Религия и образование. История, традиции и съвременни тенденции
Religion and education. History, Traditions and Contemporary trends
Contributor(s): Maria Schnitter (Editor), Eva Kovacheva (Editor)
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Social Sciences, Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Theology and Religion, History of Religion
Published by: Пловдивски университет »Паисий Хилендарски«
Keywords: theology; religion; education; trends
Summary/Abstract: This proceedings present the results of the international scientific conference „RELIGION AND EDUCATION IN THE PAST AND TODAY“, organized and conducted by the Department of Theology of the Faculty of Philosophy and History of The „Paisii Hilendarski“ University of Plovdiv, held between the 15th and the 17th of November 2018. The conference was attended by representatives of all Bulgarian Universities, where Theology is taught, but also was attended by colleagues from related majors - pedagogy, history, philosophy, sociology, art history, history of music, architecture - from Bulgaria and from Russia, Ukraine, Poland, and USA. A separate section was formed, where the scientific and practical contributions of teachers teaching religion took center stage. We begin with „Historical and Contemporary Aspects of Religious Education“, where an attempt is made to describe the current state of the problem and to formulate the main challenges. The section „Religion and Tradition“ includes texts that trace the vivid historical examples of teaching - from the New Testament era to the twentieth century. The central section „Religion and Moral Education“ follows, in which different approaches and results in the work with specific groups and in different historical and social contexts are discussed. The section „Education in Religion and Secular Education – Pedagogical Approaches, Social Realities, Philosophical Projections“ further develops the topic by collecting texts problematizing the place of religion in the general education school and the possible pedagogical, normative and practical cases it raises. The collection ends with the section „Christian art - educational and theological aspects“, where the possibilities of using art as a way to better involve different groups of students in religious education, but also outside it, are presented and discussed. It raises important questions for theology and pedagogy for today‘s world, and offers possible ways to solve them. We hope that this second volume of the series will generate both scientific and public debate and will serve for the better integration of religious education in the Bulgarian school.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-7249-60-6
- Page Count: 300
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: Bulgarian, Russian, Polish
Новите научни програми по религия - религиозна грамотност и диалог между религиозното и светското начало в българското общество
Новите научни програми по религия - религиозна грамотност и диалог между религиозното и светското начало в българското общество
(The New Programs of Religious Education: Religious Competence and Dialogue between Religious and Secular in Bulgarian Society)
- Author(s):Kosta Kostov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:17-24
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Freedom of conscience; Respect for religious tradition and secular nature of state and schools; secularism and atheism; confessional and non-confessional religious education
- Summary/Abstract:Freedom of conscience is explicitly connected with the right of every human being to choose how they form their own worldview and how they develop their moral standards. In order to ensure this same right the state policy should give all pupils a broad spectrum of possibilities for personal development, including the possibility to study their own religion and to gain or deepen their knowledge about the history and nature of all world religions. Religious state education should not impose models of behavior, but rather it should reveal the meaning of religion for the human culture and spirit.
- Price: 4.50 €
Предизвикателства пред преподаването по религия в европейските светски училища през XXI в.
Предизвикателства пред преподаването по религия в европейските светски училища през XXI в.
(Challenges Ahead of Religious Education in Secular European Schools in the 21st century. Fifteen Theses)
- Author(s):Georgi Kapriev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Islam studies, Religion and science
- Page Range:25-27
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Religious Education; Islam; Christianity; European Culture
- Summary/Abstract:The basic thesis of the article is that today's secular European school is facing a very difficult challenge. Of the mastering or non-mastering of this challenge depends in a high degree on the preservation of European culture. The aim is the rational, scientifically methodological and argued proclamation of the European Burgers, apart from their ethnic or religious affiliation, with these reasons of European culture, which have their roots in the Christian world view.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ценностни ориентации, нагласи и представи за религията и отношение към религиозното възпитание на деца и родители в България
Ценностни ориентации, нагласи и представи за религията и отношение към религиозното възпитание на деца и родители в България
(Value Orientation Attitudes and Ideas for Religion and Opinion towards Religion Education of Children and Parents in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Nely Boiadjieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:28-34
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:education; growth of children ideas; value orientations; attitudes; opinion; religious education; primary school children; parents
- Summary/Abstract:In the paper are discussed the results from empirical representative research about children ideas, value orientations, believes and parents attitudes and opinion toward religious education. Data of representative survey for the country made by scientific team from Sofia University in the last decades in Bulgaria. There are interpretation of main tendencies and specific characteristics in value orientations and ideas of children in primary school level and their parents toward religion and their expectations about religious education in our country.
