Tele-wizje. Sezon drugi
Tele-visions 2
Contributor(s): Marta Kasprzak (Editor), Małgorzata Major (Editor)
Subject(s): Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Film / Cinema / Cinematography
ISSN: 1730-7775
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
- Page Count: 240
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: English, Polish
Platforma strumieniowa Netflix – domena VOD czy nowa forma telewizji jakościowej? Historia i sposoby dystrybucji.
Platforma strumieniowa Netflix – domena VOD czy nowa forma telewizji jakościowej? Historia i sposoby dystrybucji.
(Netflix Streaming Platform – a VOD Domain or a New Form of Quality Television? History and Distribution Methods.)
- Author(s):Maciej Sztąberek
- Language:English, Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Film / Cinema / Cinematography
- Page Range:10-32
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:Netflix; VOD; video on demand; quality television; streaming platform; movie rental
- Summary/Abstract:Nowadays streaming platforms are becoming more and more popular, enabling viewing of video materials in the format of Video on Demand. Currently, the most popular are platforms such as Amazon Prime Video, Showmax, which came to Poland at the beginning of 2017, HBO GO service belonging to a traditional television broadcaster, or finally the oldest of these – the Netflix platform. This article will be devoted to Netflix due to its long history and unquestion ableclearing of routes in this area.The main purpose of this article is to analyze Netflix’s actions related to VoDservices and its production of high-quality programs. Analysis is aimed at specify ingsolutions that have provided this platform with such popularity. In addition, an attempt will be made to determine whether Netflix is only a streaming platform or can be considered as an example of modern quality television.
Serial internetowy–notatki o zjawisku.
Serial internetowy–notatki o zjawisku.
(Web Series–Notes on the Phenomenon.)
- Author(s):Paweł Sołodki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Film / Cinema / Cinematography
- Page Range:33-46
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:web series; YouTube; Vimeo
- Summary/Abstract:The article takes a closer look at web series which not only are distributed exclusively via world wide web (usually YouTube and Vimeo) but for which thehyper textuality, modularity or transmediality stand for their essential qualities. I have divided web series into three categories: 1) very cheap, short series and seriesof a few episodes amateurish in form ; 2) semi-professional series of a longerlength, sometimes genre-oriented; 3) professional “extensions” (spin-off’s) of traditional TV series, 4) branded series considered to represent narrative commercials of minor and major brands.The author analyses the form and content of the above regarding both fictionaland documentary works; elaborates on one of the most complex examples (“H+. The Digital Series” by Warner Bros.) and finishes with opportunities anddisad vantages of such a film form.
„Pozdrawiam Fanki i Sułtanki”. Internetowe praktyki polskiego fandomu serialu "Wspaniałe stulecie".
„Pozdrawiam Fanki i Sułtanki”. Internetowe praktyki polskiego fandomu serialu "Wspaniałe stulecie".
(“I greet Fans and Sultanas”. Internet practices of the Polish fandom of the television series "Magnificent Century".)
- Author(s):Magdalena Kamińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Film / Cinema / Cinematography
- Page Range:47-68
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Magnificent Century; Muhteşem Yüzyıl; reception studies; fan practices; fan studies
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses fan practices of Polish viewers of the Turkish TV series Magnificent Century (Muhteşem Yüzyıl, "Wspaniałe stulecie"). Using this example, the author analyzes the issue of cultural incorporation, recontextualization and reinterpretation of foreign narrative conventions. The article also describeshow people digitally excluded join the fandom and get 'infected' by the need for`drilling` down into their favorite text. As a result, they acquire new technological skills and build online knowledge communities described by Henry Jenkins.
Rozkrajanie amerykańskiego snu skalpelem "Mitu Syzyfa". Egzystencjalizm i diagnoza amerykańskiego kryzysu w serialu "Fargo".
Rozkrajanie amerykańskiego snu skalpelem "Mitu Syzyfa". Egzystencjalizm i diagnoza amerykańskiego kryzysu w serialu "Fargo".
(Disassembly of American Sleep with a scalpel "Myth Sisyphus". The existentialism and the diagnosis of the American crisis in "Fargo" series.)
- Author(s):Pola Sobaś-Mikołajczyk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Film / Cinema / Cinematography
- Page Range:70-82
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:existentialism; American tv series; Fargo
- Summary/Abstract:In my paper I focus on presenting the American crisis on the example of theseries Fargo. The Coen brothers show different heroes in the role of contemporary Sisyphus. Drawing on the philosophy of Sartre and Kierkegaard, they analyzethe existential condition of their characters and expose the American dream. They entangle the characters into economic, emotional and living crises in orderto expose the illusion of emancipation in capitalism.
Rozwój złożonej narracyjności w amerykańskich serialach.
Rozwój złożonej narracyjności w amerykańskich serialach.
(A progression of a complex narration in an American tv series.)
