European Financial Systems 2013: Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific Conference. 10-11 June 2013, Telč, Czech Republic
European Financial Systems 2013: Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific Conference. 10-11 June 2013, Telč, Czech Republic

Contributor(s): Oleg Deev (Editor), Veronika Kajurová (Editor), Jan Krajíček (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Agriculture, Political Theory, Sociology, Economic policy, Government/Political systems, Political economy, Economic development, Conference Report, Public Finances, Accounting - Business Administration, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Czech Republic; Slovakia; Banking system; DEA application; Financial crisis; SME; European Debt Crisis; Investment models; Stock prices; Electronic Banking; Agriculture; Business Economy; Macroeconomic Data; EU; Tax policy;
Summary/Abstract: It is my pleasure to introduce you a collection of papers from the 10th International Scientific Conference European Financial Systems 2013, organized annually by the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University. We can now say that our conference has a long history starting in 2003 in Brno, Czech Republic and thereafter continuing as an annual event. To celebrate our first anniversary the conference was organized at a very distinctive and special place – the city of Telč, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This year's conference was focused on the current issues related to the financial crisis inthe European Union, specifically in financial markets, banking and insurance industries and corporate finance. Because the collection of papers presents the latest scientific knowledge in this area, I believe you will get a number of new insights useful for yours cientific enquires as well as your educational or practical activities.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-8696-8
  • Page Count: 374
  • Publication Year: 2013
  • Language: English
The System Solution of Uninsurable Risks with Focus on Floods in the Czech Republic

The System Solution of Uninsurable Risks with Focus on Floods in the Czech Republic
(The System Solution of Uninsurable Risks with Focus on Floods in the Czech Republic)

Verification of a linear dependence between the risk premium and the systematic risk: Empirical testing based on data from PSE

Verification of a linear dependence between the risk premium and the systematic risk: Empirical testing based on data from PSE
(Verification of a linear dependence between the risk premium and the systematic risk: Empirical testing based on data from PSE)

Efficiency in the Slovak banking industry: a DEA application of the profit approach

Efficiency in the Slovak banking industry: a DEA application of the profit approach
(Efficiency in the Slovak banking industry: a DEA application of the profit approach)

Is the asset-liability approach a significant change to revenue recognition?

Is the asset-liability approach a significant change to revenue recognition?
(Is the asset-liability approach a significant change to revenue recognition?)

Performance of Hungarian Mutual Funds and the Financial Crisis

Performance of Hungarian Mutual Funds and the Financial Crisis
(Performance of Hungarian Mutual Funds and the Financial Crisis)

Insurance of Risks of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Insurance of Risks of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
(Insurance of Risks of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises)

Country Risk as a Phenomenon of the Current European Debt Crisis

Country Risk as a Phenomenon of the Current European Debt Crisis
(Country Risk as a Phenomenon of the Current European Debt Crisis)

Rate of Investments as a Parameter of the VIM Model for Appraising Trademarks of Unlisted Companies

Rate of Investments as a Parameter of the VIM Model for Appraising Trademarks of Unlisted Companies
(Rate of Investments as a Parameter of the VIM Model for Appraising Trademarks of Unlisted Companies)

Co-movements of bank stocks’ prices as signs of interdependence and contagion

Co-movements of bank stocks’ prices as signs of interdependence and contagion
(Co-movements of bank stocks’ prices as signs of interdependence and contagion)

Resolving the consequences of work-related injuries in the conditions of the Czech Republic

Resolving the consequences of work-related injuries in the conditions of the Czech Republic
(Resolving the consequences of work-related injuries in the conditions of the Czech Republic)

Trends in Integration of the Electronic Banking

Trends in Integration of the Electronic Banking
(Trends in Integration of the Electronic Banking)

Factors influencing the microeconomic and fiscal effects of the reduced VAT on books

Factors influencing the microeconomic and fiscal effects of the reduced VAT on books
(Factors influencing the microeconomic and fiscal effects of the reduced VAT on books)

Value at Risk estimation using a Monte Carlo simulation

Value at Risk estimation using a Monte Carlo simulation
(Value at Risk estimation using a Monte Carlo simulation)

Nowcasting business cycles using transportation index

Nowcasting business cycles using transportation index
(Nowcasting business cycles using transportation index)

Financial and operational performance of hospitals in the Czech Republic

Financial and operational performance of hospitals in the Czech Republic
(Financial and operational performance of hospitals in the Czech Republic)

Analysis of the problem of pro-cyclicality in the Eurozone and pro-cyclicality solutions in Basel III

Analysis of the problem of pro-cyclicality in the Eurozone and pro-cyclicality solutions in Basel III
(Analysis of the problem of pro-cyclicality in the Eurozone and pro-cyclicality solutions in Basel III)

The yield curve as a predictor of economic activity – the case of the Visegrad group

The yield curve as a predictor of economic activity – the case of the Visegrad group
(The yield curve as a predictor of economic activity – the case of the Visegrad group)

Mergers in Czech Agricultural Companies

Mergers in Czech Agricultural Companies
(Mergers in Czech Agricultural Companies)

The calculation of the output gap in the machinery sector of the Slovak Republic

The calculation of the output gap in the machinery sector of the Slovak Republic
(The calculation of the output gap in the machinery sector of the Slovak Republic)

Credibility Theory and Its Using In Insurance Practice

Credibility Theory and Its Using In Insurance Practice
(Credibility Theory and Its Using In Insurance Practice)

Linkages between bonds and credit default swaps of the European financial institutions

Linkages between bonds and credit default swaps of the European financial institutions
(Linkages between bonds and credit default swaps of the European financial institutions)

