Biblioteca personală. Lecturi de istorie și filosofia culturii
Personal Library. Readings on History and Philosophy of Culture
Author(s): Mihaela Gligor
Subject(s): History, Philosophy, Jewish studies, Political Philosophy, Special Branches of Philosophy, History of ideas, Recent History (1900 till today), History of Antisemitism
Published by: Presa Universitara Clujeana
Keywords: History; Philosophy of Culture; readings; Holocaust; Indian studies; Orientalism;
Summary/Abstract: The volume brings together 32 writings about books that shaped me, opened my horizon and enriched me spiritually.I tried to structure my texts according to some topics. The chapter entitled "Recent Histories" brings together presentations of books of history, Romanian philosophy, philosophy of culture, interwar history, Holocaust - topics I have dealt with mainly in recent years. "Beyond India" brings together severeal writings about the many books dedicated to India - its history, philosophy, religion and culture - or Orientalism, in general, which I have read since 2007, after meeting India, and more recently, after Cluj Center for Indian Studies was opened at Babes Bolyai University in Cluj Napoca. In the last part, "Parallel Stories" there are some writings about books that helped me to understand some certain aspects of the topics I approached as a researcher, but also some stories about distant and extraordinary worlds.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-606-37-0780-3
- Page Count: 145
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: Romanian