- Price: 4.50 €
Религиозното образование и българското училище - традиции, проблеми и перспективи в национален и европейски контекст
Религиозното образование и българското училище - традиции, проблеми и перспективи в национален и европейски контекст
(Religious Education and the Bulgarian School - Traditions, Problems and Perspectives in National and European Context)
- Author(s):Kostadin Nushev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:35-45
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Religious education; spiritual and moral formation; religious education in the public school in Bulgaria
- Summary/Abstract:Religious education and spiritual formation in the Bulgarian general school have their longstanding traditions, which have been largely interrupted in the second half of the 20th century. Over the last three decades of social and political transformations in the country efforts have been made to restore religious education and to renew the model of religious and moral education for adolescents. Today, this process faces many difficulties and challenges of a different nature in search of the most optimal model of modern religious education in the educational system of public school both on the national level and in the European public and political contexts.
- Price: 4.50 €
Религиозният синкретизъм като културна памет и развитието на етичния модел в процеса на образование
Религиозният синкретизъм като културна памет и развитието на етичния модел в процеса на образование
(Religious Syncretism as a Cultural Memory and Development of the Ethical Model in the Education Process)
- Author(s):Margarita Dimitrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Religion and science , Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:46-54
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:education; ethics; pedagogical experiment; multiculturalism; Bulgarian language and literature; religious syncretism; innovation
- Summary/Abstract:The way of verifying a new dynamic model of education in Bulgarian language and literature presented in the article discusses the main steps in creating ways for forming democratic social skills and a current value model of behavior in the stages of secondary and higher education in our country. The paths for realizing a productive educational process in a multicultural environment are tracked. Conducting an experimental developmental phenomenon related to religious syncretism as a cultural memory and the development of the ethical model in the education process is an essential factor in creating and approbing a new learning model.
- Price: 4.50 €
Език, религия и образование - в пресечната точка на публичните политики (по материали от Северна Гърция)
Език, религия и образование - в пресечната точка на публичните политики (по материали от Северна Гърция)
(Language, Religion and Education at the Intersection of the Public Policy (Field Material from Northern Greece))
- Author(s):Gergana Tzoneva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:55-58
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:language; religion; education; self-defiance;"pomak" language; changing of identity; religious education
- Summary/Abstract:Language, religion and education have been put in the core of public policy in Northern Greece during the last few years. The education has a leading role and it is the most important factor to make the self-defiance in the community. The training is being led in Turkish mainly, and sometimes in Greek since the Primary Classes at schools. The problem with the changing of identity through religious education and the forcing of the influence of the basic current religion and its use became a political process as well. We can foresee the total disappearance of the Slavic/ Bulgarian/ language , and its use, or its official legitimation as "pomak" language, based on the researches in this area.
- Price: 4.50 €
Понятията "учител" и "ученик" в Новия завет и тяхното съвременно интерпретиране
Понятията "учител" и "ученик" в Новия завет и тяхното съвременно интерпретиране
(The Concept "Teacher" and "Disciple" in the New Testament and Their Contemporary Interpretation)
- Author(s):Eva Kovacheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:61-67
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:teacher; disciples; New Testament
- Summary/Abstract:The present study examines the notions of „teacher“ and „disciple“ according to the books of the New Testament, who teachers in the Ancient Church were, what the prerequisites and responsibilities of this ministry are, and thus elucidate the role and task of modern teachers and professors of religion , as well as to all those who teach spiritual knowledge.
- Price: 4.50 €
Епископ Немезий Емески и неговото образование през късната античност
Епископ Немезий Емески и неговото образование през късната античност
(Nemesius the Bishop of Emesa and His Education During the Late Antiquity)
- Author(s):Diana Nikolova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:68-72
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Bishop; Nemesius of Emesa; education; 4th century
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this paper is to present Nemesius the Bishop of Emesa and his education during the Late Antiquity. His treatise "On Human Nature" is highly appreciated by the Greek Holy Fathers and the medieval Western scholars and is a subject of scientific research until nowadays. Scientific researchers who make a study on the treatise of the Bishop of Emesa appreciate its value and build the notion of the author on the basis of his work. The education received by the bishop and the benefits of it will be examined on the same basis in this topic.
- Price: 4.50 €
Образователна, просветителска и сотериологична функция на църквата. Митрополит Климент Търновски (Васил Друмев) и неговото просветително дело за църквата в България
Образователна, просветителска и сотериологична функция на църквата. Митрополит Климент Търновски (Васил Друмев) и неговото просветително дело за църквата в България
(Educational, Enlightenment and Soteriological Function of the Church. Metropolitan Kliment Turnovski (Vasil Drumev) and his Enlightenment Work on the Church in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Stoyan Chilikov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Religion and science , History of Religion
- Page Range:73-83
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Metropolitan Clement of Tarnovo; Vasil Drumev; liturgical-enlightening activity; holy fathers; enlightenment work
- Summary/Abstract:The text aims to trace an unexplored part of the person and the work of Metropolitan Clement of Tarnovo (Vasil Drumev) - his liturgical-enlightening activity. On the basis of documents relating to the personality and life of Metropolitan Clement and his theological work, an attempt is being made to search for the common and different liturgical-enlightening ministry of the holy fathers of the church and the consecrated successor of God's grace - Metropolitan Clement of Tarnovo.
