Национални филологически четения за студенти и докторанти "Благоевград 2019"
National philological students` conference "Blagoevgrad 2019"
Author(s): Maria Ivanova, Elitsa Kirilova, Vera Kirkova, Mariana Kerandzhieva, Mariana Kuzmanska, Simona-Aleks Mihaleva, Aleksandra Klechorova, Gabriela Stoynev, Desislava Timcheva, Kaouni Pinelopi, Gentian Dochi, Zhiting Chen, Milena Dimova, Yulia Manasieva, Yuliana Karpuzova, Yunlin Zhu, Stoyan Mitov, Yoana Balani, Teodora Dimitrova, Stelina Petriti, Tanya Tabutova, Yajun Li, Oleg Aleksandrov, Radostina Nikolova, Hristina Terzopulos, Nadezhda Aleksandrova, Mariyana Karpacheva, Sonya Bozhanina, Eno Baze
Contributor(s): Antoni Stoilov (Editor), Magdalena Kostova-Panayotova (Editor)
Subject(s): Anthropology, Social Sciences, Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Foreign languages learning, Customs / Folklore, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, Phonetics / Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Lexis, Language acquisition, Historical Linguistics, Comparative Linguistics, South Slavic Languages, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Philology, Translation Studies
ISSN: 2535-0625
Keywords: linguistics; literature; translation; anthropology
Summary/Abstract: The proceedings include MA and PhD students’ research on philological problems presented during the annual academic conference at South-West University “Neofit Rilski”. The submissions were reviewed by the conference board. A national academic committee – specialists in linguistics, literature and translation, selected the best presentations. The published works were double-blind reviewed
- Page Count: 311
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: English, Bulgarian, Russian
Стиловите регистри в романа „Монт-Ориол“ от Ги дьо Мопасан
Стиловите регистри в романа „Монт-Ориол“ от Ги дьо Мопасан
(Style registers in the novel „Mont– Oriol” by Mopassan)
- Author(s):Maria Ivanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:007-016
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:style registers; communicative situation; Maupassant; „Mont-Oriol”
- Summary/Abstract:The task of this article is to examine the style registers in the novel „Mont– Oriol” by Mopassan in order to reveal their role in the overall construction of the work. The subject of the study is the types of style registers, the way of their structuring and their role in the communication situation. On the basis of concrete analyses, it is concluded that style registers outline the character and the relationship between the novel characters. The style registers build a more authentic picture of the described realities; they also have a certain aesthetic and social focus
- Price: 4.50 €
Човекът и машината в областта на превода
Човекът и машината в областта на превода
(The Human and the Machine in the Field of Translation)
- Author(s):Elitsa Kirilova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Translation Studies
- Page Range:017-022
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:translation; machine translation; neural translation; statistical translation; artificial intelligence
- Summary/Abstract:The effects of internet and digital technology on translation are sustained, global and intense. People use online translation services and different translation apps on a daily basis. The aim of this paper is to give a brief theoretical overview of the creation, development, types and main features of the machine translation systems as well as to examine the impacts of technological progress on everyone involved in the field of translation.
- Price: 4.50 €
За „голата“ алтернатива на ненамереното злато (Колумб, португалските откриватели и голият индианец от ранните информативни текстове за Новия свят)
За „голата“ алтернатива на ненамереното злато (Колумб, португалските откриватели и голият индианец от ранните информативни текстове за Новия свят)
(About the „naked“ alternative to the undiscovered gold (Columbus, the Portuguese Discoverers and the Naked Indian from the Early Informative Texts about the New World))
- Author(s):Vera Kirkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Anthropology, Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:023-032
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Columbus; Portuguese Empire; 16th century; Brazil; Brazilian Indians; nakedness; Christianization
- Summary/Abstract:This paper (part of a larger task) reveals the language reflection, construction and establishment of the image of the Brazilian Indians from the 16th century, tracked in the Portuguese informative texts written about the newly-found Brazil. It covers the peculiarities when mentioning the Indian nakedness, and in turn, it is often used as manipulation purposes according to the defined Imperial policy on colonization. On the grounds of similar interpretation of nakedness, extreme images have been made up about the native Brazil population – varying from angelic innocence to demonization - yet always in advantage of the ruling European culture of expansion in the 16th century.
