Input, Process and Product: Developments in Teaching and Language Corpora Cover Image
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Input, Process and Product: Developments in Teaching and Language Corpora
Input, Process and Product: Developments in Teaching and Language Corpora

Contributor(s): James Thomas (Editor), Alex Boulton (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Education, Foreign languages learning, Applied Linguistics, Language acquisition, Sociolinguistics, Philology
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: corpus; language learning; data-driven learning; concordancing;
Summary/Abstract: This volume is a collection of 21 academic papers selected from the ninth biennial Teaching and Learning Corpora conference that was held at Masaryk University in the summer of 2010. The papers were selected through a double blind reviewing process by the academic committee of the conference. The book deals with a variety of uses of language corpora in foreign or second language teaching and learning, and is divided into four parts. Sections 1 and 2 look at corpora as input, first exploring general issues of how they can inform language teaching, and second describing how this can be put into practice and evaluating concrete uses of corpora with learners. Sections 3 and 4 look at learner corpora as output: this includes comparison with native-speaker corpora to identify ‘errors’ or areas of difficulty, but also shows what learners can and do know at different levels of proficiency, and what this tells us about the learning process.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-7636-5
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-5896-5
  • Page Count: 358
  • Publication Year: 2012
  • Language: English


  • Price: 4.50 €
Introduction: Corpus language input, corpus processes in learning, learner corpus product

Introduction: Corpus language input, corpus processes in learning, learner corpus product
(Introduction: Corpus language input, corpus processes in learning, learner corpus product)

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Integrating corpora with everyday language teaching

Integrating corpora with everyday language teaching
(Integrating corpora with everyday language teaching)

  • Price: 4.50 €
How people use words to make meanings: Semantic types meet valencies

How people use words to make meanings: Semantic types meet valencies
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Corpora and teaching academic writing: Exploring the pedagogical potential of MICUSP

Corpora and teaching academic writing: Exploring the pedagogical potential of MICUSP
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  • Price: 4.50 €
A direct application of medical corpora to academic writing: A specialized concordance search interface and Moodle-based courseware

A direct application of medical corpora to academic writing: A specialized concordance search interface and Moodle-based courseware
(A direct application of medical corpora to academic writing: A specialized concordance search interface and Moodle-based courseware)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Scripted speech in the EFL classroom: The Corpus of American Television Series for teaching spoken English

Scripted speech in the EFL classroom: The Corpus of American Television Series for teaching spoken English
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  • Price: 4.50 €
Using a corpus for written production: A classroom study

Using a corpus for written production: A classroom study
(Using a corpus for written production: A classroom study)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Corpus work with ordinary teachers: Data-driven learning activities

Corpus work with ordinary teachers: Data-driven learning activities
(Corpus work with ordinary teachers: Data-driven learning activities)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Hands-on / hands-off: Alternative approaches to data-driven learning

Hands-on / hands-off: Alternative approaches to data-driven learning
(Hands-on / hands-off: Alternative approaches to data-driven learning)

  • Price: 4.50 €
DDL for EFL beginners: A report on student gains and views on paper-based concordancing and the role of L1

DDL for EFL beginners: A report on student gains and views on paper-based concordancing and the role of L1
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Using data-driven methods in teaching Czech as a foreign language

Using data-driven methods in teaching Czech as a foreign language
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Pedagogical perspectives on bundles: Teaching bundles to doctoral students of biochemistry

Pedagogical perspectives on bundles: Teaching bundles to doctoral students of biochemistry
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The lexical patterning of light verbs in GRICLE and native corpora: A comparative corpus-based study

The lexical patterning of light verbs in GRICLE and native corpora: A comparative corpus-based study
(The lexical patterning of light verbs in GRICLE and native corpora: A comparative corpus-based study)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Temporal fluency variables in native and non-native English speech: Corpus findings and language-pedagogical implications

Temporal fluency variables in native and non-native English speech: Corpus findings and language-pedagogical implications
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Chinese learners’ use of formulaic sequences in spoken interaction

Chinese learners’ use of formulaic sequences in spoken interaction
(Chinese learners’ use of formulaic sequences in spoken interaction)

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Measuring learner (mis)use: Tense and aspect errors in the Bulgarian and German components of ICLE

Measuring learner (mis)use: Tense and aspect errors in the Bulgarian and German components of ICLE
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Selected errors in the use of verbs by adult learners of English at B1, B2 and C1 levels

Selected errors in the use of verbs by adult learners of English at B1, B2 and C1 levels
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Interference in advanced English interlanguage: Scope, detectability and dependency

Interference in advanced English interlanguage: Scope, detectability and dependency
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Completing the feedback loop: Creating spoken learner corpora

Completing the feedback loop: Creating spoken learner corpora
(Completing the feedback loop: Creating spoken learner corpora)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Developing corpus-based word lists for English language learning and teaching: A critical appraisal of the English Vocabulary Profile

Developing corpus-based word lists for English language learning and teaching: A critical appraisal of the English Vocabulary Profile
(Developing corpus-based word lists for English language learning and teaching: A critical appraisal of the English Vocabulary Profile)

  • Price: 4.50 €
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