- Price: 4.50 €
Великата учителка Неделя Петкова и нейните заслуги за изучаването на вероучение по време на турското робство
Великата учителка Неделя Петкова и нейните заслуги за изучаването на вероучение по време на турското робство
(Great Teacher Nedelya Petkova and Her Contribution to Religious Education During Ottoman Rule in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Chedomir Murgoski
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:84-88
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Nedelya Petkova; recognition; orthodox church
- Summary/Abstract:Тhis is the recent life path of Nedelya Petkova. The first education she got was in the Sopotski monastery, and her entire life she spread what she had learned among her nation. Her struggles against poverty, Turkish power and Greek propaganda are described. Her effors to open female schools are presented, as she believes that women have the right for education. As a national ambassador, she asks for the public celebration of the holy brothers St. Cyril and Methodius. She is fighting for the recognition of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. Because of her contribution, she is one of the most influential women in Bulgaria.
- Price: 4.50 €
Мястото на Николай Никанорович Глубоковски в новозаветната наука в България
Мястото на Николай Никанорович Глубоковски в новозаветната наука в България
(The Place of Nikolay Nikanorovich Glubokovski in the New Testament Education in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Tanya Argilashka
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Religion and science
- Page Range:89-92
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:New Testament education; Nikolay Nikanorovich Glubokovski; theology
- Summary/Abstract:One of the most prominent scholars in the orthodox world, the great Russian scholar and theologian Nikolay Nikanorovich Glubokovski, is connecting with the development of the theology in Bulgaria.
- Price: 4.50 €
Просветата според проф. протопр. Стефан Цанков
Просветата според проф. протопр. Стефан Цанков
(Education According to prof. Archpriest Stefan Tsankov)
- Author(s):Nikola Vladikov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Religion and science
- Page Range:93-95
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:prof. StefanTsankov; enlightenment; upbringing; education; pseudo-rationalism
- Summary/Abstract:Prof. Archpriest Stefan Tsankov builds his view of education as something beyond rationalism and pieces of autonomous facts and information. According to him, upbringing is an essential part of education and enlightenment. The author consistently demythologizes pseudo-rationalism, which is particularly popular in post-liberation society.
- Price: 4.50 €
Отец Пирамович и образователната реформа в Полша през XVIII век
Отец Пирамович и образователната реформа в Полша през XVIII век
(Moral Education for Children and Young People in the Implementation of Grzegorz Piramowicz)
- Author(s):Christopher Lojek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Sociology of Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:96-106
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:religious education; social education; moral education; history of education
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents social education in the perspective of Father Grzegorz Piramowicz. It shows what is social education, what are the links between social education and religious education. It presents the life of priest Piramowicz against the background of the era, the institutions in which he acted, intellectual trends that inspired him. He presents his concept of preparing young people for participation in social life.
- Price: 4.50 €
Проблемы религиозно-нравственного воспитания в начале ХХ века (по материаллам II-го международного конгресса по нравственному воспитанию)
Проблемы религиозно-нравственного воспитания в начале ХХ века (по материаллам II-го международного конгресса по нравственному воспитанию)
(Problems of Religious and Moral Education in the Early 20th century (Materials of the 2nd International Congress on Moral Education))
- Author(s):Svetlana Lebedeva, Elena Kulikova
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Sociology of Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:109-113
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:scientific Congress; national ethics; religious and secular morality; religion and moral education; professional the teaching community
- Summary/Abstract:The article is devoted to the historical and pedagogical analysis of the ways of solving the problems of religious and moral education in Russian education, which were announced during the 2 international Congress on moral education in 1913 in the Hauge. The authors consider the original of views on the development of ethics of the early 20th in Russia.
- Price: 4.50 €
Влияние религиозного воспитания на духовно-нравственное развитие личности
Влияние религиозного воспитания на духовно-нравственное развитие личности
(Influence of Religious Education on Spiritual and Moral Development of Personality)
- Author(s):Tatiana Esikova
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:114-119
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:religious education; morality; spirituality; morality
- Summary/Abstract:The article examines the influence of religious education on the spiritual and moral development of a person. It is proposed to apply a set of forms of education with the help of combining the efforts of educational institutions and the church, aimed at the communication of clergy and the younger generation, aesthetic and creative activities of spiritual and religious orientation, excursions to holy places.
- Price: 4.50 €
Възпитаването на християнската нравствена ценност надежда в подрастващите от постмодерното поколение
Възпитаването на християнската нравствена ценност надежда в подрастващите от постмодерното поколение
(Education of Christian Moral Value Hope in the Children of Postmodern Generation)
- Author(s):Plamen Mladenov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:120-124
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Education; Hope; Christianity; Postmodernism
- Summary/Abstract:Bringing adolescents to faith of salvation is the ultimate goal of Christian parents and servants. It can be achieved more effectively by knowing the world in which young people live today. Hope is a fundamental Christian value, very important to the general positive perception of religion. There are different approaches that can be applied adequately to today's postmodern era.
