Cross-Border Cooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine: Volume I: Impact of EU relations with Ukraine
Cross-Border Cooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine: Volume I: Impact of EU relations with Ukraine

Contributor(s): Alexander Duleba (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Political Sciences, Public Administration, Methodology and research technology, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Geopolitics
Published by: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, Filozofická fakulta, Inštitút politológie
Keywords: Cross-Border Cooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine; EU and Ukraine relations; Cross-border Cooperation;
Summary/Abstract: This publication is the first in a series of four publications that present the findings of the research project “Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine and Cross-border Cooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine: Implications and Opportunities”. The research project was implemented by the Institute of Political Science at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Prešov with the support of the Slovak Research and Development Agency over the period of 2016 ‒ 2019 (project no. APVV-15-0369).

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-555-23
  • Page Count: 200
  • Publication Year: 2019
  • Language: English
Research goals and methodology

Research goals and methodology
(Research goals and methodology)

Institutional framework for Ukraine’s relations with the EU: limits and opportunities for Slovak-Ukrainian cross -border cooperation

Institutional framework for Ukraine’s relations with the EU: limits and opportunities for Slovak-Ukrainian cross -border cooperation
(Institutional framework for Ukraine’s relations with the EU: limits and opportunities for Slovak-Ukrainian cross -border cooperation)

Economic integration of Ukraine with the EU: an impact of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, 2016 ‒ 2018

Economic integration of Ukraine with the EU: an impact of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, 2016 ‒ 2018
(Economic integration of Ukraine with the EU: an impact of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, 2016 ‒ 2018)

The visa dialogue and the visafree regime of Ukraine with the EU: consequences for migration of Ukrainian citizens to the Slovak Republic

The visa dialogue and the visafree regime of Ukraine with the EU: consequences for migration of Ukrainian citizens to the Slovak Republic
(The visa dialogue and the visafree regime of Ukraine with the EU: consequences for migration of Ukrainian citizens to the Slovak Republic)

EU support programs for cross-border cooperation on its external border: focus on the border with Ukraine

EU support programs for cross-border cooperation on its external border: focus on the border with Ukraine
(EU support programs for cross-border cooperation on its external border: focus on the border with Ukraine)

Perception of Ukraine in the EU: analysis of the public opinion of the EU Member States on Ukraine’s EU membership

Perception of Ukraine in the EU: analysis of the public opinion of the EU Member States on Ukraine’s EU membership
(Perception of Ukraine in the EU: analysis of the public opinion of the EU Member States on Ukraine’s EU membership)

Opportunities and problems in the EU-Ukraine relations: perceptions of actors

Opportunities and problems in the EU-Ukraine relations: perceptions of actors
(Opportunities and problems in the EU-Ukraine relations: perceptions of actors)

Policy considerations

Policy considerations
(Policy considerations)

List of tables, figures, maps and boxes

List of tables, figures, maps and boxes
(List of tables, figures, maps and boxes)

List of questions for research interviews with representatives of the EU institutions

List of questions for research interviews with representatives of the EU institutions
(List of questions for research interviews with representatives of the EU institutions)



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