Tremendism: Life’s Bitter Flavour: Tracing Tremendist Esthetic in the 20th Century Spanish Narrative Cover Image
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Tremendismo: el sabor amargo de la vida: Tras las huellas de la estética tremendista en la narrativa española del siglo XX
Tremendism: Life’s Bitter Flavour: Tracing Tremendist Esthetic in the 20th Century Spanish Narrative

Author(s): Athena Alchazidu
Contributor(s): Jana Horáková (Editor), Katarina Petrovićová (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Philosophy, Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Cultural history, Fiction, Studies of Literature, Aesthetics, Recent History (1900 till today), Novel, Other Language Literature, Theory of Literature
ISSN: 1211-3034
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Tremendism; Spanish culture; 20th century; Spanish narrative; Spanish literature; tremendist novels; tremendist aesthetics;
Summary/Abstract: Tremendism is one of the most peculiar phenomena that appeared on the Spanish cultural scene in the 20th century. Its origin at the beginning of the 1940s had been accompanied with several polemics that have gradually faded out. Tremendism appeared along with a new literary group, the so called Generation of 36, whose literary works influenced the later development of the Spanish narrative. A greater revival of interest in this issue took place only much later, especially in the 1990s after Camilo Jose Cela, the leading representative of tremendism, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. At the same time, new writers from the Generation X published their tremendist novels. This monograph is a contribution to the academic discussion on tremendism as a literary phenomenon.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-8733-0
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-8345-5
  • Page Count: 252
  • Publication Year: 2016
  • Language: Spanish
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