- Price: 4.50 €
Нравствено-възпитателните аспекти в архиерейското послание на врачанския митрополит Климент след атентата в гр. Враца на 30 септември 1923 г.
Нравствено-възпитателните аспекти в архиерейското послание на врачанския митрополит Климент след атентата в гр. Враца на 30 септември 1923 г.
(The Moral-Educational Aspects of the Archbishop's Epistle of the Metropolitan of Vratsa, Kliment, After the Attack in Vratsa on 30th September 1923)
- Author(s):Miroslav Angelov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:125-131
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Terrorist act; Metropolitan of Vratsa; archbishop‘s epistle
- Summary/Abstract:The paper is based on archival documents. It considers the moral and educational aspects of the archbishop‘s epistle of the Metropolitan of Vratsa, Kliment, after the terrorist attack in the city of Vratsa on September 30th, 1923.
- Price: 4.50 €
Духовникът в помощ при възпитанието на деца на наркозависими родители в процеса на тяхната ресоциализация
Духовникът в помощ при възпитанието на деца на наркозависими родители в процеса на тяхната ресоциализация
(The Cleric in Helping to Educate of Drug Addicted parents is in the Process of Their Re-socialization)
- Author(s):Ivan Genov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:132-136
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Cleric; children; educate; drug addicted parents; process; re-socialization
- Summary/Abstract:In today's busy everyday life, the cleric should be the support for the development of families to be close to the children with a parent dependent on drugs. The Church is the Body of Christ, which means all of us are like a family, a unified, real church community that helps in trouble and problem experiences. The church community must always be empowered with families who have a drug addiction problem, or the parent is in resocialization and is struggling with the passion of vice. When a family of addicts is concerned with Love by the cleric and the church community, it changes its worldview and raises its life. In such an environment, when their child is accepted into a real Christian community and given a hand, through Sunday school, through his families and peers, it can grow in value in a society - united in the Love of God. When the cleric correctly directs the family of addicted to Love, as a value and ethic, then the child would receive a true parental Love and care. Together with the help of the Church, it would grow with a valuable worldview and would be complete in the community. Particularly important is the spiritual support of the priest, so that the family of addicts can step on that support and properly educate in LOVE and care for their child.
- Price: 4.50 €
Плурализмът днес. Подмяна на ценностите в ерата на дигиталните технологии
Плурализмът днес. Подмяна на ценностите в ерата на дигиталните технологии
(Pluralism and the Shift of Values in the Digital Technologies Era)
- Author(s):Nayden Yotov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:137-142
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:transhumanism; cybernetics; robotics; orthodoxy; values; digital age; religion; futurism; pluralism; evolution
- Summary/Abstract:Transhumanism – a threat or a cure for the humanity? The big question which triggers the lovers of technologies is whether machines are going to override moral norms set by humans leading to misbalance between necessary and allowed. What will be the ultimate criterion for right and useful in the age, where technology is authorized to decide life and death? Do we need to correct our bodies, to augment our capabilities, to postpone death or even to eradicate it? These are some of the topics discussed in my paper.
- Price: 4.50 €
Религиозното обучение в контекста на българското образование: социална реалност и религиозна култура
Религиозното обучение в контекста на българското образование: социална реалност и религиозна култура
(Religious Training in the Context of Bulgarian Education: Social Reality and Religious Culture)
- Author(s):Diana Petrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:145-148
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Religion; Education; Schools; Culture; Christianity; Еducational systems
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper I look at the relationship between religion and education. For centuries, historians and social scientists have written and researched the relationship and influence between them. As a universal phenomenon in people's lives, religion can penetrate all the structures of society through the educational process. It is the most effective way in a society to develop the philosophy of education as religion builds not only the person but also the whole society with its values. For this reason, there is a mutual connection between religion, education and culture. Referring to this connection, as a part of the educational system in our country, the study of religion would lead to higher educational achievements, the building of religious culture and Christian literacy.
- Price: 4.50 €
Педагогически проблеми на религиозното образование и обучение в българското училище и неговите философски проекции
Педагогически проблеми на религиозното образование и обучение в българското училище и неговите философски проекции
(Pedagogical Problems of Religious Education in the Bulgarian School and Its Philosophy Projects)
- Author(s):Mirela Kiuchukova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Religion and science
- Page Range:149-156
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:religious education; postmodernism; philosophical projections; secularization and desecularization; logical thinking; values
- Summary/Abstract:The focus of this article is on the pedagogical problems facing Bulgarian’s religious education in the postmodern era. It is characterized by growing multiculturalism, pluralism of beliefs and pronounced individualism. Philosophical projections in religious education are re-vealed in the ability of adolescents to look for the truth by analyze and logical thinking. We think that it may be possible through studying of Orthodox doctrine, because the upcoming will have the opportunity to know the Christian moral virtues.
