Cross-Border Cooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine: Volume IV: Perceptions of local and regional actors
Cross-Border Cooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine: Volume IV: Perceptions of local and regional actors

Contributor(s): Martin Lačný (Editor), Anna Polačková (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Political Sciences, Public Administration, International relations/trade, Methodology and research technology, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Geopolitics
Published by: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, Filozofická fakulta, Inštitút politológie
Keywords: Cross-Border Cooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine; immigration/emigration between Ukraine and Slovakia; cross-border work migration; EU-Ukraine Association Agreement;
Summary/Abstract: This publication is the latest of a series of four publications that present the findings of the research project titled the “Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine and Cross-border Cooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine: Implications and Opportunities”. The research project was implemented by the Institute of Political Science at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Prešov and supported by the Slovak Research and DevelopmentAgency over the period of 2016 ‒ 2019 (project no. APVV-15-0369). This fourth publication presents the results of empirical research focused on perceptions, preferences, motivations and strategies of regional and local actors on both sides of the border. The book entitled Cross-BorderCooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine: Volume IV: Perceptions of Localand Regional Actors, co-authored by Michal Cirner, Martin Lačný, Anna Polačková and Gabriel Székely, consists of two extensive scientific studies.The first one provides interpretation of the empirical research results at the local level, and is divided into nine sub-chapters, focusing on different sets of issues from the structured questionnaire for local CBC actors: migration and social interaction; identifying barriers to interaction and cross-border cooperation; perceptions and ideas about the residents on the other side of the border; evaluation of cross-border cooperation policies; the expected impact of cross-border cooperation; expected impacts of the EU AssociationAgreement with Ukraine. The second study, presenting interpretationof empirical data obtained at regional level, is structured according to thestructure of the questionnaire for regional CBC actors and thus similarly to the study at local level, but includes one extra sub-chapter, tracking a set of questions focused on types and levels of mutual economic interaction. The final part of both studies consists of the interpretation of correlation analysis results and the final commentary in the form of policy considerations.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-555-2351-4
  • Page Count: 276
  • Publication Year: 2019
  • Language: English
Empirical research on perceptions of local CBC actors

Empirical research on perceptions of local CBC actors
(Empirical research on perceptions of local CBC actors)

Empirical research on perceptions of regional CBC actors

Empirical research on perceptions of regional CBC actors
(Empirical research on perceptions of regional CBC actors)

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