The elephant and the bear try again. Options for a new agreement between the EU and Russia
The elephant and the bear try again. Options for a new agreement between the EU and Russia

Author(s): Nadezhda Arbatova, Timofei Bordachev, Andrey S. Makarychev, Fabrizio Tassinari, Marius Vahl, Michael Emerson
Contributor(s): Michael Emerson (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economic policy, International relations/trade, Security and defense, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
Published by: CEPS Centre for European Policy Studies
Keywords: EU; Russia; International relations; New agreement; Economic policy; Common Economic Space;
Summary/Abstract: The year 2007 marks the tenth anniversary of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) between the EU and Russia. At their Sochi summit in May 2006, the two parties agreed to work towards a new agreement to replace the PCA. This book explores whether the EU and Russia could make a better job of their strained relationship, which, while peaceful, is nevertheless characterized by mounting grumbles on both sides over how to govern oil and gas trade and investment, through to issues of democratic values and divergent approaches to such countries as Georgia and Ukraine in their overlapping neighborhoods. The book presents the views of independent analysts from both the EU (Michael Emerson, Fabrizio Tassinari and Marius Vahl) and Russia (Nadezhda Arbatova, Timofei Bordachev and Andrey S. Makarychev) on how to proceed. Also included is a view from Europe’s business leaders. The editor, Michael Emerson, was the European Union’s first ambassador to Moscow from 1991 to 1996. The negotiations that will soon begin at the official level will no doubt be a long process. This book provides ideas that the authors would like the negotiators to embrace, and in any case serves as a valuable reference against which to check what political leaders choose to do.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-92-9079-676-3
  • Print-ISBN-10: 92-9079-676-6
  • Page Count: 113
  • Publication Year: 2006
  • Language: English
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About the authors

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