- Price: 4.50 €
Вероучение или обучение по религия - размисли за религиозното образование в България
Вероучение или обучение по религия - размисли за религиозното образование в България
(Confessional or Non-confessional Religious Learning o Reflection for the Religious Education in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Kameliya Boshlova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:157-164
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:religious education; confessional religious learning; non-confessional religious learning
- Summary/Abstract:The article examines the state of religious education in Bulgaria since the Liberation until 2018. An analysis of the programs for the three forms of teaching the subject "Religion" - Orthodox Christianity, Islam and Religion - Non-Confessional Learning - is made. Based on her experience as a historian, a teacher in I - IV grade and the theologian, the author presents personal opinions and suggestions on the subject of the introduction of the subject "Religion" as compulsory in the Bulgarian school system.
- Price: 4.50 €
Обучението по религия - съвременни измерения
Обучението по религия - съвременни измерения
(The Religion Education - Modern Dimensions)
- Author(s):Elena Arnaudova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Religion and science
- Page Range:165-171
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:religion education; Christian values; pedagogical training
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents some aspects of modern religion education. An important accent is the formation of pedagogical competences in students of theology at the university. The new state educational documents and curricula of religion at school are analyzed . Results of a survey conducted with parents of children studying religion as a free elective subject at school are presented. The results are indicative of the fact that the education of Christian values is perceived by the parents as an essential element of the child's personal profile. As a factor of particular importance for the motivation of the parents is the personality of the teacher. In this connection, the essential role of the higher education institutions, which train pedagogical specialists on religion, is mentioned.
- Price: 4.50 €
Обучението по религия в българските светски висши училища
Обучението по религия в българските светски висши училища
(Religious Education in the Bulgarian Secular Universities)
- Author(s):Georgeta Nazarska, Svetla Shapkalova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Religion and science
- Page Range:172-177
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:training methodology; religion; secular universities; Bulgaria; non-confessional religious education
- Summary/Abstract:The paper comments on the current state of religion education in the Bulgarian universities with an emphasis on its non-confessional pattern. The challenges faced by this activity and the opportunities for using best foreign practices are highlighted. An original model of non-confessional training, developed, tested and functioning in the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies in Sofia for the needs of students in humanities and social sciences, is presented in details.
- Price: 4.50 €
Религиозный компонент в образовании инофонов: от формирования фоновых знаний к формированию фоновой эрудиции
Религиозный компонент в образовании инофонов: от формирования фоновых знаний к формированию фоновой эрудиции
(The Religious Component in the Educational Process of the Foreign Language Speakers& From the Skill Formation to the Erudition Itself)
- Author(s):Tatyana Arkadieva, Svetlana Vladimirova, Konstantin Pshenko, Nadezhda Fedotova, Tatyana Sharry
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Foreign languages learning, Theology and Religion, Eastern Slavic Languages
- Page Range:178-182
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Religious Picture; Marked Units; RFL Students; Religious Attitude; Erudition
- Summary/Abstract:The article reveals the problem of the religious aspect in the process of the education of the foreign-students. The theoretical and methodological aspects of the foreign students are actively updated; although we researched these aspects through the acquisition of the general knowledge by the students from the RFL department. The article also shows the linguistic and extra linguistic components, that have their demonstration of the cultural values and religious attitudes of the people.
- Price: 4.50 €
Опыт реализации курса "Основы религиозной культуры и светской этики" в начальной школе России
Опыт реализации курса "Основы религиозной культуры и светской этики" в начальной школе России
(Experience in the Implementation of the Course "Religion and Ethics" Russian Primary Education)
- Author(s):Svetlana Kotova, Liudmila Savinova
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theology and Religion, Religion and science
- Page Range:183-187
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:primary education; values; cultural and moral development; Russian system of education
- Summary/Abstract:The article is devoted to the description of the history of the working-out and introduction of the course " Religion or Ethics" in Russian primary education. The main ideas of the course, the first results of teaching, the difficulties of its implementation and prospects for further development are presented.
- Price: 4.50 €
За един опит за антропологичен подход в образованието
За един опит за антропологичен подход в образованието
(An Attempt of Anthropological Approach in the Education)
- Author(s):Zornitsa Prandzheva, Stefka Radeva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Education, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:188-195
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:anthropology; method; tolerance; ethnic; educational process
- Summary/Abstract:This research examines one unusual perspective towards the preservation of the cultural heritage trough the Bulgarian educational system. We will introduce anthropological approach in the education used and tried in the teaching of students /1st to 4th grade/ in the subjects Leisure time activities and Hour dedicated to the class In brooder sense this article takes a look at the possibility for anthropology to be included as a necessary section in the formation of specific abilities, ability to orientate multi-cultural environment, ability to analyze and self-examine, creativity and so on. The knowledge of the world itself requires a specific approach in the teaching, that covers the needs of the modern society. The educational experience presented uses the abilities and methods of anthropology as a science, giving new alternatives in the teaching.
