Proceedings of the 15th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
Proceedings of the 15th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities

Contributor(s): Nadir Ali Kolachi (Editor), Nicoleta-Elena Heghes (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Business Economy / Management, Sociology, Government/Political systems, Security and defense, Higher Education , Criminology, Economic development, Accounting - Business Administration, Human Resources in Economy, EU-Legislation
ISSN: 2578-8574
Published by: Scientia Moralitas Research Institute
Keywords: social sciences; humanities; economics and business; education – technology; law; political sciences;
Summary/Abstract: This publication presents the proceedings of the 15th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities held at Johns Hopkins University, in Montgomery County Campus, Rockville, MD, on November 6-7, 2019. The Conference was organized by Research Association for Interdisciplinary Studies.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-1-945298-25-7
  • Page Count: 317
  • Publication Year: 2019
  • Language: English
On the Political Economy of the European Union

On the Political Economy of the European Union
(On the Political Economy of the European Union)

Factors Affecting Executive Compensation

Factors Affecting Executive Compensation
(Factors Affecting Executive Compensation)

Detecting Earnings Management. An analysis of Credit Institutions’ (Banks) trading in Hungary

Detecting Earnings Management. An analysis of Credit Institutions’ (Banks) trading in Hungary
(Detecting Earnings Management. An analysis of Credit Institutions’ (Banks) trading in Hungary)

Narrating in Difficult Times Introduction to a Dual-Self Model

Narrating in Difficult Times Introduction to a Dual-Self Model
(Narrating in Difficult Times Introduction to a Dual-Self Model)

Emotional Intelligence and Effective Leadership

Emotional Intelligence and Effective Leadership
(Emotional Intelligence and Effective Leadership)

How do Migrants Turn Out to Be Extremists? Theoretical Models for a Sociological Analysis of Inclusion and Social Exclusion of Transnational Migrants in Everyday Life

How do Migrants Turn Out to Be Extremists? Theoretical Models for a Sociological Analysis of Inclusion and Social Exclusion of Transnational Migrants in Everyday Life
(How do Migrants Turn Out to Be Extremists? Theoretical Models for a Sociological Analysis of Inclusion and Social Exclusion of Transnational Migrants in Everyday Life)

Garden Therapy: The Health-Enabling Capacities of Nature Contact

Garden Therapy: The Health-Enabling Capacities of Nature Contact
(Garden Therapy: The Health-Enabling Capacities of Nature Contact)

Media Consumption Trends: Comparing Millennials and Generation Z

Media Consumption Trends: Comparing Millennials and Generation Z
(Media Consumption Trends: Comparing Millennials and Generation Z)

The Stockholm Syndrome Psychosocial Varieties and Interdisciplinary Implications

The Stockholm Syndrome Psychosocial Varieties and Interdisciplinary Implications
(The Stockholm Syndrome Psychosocial Varieties and Interdisciplinary Implications)

Importance of Critical Thinking in Solving Society’s Problems

Importance of Critical Thinking in Solving Society’s Problems
(Importance of Critical Thinking in Solving Society’s Problems)

Role of Indigenous Women in Securing Sustainable Livelihoods in Western Himalayan Region, India

Role of Indigenous Women in Securing Sustainable Livelihoods in Western Himalayan Region, India
(Role of Indigenous Women in Securing Sustainable Livelihoods in Western Himalayan Region, India)

“Nano-Killers”. Aluminium Toxicity in the Human Body

“Nano-Killers”. Aluminium Toxicity in the Human Body
(“Nano-Killers”. Aluminium Toxicity in the Human Body)

Teaching Children of Color

Teaching Children of Color
(Teaching Children of Color)

The Role of Dubai Government in Supporting Responsible and Sustainable Practices of the Private Sector: A Case Study on the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Role of Dubai Government in Supporting Responsible and Sustainable Practices of the Private Sector: A Case Study on the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry
(The Role of Dubai Government in Supporting Responsible and Sustainable Practices of the Private Sector: A Case Study on the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

Ethical Leadership and Work Engagement of Mobile Telecommunication Firms in Port Harcourt

Ethical Leadership and Work Engagement of Mobile Telecommunication Firms in Port Harcourt
(Ethical Leadership and Work Engagement of Mobile Telecommunication Firms in Port Harcourt)

When Jungle Order Rocks the Boat of Legal Order: Inevitability of State Stability for the Peace and Security of Mankind in Africa

When Jungle Order Rocks the Boat of Legal Order: Inevitability of State Stability for the Peace and Security of Mankind in Africa
(When Jungle Order Rocks the Boat of Legal Order: Inevitability of State Stability for the Peace and Security of Mankind in Africa)

Trends in the Use of Information Technology in Maritime Transportation

Trends in the Use of Information Technology in Maritime Transportation
(Trends in the Use of Information Technology in Maritime Transportation)

Institutionalized Corruption and National Development Crisis in Nigeria

Institutionalized Corruption and National Development Crisis in Nigeria
(Institutionalized Corruption and National Development Crisis in Nigeria)

The Impact of ‘Banks Specific Regulations” on Determinants of Financial Performance: Empirical Evidence from Ghana - A PMG ARDL Approach

The Impact of ‘Banks Specific Regulations” on Determinants of Financial Performance: Empirical Evidence from Ghana - A PMG ARDL Approach
(The Impact of ‘Banks Specific Regulations” on Determinants of Financial Performance: Empirical Evidence from Ghana - A PMG ARDL Approach)