Alternative bankruptcy models – first results

Alternative bankruptcy models – first results
(Alternative bankruptcy models – first results)

Crisis Management of Banks in the Context of Financial Crisis

Crisis Management of Banks in the Context of Financial Crisis
(Crisis Management of Banks in the Context of Financial Crisis)

Cash Management in Practice

Cash Management in Practice
(Cash Management in Practice)

Polluter Pays Principle in the Czech Republic in the Context of Public Environmental Protection Expenditures

Polluter Pays Principle in the Czech Republic in the Context of Public Environmental Protection Expenditures
(Polluter Pays Principle in the Czech Republic in the Context of Public Environmental Protection Expenditures)

The fundamentals of accounting for business combinations

The fundamentals of accounting for business combinations
(The fundamentals of accounting for business combinations)

Investigation of factors affecting short interest in the Australian Stock Exchange

Investigation of factors affecting short interest in the Australian Stock Exchange
(Investigation of factors affecting short interest in the Australian Stock Exchange)

Public Contracts in Czech Teaching Hospitals - efficiency issues

Public Contracts in Czech Teaching Hospitals - efficiency issues
(Public Contracts in Czech Teaching Hospitals - efficiency issues)

Contemporary crisis and strategic management of the private banking sector in the Czech Republic

Contemporary crisis and strategic management of the private banking sector in the Czech Republic
(Contemporary crisis and strategic management of the private banking sector in the Czech Republic)

Financial consequences linked with investments in current assets: Polish firms case

Financial consequences linked with investments in current assets: Polish firms case
(Financial consequences linked with investments in current assets: Polish firms case)

Influence of volatility on the value of the modern structured products

Influence of volatility on the value of the modern structured products
(Influence of volatility on the value of the modern structured products)

History of Financial Crises and its impact to current regulatory development of Basel Committee

History of Financial Crises and its impact to current regulatory development of Basel Committee
(History of Financial Crises and its impact to current regulatory development of Basel Committee)

Asset Pricing with Conditional Value at Risk

Asset Pricing with Conditional Value at Risk
(Asset Pricing with Conditional Value at Risk)

Asset Pricing and Entropy

Asset Pricing and Entropy
(Asset Pricing and Entropy)

Analysis of phishing in the e-banking field and protection techniques against this type of fraud

Analysis of phishing in the e-banking field and protection techniques against this type of fraud
(Analysis of phishing in the e-banking field and protection techniques against this type of fraud)

Single supervisory mechanism bank as a first step to the banking union

Single supervisory mechanism bank as a first step to the banking union
(Single supervisory mechanism bank as a first step to the banking union)

Utilization of Benford’s Law by Testing Government Macroeconomics Data

Utilization of Benford’s Law by Testing Government Macroeconomics Data
(Utilization of Benford’s Law by Testing Government Macroeconomics Data)

Availability of Information about the Company Insurance against Natural Hazards on the Czech Insurance Market

Availability of Information about the Company Insurance against Natural Hazards on the Czech Insurance Market
(Availability of Information about the Company Insurance against Natural Hazards on the Czech Insurance Market)

Commodity Markets Financialization and its Impact on the World Economy

Commodity Markets Financialization and its Impact on the World Economy
(Commodity Markets Financialization and its Impact on the World Economy)

The Impacts of Basel III onto the European Banking Sector

The Impacts of Basel III onto the European Banking Sector
(The Impacts of Basel III onto the European Banking Sector)

Outsourcing in Insurance

Outsourcing in Insurance
(Outsourcing in Insurance)

Restructuring of the Czech Banking Sector – Influence of Mergers on Selected Financial Indicators

Restructuring of the Czech Banking Sector – Influence of Mergers on Selected Financial Indicators
(Restructuring of the Czech Banking Sector – Influence of Mergers on Selected Financial Indicators)

The choice of portfolio based on the theory of cooperative games

The choice of portfolio based on the theory of cooperative games
(The choice of portfolio based on the theory of cooperative games)

Lessons Learned from the 2013 Banking Crisis in Cyprus

Lessons Learned from the 2013 Banking Crisis in Cyprus
(Lessons Learned from the 2013 Banking Crisis in Cyprus)

Microeconomic factors influencing impaired loans and credit derivatives prices

Microeconomic factors influencing impaired loans and credit derivatives prices
(Microeconomic factors influencing impaired loans and credit derivatives prices)

Can tax policy co-cause the crisis?

Can tax policy co-cause the crisis?
(Can tax policy co-cause the crisis?)

Stress testing in relation to the financial crisis

Stress testing in relation to the financial crisis
(Stress testing in relation to the financial crisis)

Influence of a merger on the EBIT of merged companies in the Czech Republic

Influence of a merger on the EBIT of merged companies in the Czech Republic
(Influence of a merger on the EBIT of merged companies in the Czech Republic)

Assessing the progress of the implementation of the Solvency II regulation

Assessing the progress of the implementation of the Solvency II regulation
(Assessing the progress of the implementation of the Solvency II regulation)

Some specifics of the valuation of bank stocks

Some specifics of the valuation of bank stocks
(Some specifics of the valuation of bank stocks)

Stock selection based on financial ratios on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Analysis between 2001 and 2010

Stock selection based on financial ratios on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Analysis between 2001 and 2010
(Stock selection based on financial ratios on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Analysis between 2001 and 2010)

Decoupling hypothesis and the financial crisis

Decoupling hypothesis and the financial crisis
(Decoupling hypothesis and the financial crisis)

Perspectives of the Monetary Development of EU

Perspectives of the Monetary Development of EU
(Perspectives of the Monetary Development of EU)

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