- Price: 4.50 €
Предложение за въвеждане на учебен материал "Български светци и светини" в училищната програма
Предложение за въвеждане на учебен материал "Български светци и светини" в училищната програма
(Proposal for Introduction of the Learning Subject "Bulgarian Saints and Sanctuaries" in the School Program)
- Author(s):Nedyalka Yamakova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:196-199
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:: Bulgarian saints; holiness; patriotic-moral upbringing; Bulgarian renaissance calendars
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize in our country the Bulgarian saints, the feats of our Bulgarian saints and their images. And all this, through the school curricula. And as a result to reinforce the patriotic-moral upbringing of adolescents, creating a value system that resists the many demoralizing factors in our time. In the Bulgarian school there is a need to introduce a special discipline in which to study the life of Bulgarians who have reached holiness. An alternative to this is that material with such learning content should be included in other subjects taught in school.
- Price: 4.50 €
Педагогическо моделиране в омилиите на свети Серафим, архиепископ Богучарски, софийски чудотворец
Педагогическо моделиране в омилиите на свети Серафим, архиепископ Богучарски, софийски чудотворец
(Pedagogic Modeling in Homilies of Saint Serafim, Archbishop Bogucharski, Wonderworker from Sofia)
- Author(s):Snezhanka Popova-Toteva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Education, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:200-207
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:God’s Mother; God’s grace; God’s Kingdom; salvation; humility; Christian love
- Summary/Abstract:In his homilies Archbishop Serafim Sbolev always places as a center the main conceptions of Christianity, namely the mission of Lord Jesus Christ, the role of God’s Mother in salvation, the theory of Sacraments. On this basis he uses the methods of dialectics and didactics to make sermons as lessons to listeners. It is necessary that important truths of Christian faith, namely participation of God’s Mother in salvation and accessing God’s Kingdom by grace, humility, patience and love, to be perceived by the listeners and applied to the cause.
- Price: 4.50 €
Празничната обзедност на Рождество Христово - фактор за формиране на социална среда с взаимозависими социални роли при децата от 1 - 4 клас
Празничната обзедност на Рождество Христово - фактор за формиране на социална среда с взаимозависими социални роли при децата от 1 - 4 клас
(Christmas Celebrating Rituals - A Factor for the Social Environment Formation with Interdependent Social Roles of the Children in the Primary School)
- Author(s):Ivelina Stefanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Education, Theology and Religion, School education
- Page Range:208-215
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:socialization; celebration; Christian holidays; Christmas
- Summary/Abstract:Celebrations are an inseparable part of primary school life. School celebration system is dynamic and open to the current events of today which support the self identifying of the youngsters in the globalizing world. The most important Christian holidays connect the social roles of children and adults, exchange experience, establish traditions, form virtues significant for personality and nation. They give children an opportunity to experience emotions and conditions marked by the sacred and trace the way to the social tolerance between the generations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Извънкласна дейност религия (православие) - споделен педагогически опит
Извънкласна дейност религия (православие) - споделен педагогически опит
(Excellent Activity of Orthodox Christianity Religion - Shared Pedagogical Experience)
- Author(s):Desislava Krasteva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Education, Theology and Religion, School education
- Page Range:216-221
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:positive model; parental desire; theatrical productions; pilgrimage trips; summer camps; competitions; charity
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses the role of extra-curricular activity Religion-Orthodoxy. It has a place among the subjects studied in contemporary school because it lays the foundation of education in different ethical categories; creates an attitude to learning through survival; seeks to show an opportunity to build an active, knowledgeable and looking-for-new young person.The shared pedagogical experience of the secondary school “St. Constantine - Cyril Philosoph” of Plovdiv gives the opportunity to see the different aspects of the implementation of the activity and the positive change in the children who study Religion-Orthodoxy. The results of the training are also shown.
- Price: 4.50 €
Обучението по религия (православие) в съвременното училище. Добри практики
Обучението по религия (православие) в съвременното училище. Добри практики
(Teaching in Religion - Eastern Orthodoxy in the Contemporary School. Good Practices)
- Author(s):Krasimira Yordanova-Brumbarova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Social Sciences, Education, Theology and Religion, School education, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:222-229
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:extra-curricular activities on religion - Eastern Orthodox; good practices; pilgrimage trips
- Summary/Abstract:The present work describes some good teaching practices in religion-Eastern Orthodox in the contemporary Bulgarian school. The main focus is on the extra-curricular activities as an unlimited opportunity to put into practice what has been learnt in the classroom environment. Some of the activities are as follows: summer pilgrimage camps in monasteries where children participate in common prayers during the Divine Liturgy and have educational discussions with priests, drama plays and celebrations devoted to the Lord's and Virgin's feasts, the creation of an interactive game book of encyclopaedic character with the title “Lap book of the Christian child“. Another innovative practice is the "Going into the Temple Together" which gathers students, teachers and parents into a common spiritual experience. The joint pilgrimage trips bring tribute to holy places and build positive behaviours among adolescents.