- Author(s):Artur Borowiecki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Film / Cinema / Cinematography
- Page Range:83-94
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:modern drama series; narrative complexity; quality drama; continuing series
- Summary/Abstract:Modern television series are a product of quality television and thus significantly differ from the models that have been deeply rooted in serial culture sincethe very beginning of the media’s existence. At that time, the dominating category constituted series with an episodic structure closed within one episode. Nowadays, the dominant format is the narrative continuity. The text aims to show the series in which the creators used innovative solutionsas a result of which a new narrative paradigm was formed, described as a „narrative complexity”. The article briefly analyzes various series genres: soapoperas, sitcoms and postmodernist series. All the examples cited represent a differenttypes of multi-threaded balance, that affects the evolution of narrative patterns.
"Mr. Robot" czyli powrót paranoi.
"Mr. Robot" czyli powrót paranoi.
("Mr. Robot": The Return of Paranoia.)
- Author(s):Magdalena Bałaga
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Film / Cinema / Cinematography
- Page Range:95-109
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Mr. Robot; television series; societal experience
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this paper is to show the functioning and the role of paranoid obsessions in television series Mr. "Robot" (2015) and Thomas Pynchon’s novels. Although it seems that the novels of the American writer and the screenplay havelittle in common, both use a paranoid way of thinking as a creative response tosocietal experience.
"Jordskott". Las zaginionych, czyli przekraczanie granic Nordic noir.
"Jordskott". Las zaginionych, czyli przekraczanie granic Nordic noir.
("Jordskott" or crossing borders of Nordic noir.)
- Author(s):Tomasz Adamski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Film / Cinema / Cinematography
- Page Range:110-118
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Nordic noir; tv series; crime series
- Summary/Abstract:The TV crime drama is one of the most popular genres for European audiencesand arguably also the most culturally sensitive and nuanced. The authorin his article analyzes one of the Swedish examples of crime drama called Jordskott. Author interprets it through the prism of the Nordic noir aesthetics whilech aracterizing this concept. In the course of analyzes, however, he notices thatthe "Jordskott" series escapes the genre framework and is located somewhere at the intersection of such film aesthetics as: "Nordic noir", ecological thriller, horror orfairy tale.
Tele-saga jako narzędzie współtworzenia medialnych narracji: poprawa wizerunku homoseksualnych mężczyzn na przykładzie bohatera "M jak miłość".
Tele-saga jako narzędzie współtworzenia medialnych narracji: poprawa wizerunku homoseksualnych mężczyzn na przykładzie bohatera "M jak miłość".
(Polish soap opera as a tool for co-creating media narratives: improving the image of homosexual men on the example of the male character of "M jak miłość" ("L for Love").)
- Author(s):Anna Felskowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Film / Cinema / Cinematography
- Page Range:119-134
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:L for Love; Polish series; soap opera
- Summary/Abstract:In the second half of the first decade of the 21st century, affirmative imagesof homosexual men began to appear in both Polish cinema and drama series. Several factors contributed to this, including the “influence of the West” after Poland had joined the European Union. Driven by socio-political changes, theimprovement of gay men’s media image can be observed on the example of themale character of the Polish soap opera "M jak miłość" (L for Love) – Grzegorz. Inepisodes produced in 2003, Grzegorz is an secondary, definitely negative characterand represents a serious threat to the heteronormative social structure. Twoyears later, in 2005, Grzegorz appears in "M jak miłość" again, this time equipped with positive features: generosity, unselfishness, patience, sensitivity. He implements the “gay best friend” stereotype – is a friend of one of the female protagonists, also becomes a victim of a homophobic attack. However, same like the negative image of homosexual men, the positive image constructed in opposition to it is a sign of a social problem.In the second half of the first decade of the 21st century, affirmative images of homosexual men began to appear in both Polish cinema and drama series. Several factors contributed to this, including the “influence of the West” after Poland had joined the European Union. Driven by socio-political changes, the improvement of gay men’s media image can be observed on the example of the male character of the Polish soap opera M jak miłość (L for Love) – Grzegorz. In episodes produced in 2003, Grzegorz is an secondary, definitely negative character and represents a serious threat to the heteronormative social structure. Two years later, in 2005, Grzegorz appears in M jak miłość again, this time equipped with positive features: generosity, unselfishness, patience, sensitivity. He implements the “gay best friend” stereotype – is a friend of one of the female protagonists, also becomes a victim of a homophobic attack. However, same like the negative image of homosexual men, the positive image constructed in opposition to it is a sign of a social problem.
Pozdrowienia z Krakowa. "Belle Epoque" kontra "Tabu".
Pozdrowienia z Krakowa. "Belle Epoque" kontra "Tabu".
(Greetings from Krakow. "Belle Epoque" versus "Taboo".)
- Author(s):Monika Rawska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Film / Cinema / Cinematography
- Page Range:135-151
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Belle Epoque, Taboo; dime novels; television series
- Summary/Abstract:Two series premiered in 2017: British-American "Taboo" and Polish "Belle Epoque". The year is not the only similarity – based on the statements by Edward Miszczak, head of programming of the TVN channel, resemblance was sought and even intended. Similitude in the main character’s image as well as the starting point of the story lines proved to be misleading. A closer look at both shows reveals that the only feature that they have in common is their rootedness in popular (and vernacular) cultural traditions: in "Taboo" intentional and visible references to political fiction, film noir aesthetics, graphic novel and heist movie; in "Belle Epoque" (topical but also stylistic) resemblance to popular gutter circulation novels (dime novels) on Polish territory at the turn of 19th and 20th centuries.