Forensic Identification of Persons by External Signals

Forensic Identification of Persons by External Signals
(Forensic Identification of Persons by External Signals)

Tele-Working in European Legislation and the Romanian Law System

Tele-Working in European Legislation and the Romanian Law System
(Tele-Working in European Legislation and the Romanian Law System)

Contributory Factors to Internet Crimes in Nigeria – A Survey

Contributory Factors to Internet Crimes in Nigeria – A Survey
(Contributory Factors to Internet Crimes in Nigeria – A Survey)

Horizontal Inequality in Urban India: A Human Development Perspective

Horizontal Inequality in Urban India: A Human Development Perspective
(Horizontal Inequality in Urban India: A Human Development Perspective)

Particularities of an Effective Playground – Related Accident Investigation

Particularities of an Effective Playground – Related Accident Investigation
(Particularities of an Effective Playground – Related Accident Investigation)

Theoretical and Practical Provocations of the New Romanian Personal Insolvency Proceedings

Theoretical and Practical Provocations of the New Romanian Personal Insolvency Proceedings
(Theoretical and Practical Provocations of the New Romanian Personal Insolvency Proceedings)

International Events and Grand Strategy Adjustment after the Cold War: Examining Chinese Grand Strategy Using a Neoclassical Realist Model

International Events and Grand Strategy Adjustment after the Cold War: Examining Chinese Grand Strategy Using a Neoclassical Realist Model
(International Events and Grand Strategy Adjustment after the Cold War: Examining Chinese Grand Strategy Using a Neoclassical Realist Model)

Development of Water Infrastructure in Cambodia

Development of Water Infrastructure in Cambodia
(Development of Water Infrastructure in Cambodia)

Some Aspects of the Right to a Fair Trial from the Perspective of the European Convention on Human Rights

Some Aspects of the Right to a Fair Trial from the Perspective of the European Convention on Human Rights
(Some Aspects of the Right to a Fair Trial from the Perspective of the European Convention on Human Rights)

Identification of Missing Children in Suspicious Circumstances

Identification of Missing Children in Suspicious Circumstances
(Identification of Missing Children in Suspicious Circumstances)

The Tactic of Executing Searches

The Tactic of Executing Searches
(The Tactic of Executing Searches)

Taking a Mental Vacation: A Problem-Solving Method using Metaphor in Creative Incubation Processes

Taking a Mental Vacation: A Problem-Solving Method using Metaphor in Creative Incubation Processes
(Taking a Mental Vacation: A Problem-Solving Method using Metaphor in Creative Incubation Processes)

Some Aspects of Crime Scene Investigation

Some Aspects of Crime Scene Investigation
(Some Aspects of Crime Scene Investigation)

The Role of Forensics in Criminal Investigations

The Role of Forensics in Criminal Investigations
(The Role of Forensics in Criminal Investigations)

Improving Sustainable Development and National Security through Office Technology and Management Programme in Nigeria

Improving Sustainable Development and National Security through Office Technology and Management Programme in Nigeria
(Improving Sustainable Development and National Security through Office Technology and Management Programme in Nigeria)

Firearms – A Double-Edged Sword

Firearms – A Double-Edged Sword
(Firearms – A Double-Edged Sword)

The Comparison of the System of Lao Zi’s Tao Te Ching and Socrates’ Plato's Complete Works of Plato

The Comparison of the System of Lao Zi’s Tao Te Ching and Socrates’ Plato's Complete Works of Plato
(The Comparison of the System of Lao Zi’s Tao Te Ching and Socrates’ Plato's Complete Works of Plato)

Examples of Good Practices in the Field of Museology. Case Study – ASTRA Museum

Examples of Good Practices in the Field of Museology. Case Study – ASTRA Museum
(Examples of Good Practices in the Field of Museology. Case Study – ASTRA Museum)

Tort Liability

Tort Liability
(Tort Liability)

Family Institution and Marriage Regime

Family Institution and Marriage Regime
(Family Institution and Marriage Regime)

The Somatic Idiomatic “Fear” Concept in the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah

The Somatic Idiomatic “Fear” Concept in the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah
(The Somatic Idiomatic “Fear” Concept in the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah)

Social Representations of Violence against Women in Cuba Is It a Consequence of Economic and Political Changes?

Social Representations of Violence against Women in Cuba Is It a Consequence of Economic and Political Changes?
(Social Representations of Violence against Women in Cuba Is It a Consequence of Economic and Political Changes?)

Managing Diversity in Business Education: A Case of Dubai International Academic City (DIAC)

Managing Diversity in Business Education: A Case of Dubai International Academic City (DIAC)
(Managing Diversity in Business Education: A Case of Dubai International Academic City (DIAC))

How Effective is Microfinance on Poverty Reduction? Empirical Evidence on ACSI (Ethiopia)

How Effective is Microfinance on Poverty Reduction? Empirical Evidence on ACSI (Ethiopia)
(How Effective is Microfinance on Poverty Reduction? Empirical Evidence on ACSI (Ethiopia))

Analysis of the Different Education Policy Reforms in Uganda (1922 – 2000)

Analysis of the Different Education Policy Reforms in Uganda (1922 – 2000)
(Analysis of the Different Education Policy Reforms in Uganda (1922 – 2000))

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