- Price: 4.50 €
Роль и место "Этнокалендаря Санкт-Петербурга" в оформлении религиозной толерантности будущий учителей начальной школы
Роль и место "Этнокалендаря Санкт-Петербурга" в оформлении религиозной толерантности будущий учителей начальной школы
(The Role and Place of the "Ethno-Calendar of St. Petersburg" in the Design of Religious Tolerance of Future Primary School Teachers)
- Author(s):Eleonora Onishchenko
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Theology and Religion, School education, Higher Education
- Page Range:230-238
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:ethno-calendar; higher pedagogical education; professional training; religious tolerance
- Summary/Abstract:The article is devoted to the assessment of the importance for the professional development of the future teacher of the need to form the foundations of religious tolerance. The role and place of the innovative Russian project «Ethno-Calendar of St. Petersburg» as an effective means of improving the quality of modern higher pedagogical education are presented. «Ethno-calendar» is considered in the context of future primary school teachers studying the course «Educational space of St. Petersburg», based on the experience of its testing in the Institute of childhood of Pedagogical University A. I. Herzen (St. Petersburg)
- Price: 4.50 €
Инклюзивное образование в Липецком государственном техническом университете
Инклюзивное образование в Липецком государственном техническом университете
(Inclusive Education in Lipetsk State Technical University)
- Author(s):Vera Kukushkina, E. A. Kantaryuk, G. A. Maktumgulova
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Theology and Religion, Higher Education
- Page Range:239-243
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:inclusive education; integration; disabled; barrier; environment
- Summary/Abstract:This article considers the features of inclusive education. An example of this experience in Lipetsk State Technical University is given. the features of the educational process for people with vision problems set forth in detail. The ways of solving some problems of inclusive education are indicated, both in Lipetsk State Technical University and in the country as a whole.
- Price: 4.50 €
Авторите на трите оригинални български ерминии Дичо Зограф, Захарий Петрович и Върбан Коларов като наставници във вярата и учители по родолюбие
Авторите на трите оригинални български ерминии Дичо Зограф, Захарий Петрович и Върбан Коларов като наставници във вярата и учители по родолюбие
(The Authors of the Three Original Bulgarian Hermeneias Dicho Zograf, Zachari Petrovich and Varban Kolarov as Teachers in Faith and Patriotism)
- Author(s):Mariyana Shabarkova-Petrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Theology and Religion, History of Art
- Page Range:247-252
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Original Bulgarian Hermeneias; Bulgarian frescoes; specifics of the Holy Craft; Dicho Zograf; Zachari Petrovich; Varban Kolarov; herminists
- Summary/Abstract:The study is based on the personal observations and archive of the author from a twenty-year study of the Bulgarian frescoes and of the author's research as a compiler and publisher of the three original Bulgarian Hermeneias by Dicho Zograf, Zachari Petrovich and Varban Kolarov (Sofia, 2016, 2017, 2017). All three Hermeneias quoted, but especially those of Zachariy Petrovich, testify to the enviable iconostasis of the icon-painters. They have documented their in-depth knowledge not only of traditional local dyes but also of West European dyes and technologies, as well as of a Table of Symbols of the German Alchemist and Doctor Johann Joachim Becker, 1689, symbols whose names we meet in the Hermeneia of Zachari Petrovich. The following aspects of the subject are considered, supported by quotes by Didron, Uspensky, Dicho Zograf, Zachari Petrovich and Varban Kolarov:Guardians of the secret book of the icon - the Bulgarian monks in Mount Athos, Saints-icon-painters and icon-painters-saints, The specifics of the Holy Craft, Herminists as mentors in the faith, Herminists as patriotic teachers.
- Price: 4.50 €
Резюмета на изследвания в областта на църковното изкуство и дизайн
Резюмета на изследвания в областта на църковното изкуство и дизайн
(Abstracts of Research in the Field of Church Art and Design)
- Author(s):Evgeny Gamov, Sergei Tonkovid
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:253-258
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:design; synergy; icon; geometry; reverse perspective; Golden ratio
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the results of the study of synergy in design, geometry of the Andrei Rublev icon, reverse perspective in wall painting and the Golden section in Church art. Developed methods that can be used in modern design and Church art.
