated from an external perspective, the phenomena occurring in the literature of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as issues related to language or to the political and economic conditions reveal the mental burden caused by the tragic war of the twentieth century’s last decade – in a country that structurally remains an immutable ethnic and cultural borderland. On the other hand, from the Bosnian authors' internal perspective, the analyses relate to the present as well as the distant past, uncovering the topics of the Ottoman heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina that were suppressed or censored during the “brotherhood and unity” period of the federal Yugoslavia. From the review of prof. dr hab. Lilla Moroz-Grzelak (Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences)

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8142-584-1
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8142-583-4
  • Page Count: 304
  • Publication Year: 2019
  • Language: Polish
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Smijemo se jer smijemo. Humor kao sredstvo preživljavanja
(We laugh because we can. Humor as a means of survival)

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Od „Spavača pod kamenom“ do „Kamenog spavača“ Maka Dizdara: o povijesti knjige i arheologiji teksta

Od „Spavača pod kamenom“ do „Kamenog spavača“ Maka Dizdara: o povijesti knjige i arheologiji teksta
(From the “Sleeper under the stone” to the “Stone sleeper” by Mak Dizdar (on history of the book and archaeology of the text))

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Trauma oraz strategie pamięci i zaświadczania w kobiecych narracjach (anty)wojennych w literaturze Bośni i Hercegowiny. Opowieści – rodzaj żeński, liczba mnoga Šejli Šehabović

Trauma oraz strategie pamięci i zaświadczania w kobiecych narracjach (anty)wojennych w literaturze Bośni i Hercegowiny. Opowieści – rodzaj żeński, liczba mnoga Šejli Šehabović
(Trauma, strategies of memory and testimony in women’s (anti)war narratives in literature of Bosnia and Herzegovina. A Plural Noun of Feminine Gender by Šejla Šehabović)

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Pismo prijatelju (o Andrićevoj noveli „Pismo iz 1920“)

Pismo prijatelju (o Andrićevoj noveli „Pismo iz 1920“)
(A letter to a friend (about Andric’s short story “Pismo iz 1920”))

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Poezija za djecu u Bosni i Hercegovini

Poezija za djecu u Bosni i Hercegovini
(Poetry for children in Bosnia and Hercegovina)

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Twórczość literacka kobiet w Bośni i Hercegowinie po 1990 roku na wybranych przykładach

Twórczość literacka kobiet w Bośni i Hercegowinie po 1990 roku na wybranych przykładach
(Women’s writing in Bosnia and Herzegovina after 1990 on some examples)

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Ustanove nacionalnog pamćenja u Bosni i Hercegovini, historijska ishodišta njihove konvergencije i paralelizmi u njihovoj praksi danas
(National memory institutions in Bosnia-Herzegovina, historical origins of their convergence and parallelisms of their practices today)

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Dinamika u razmjenskom sloju kulturnog identiteta: istraživanje slučaja turcizama u srpskohrvatskom
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Status bosanskog jezika u doba osmanske i austrougarske uprave Bosnom

Status bosanskog jezika u doba osmanske i austrougarske uprave Bosnom
(The status of the Bosnian language in the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Bosnia)

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Afera Agrokomerc w kontekście kryzysu gospodarczego i politycznego w Jugosławii lat osiemdziesiątych
(The Agrokomerc affair in the context of economic and political crisis in the 1980s Yugoslavia)

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Bośniackie metafory i ich polityczne znaczenie

Bośniackie metafory i ich polityczne znaczenie
(Bosnian metaphors and their political meaning)

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Boszniacy bośniaccy – Boszniacy gorańscy
(Bosniacs from Bosnia – Bosniacs from Gora (Kosovo))

  • Price: 4.50 €
Bośnia i Hercegowina. Sytuacja społeczno-gospodarcza

Bośnia i Hercegowina. Sytuacja społeczno-gospodarcza
(Bosnia and Herzegovina. Socio-economic situation)

  • Price: 4.50 €
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