"Artyści" – serial przełomu: tekst w kontekście produkcyjnym.
"Artyści" – serial przełomu: tekst w kontekście produkcyjnym.
("Artists" – breakthrough series: text in context.)
- Author(s):Artur Majer
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Film / Cinema / Cinematography
- Page Range:152-165
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Artists; TV series; production culture; Paweł Demirski; Monika Strzępka; autoetnografia
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses factors determining the production process of the TV series "Artists" by Monika Strzępka and Paweł Demirski. Using production culture methodology, the author of the article demonstrates how the production background can be used to understand the message of the series. The article showsthat numerous factors influence this outcome message, including decisions within the production team, structural and organizational changes in Telewizja Polska, financial limitations, artistic compromises or even political changes in the country.
The exceptionalism of Romanian socialist television and its implications.
The exceptionalism of Romanian socialist television and its implications.
(The exceptionalism of Romanian socialist television and its implications.)
- Author(s):Alexandru Matei, Annemarie Sorescu-Marinković
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Film / Cinema / Cinematography
- Page Range:168-192
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:ocialist television studies; Romania; national tv
- Summary/Abstract:During recent years, the study of European televisions has rediscovered "socialist television", and we have witnessed a rapid rise in scholarly interest in a new field of research: socialist television studies. On the whole, this recent body of literature presents two main new insights as compared to previous studies in the field of the history of Western television: on the one hand, it shows that European television during the Cold War was less heterogeneous than one may imagine when considering the political, economic and ideological split created by the Iron Curtain; on the other hand, it turns to and capitalizes on archives, mostly video, which have been inaccessible to the public. The interactions between Western and socialist mass culture are highlighted mainly with respect to the most popular TV programs: fiction and entertainment.The authors give us an extraordinary landscape of the Romanian socialist television. Unique in the Eastern part of Europe is the period of the early 1990s. Upon the fall of the communist regime, after almost 15 years of freezing, TVR found itself unable to move forward.
"Na melinę" – zapomniane dzieło Stanisława Różewicza.
"Na melinę" – zapomniane dzieło Stanisława Różewicza.
("Na melinę" ("On the Hideout") – Detained (And Forgotten) Work of The Television Film of the Polish People’s Republic Period.)
- Author(s):Jarosław Grzechowiak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Film / Cinema / Cinematography
- Page Range:193-208
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Polish People’s Republic; TV movie; censorship; film not released; adaptation of a novel; Polish Film School
- Summary/Abstract:The film by Stanisław Różewicz "On the Hideout" (original title: "Na melinę") was included in the series of television films Day One, Last Day (original title: "Dzień ostatni, dzień pierwszy", 1965). For many reasons, however, it was detained by censorship, although it represented high artistic values. The article is an attempt to examine both the content of the film itself and its literary prototype, as well as the answer to the question why it has not been broadcast for over 15 years.
Od "Twarzą w twarz" do "Kontraktu", czyli recepcja polskiej twórczości telewizyjnej Krzysztofa Zanussiego z okresu PRL.
Od "Twarzą w twarz" do "Kontraktu", czyli recepcja polskiej twórczości telewizyjnej Krzysztofa Zanussiego z okresu PRL.
(From "Twarzą w twarz" ("Face to Face") to "Kontrakt" (The Contract), or the reception of Polish television films by Krzysztof Zanussi from the period of the Polish People’s Republic.)
- Author(s):Marta Kasprzak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Film / Cinema / Cinematography
- Page Range:209-224
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Krzysztof Zanussi; television film; Polish film; quality television
- Summary/Abstract:Above all, Krzysztof Zanussi is known to Polish viewers as the author of popular cinema films such as The Structure of Crystal (1969), The Illumination (1972) and Camouflage (1976). However, it should be remembered that the director hasrepeatedly cooperated with television – both domestic and foreign. Nowadays, television films that fores hadowed the movement called cinema of moral concern, produced in Poland at the time of the Polish People’s Republic, are poorly present within film discourse. The aim of this article is to recreate (and compare witheach other) the former and contemporary reception of these films, discussed atdifferent intervals in popular or professional periodicals and, what is an increasingly frequent phenomenon, referenced in the Krzysztof Zanussi’s monographs.
Audiowizualne widma Wschodu, filmowe cienie Rosji. Recenzja książki Anny Estery Mrozewicz pt. "Beyond Eastern Noir: Reimaging Russia and Eastern Europe in Nordic Cinemas".
Audiowizualne widma Wschodu, filmowe cienie Rosji. Recenzja książki Anny Estery Mrozewicz pt. "Beyond Eastern Noir: Reimaging Russia and Eastern Europe in Nordic Cinemas".
(Book Report A. E. Mrozewicz "Beyond Eastern Noir: Reimaging Russia and Eastern Europe in Nordic Cinemas".)
- Author(s):Jakub Sebastian Konefał
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts
- Page Range:226-234
- No. of Pages:9