- Price: 4.50 €
Архангелският култ в стенописите на храм-паметника "Св. Александър Невски" - традиции и нововъведения
Архангелският култ в стенописите на храм-паметника "Св. Александър Невски" - традиции и нововъведения
(The Archangel Cult in the Fresco of the Temple "Alexander Nevski" - Traditions and Innovations)
- Author(s):Totka Grigorova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:259-267
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:iconography; angels; the archangels cult; 19th-20th century; innovations
- Summary/Abstract:In the pictorial language of the church fresco there are many changes in the various historical periods. The changes in the conceptual content and in the iconographic program of the late 19th and early 20th century show a change in the attitude towards ecclesiastical art. In essence, this involves the extending of range of the themes and stories that are no longer so closely bound up with liturgical action. In the multiple depictions of angels and archangels, an attempt can be found for compensating the stray of art from its main purpose. Most of the portrayed archangels images are representatives of the modern compositions of those times brought by the Russian artists who worked in the monument temple.
- Price: 4.50 €
Някои убеждения, свързани с пространството и облика на православния (съвременен) храм като резултат от теоретичен и образователен пропуск
Някои убеждения, свързани с пространството и облика на православния (съвременен) храм като резултат от теоретичен и образователен пропуск
(A Few Opinions Regarding the Space and Design of the (Contemporary) Orthodox Church as a Result of Theoretical and Educational Misconception)
- Author(s):Lenko Grigorov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Architecture, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:268-273
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Orthodox church architecture; types of church buildings; development of the naos; elements gradation in the orthodox church building
- Summary/Abstract:The article focuses on some widespread assumptions about the historical development and contemporary state of the orthodox church architecture regarding the types of churches according to the space of the naos, as well as the hierarchy of the individual elements and characteristics that the temple contains.
- Price: 4.50 €
Иконата в религиозното образование: традиции и съвременност
Иконата в религиозното образование: традиции и съвременност
(The Icon in Religious Education: Traditions and Modernity)
- Author(s):Tatyana Ivanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy, History of Art
- Page Range:274-281
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Orthodoxy; icon; religious education; traditions; modernity
- Summary/Abstract:The Orthodox Icon is an indivisible part of Orthodoxy today. Already in ancient times, it appeared in Christianity to show „what the Church believes“. As well as the icons are/were mediators of the prayers of the believers they were also used as a visual catechism – to clarify the Christian faith, to educate Christian values, to reveal the path to salvation. Today, in the multicultural and multireligious Europe, the icon is a symbol of the Orthodoxy and its defender. The holy images are an antipod of the dissipating effect of the mass media. In religion classes, the icon affects both the rational level by the narrative and the clarification, as well as the spiritual level. Through its symbolic language, schema and specificity, the icon helps prayer rise to the eternal and the celestial, becomes the meeting place between the material and the spiritual.
- Price: 4.50 €
Конкурсите за рисунка на християнска тематика в помощ на православното религиозно възпитание
Конкурсите за рисунка на християнска тематика в помощ на православното религиозно възпитание
(The Christian Thematic Drawing Competitions in Assistance of the Christian Orthodox Religious Education)
- Author(s):Nikolinka Klimukova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:282-287
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Contests; children's drawings; Christianity
- Summary/Abstract:Today we are looking for new means of joining the Christian faith. Contests for painting Christian themes are the occasion for children, parents and teachers to go to the church. Children like painting and participating in events of competitive and creative character. Contests are the occasion to get acquainted with eastern Orthodox feasts, children, their parents and teachers, and a way of catehisation. To meet the conditions for participation, they read literature, follow models of Christian art, visit the church. Award ceremonies, exhibitions and celebrations take place in the church and in the educational centers. Consequently, Christianity Drawing Contests are in favor of Orthodox religious upbringing.
- Price: 4.50 €
Изучаването на история на музикалното изкуство - път към християнското духовно богатство
Изучаването на история на музикалното изкуство - път към християнското духовно богатство
(The Study of the History of Musical Art - A Path to Christian Spiritual Heritage)
- Author(s):Antonia Baleva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Music, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:288-294
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:music; music history; religion; culture; education
- Summary/Abstract:In this text, the attitude of music-religion is subordinated to the idea of integrating the religious themes into the educational process of music history. In a broad interdisciplinary framework, some philosophical-aesthetic, cultural, sociological, psychological aspects of the problem are affected, as deliberately sought distance from purely theological and accent on the general culture.
- Price: 4.50 €
Значението на Петър Динев за обучението по църковна музика в България
Значението на Петър Динев за обучението по църковна музика в България
(The Importance of Peter Dinev for Church Music Education in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Julian Kujumdzhiev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Music, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:295-300
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Peter Dinev; Eastern church singing; translation from eastern to western notation; training of church singers
- Summary/Abstract:This paper is dedicated to Petar Dinev's contribution to church music education in Bulgaria. Raised in traditions and Eastern singing, and Western European music, Dinev strives to achieve a synthesis between these two traditions both in his liturgical works and in his pedagogical work. This idea Dinev develops in his pedagogical activity and in his tools the beginning of the introduction of the Bulgarian church music in the academic practice and its establishment in a separate scientific and educational field in the Bulgarian musicology.
- Price: 4.50 €