- Price: 4.50 €
Лексиката в Ахтаровия царственик от 1844 година (имена на действия и резултати от действия и имена на качества, свойства)
Лексиката в Ахтаровия царственик от 1844 година (имена на действия и резултати от действия и имена на качества, свойства)
(The lexis in the Ahtar's Tsarstvenik from 1844 (Nomina actionis et resultativa and nomina essendi))
- Author(s):Mariana Kerandzhieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Lexis, Historical Linguistics
- Page Range:033-042
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Bulgarian standard language; nineteenth century; deverbal and deadjectival nouns; lexical semantics; word-formation
- Summary/Abstract:The object of research of this article are the deverbal nouns expressing actions and results of actions and the names of qualities in the Ahtar's Tsarstvenik written in 1844. The aim of the work is to make a lexical and word-formation analysis of these names. The dialectal and traditional Slavic nouns are classifed by word-forming models. The borrowings with abstract meaning are presented according to their origin. Conclusions are made on the ratio between dialectal and literary (traditional) lexis in the manuscript.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ефективност на методите за убеждаване в кандидатпрезидентската реторика
Ефективност на методите за убеждаване в кандидатпрезидентската реторика
(Effectiveness of the persuasion methods in presidential candidates rhetoric)
- Author(s):Mariana Kuzmanska
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Philosophy, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Political Theory, Pragmatics, Politics and communication, Rhetoric
- Page Range:043-050
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:effective methods; ineffective methods; presidential-candidates; rhetoric; speech
- Summary/Abstract:This text explains and emphasize on the methods which the presidential-candidates in Bulgaria use to convince their audience in what they say in their speeches. In the following text it is shown which methods are effective and should be used while speaking in front of the audience and which methods are ineffective and better be avoided by the speakers. How these methods reflect the listeners, why it is important to use them when necessary and how to classify them by their importance for both speakers and audience is the main purpose of this paper.
- Price: 4.50 €
Човешкият и политическият срам в „Четецът“ на Бернхард Шлинк
Човешкият и политическият срам в „Четецът“ на Бернхард Шлинк
(Human and political shame in Bernhard Schlink’s “The reader”)
- Author(s):Simona-Aleks Mihaleva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, German Literature
- Page Range:051-062
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Bernhard Schlink; “The reader”; shame; guilt; Holocaust
- Summary/Abstract:The difference between human embarrassment that everyone of us experience on a daily basis and the political shame that most of us don’t understand becomes the frame of the Bernhard Schlink’s “The Reader” novel. Which shame is stronger, which one is more human? Shame as the engine of Hanna Schmidt’s life; shame as a consequence of inaction; shame as a motive for crime and shame as a driving force of the narrative. The shame in this book creates and destroys characters, guides destiny and changes the lives of two people forever.
- Price: 4.50 €
Тематични групи лексика в банския говор
Тематични групи лексика в банския говор
(Thematic lexical groups in the Bansko Speech)
- Author(s):Aleksandra Klechorova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Lexis
- Page Range:063-078
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Bansko; Bansko speech; Dialect; Dialectology ; thematic groups of words; lexis; groups of words; agriculture; cattle breeding; way of living
- Summary/Abstract:The study presents some topic- related vocabulary based on a research of its traditional lexis. Here we will present this type of words only in the field of traditional way of life, traditional farming and traditional livestock farming. The report presents a vocabulary that has grown up with the traditional livelihood of the Bansko people. The "complex relations in which the lexical units which has been influenced on the basis of their nominative function, on the one hand, and the content of their semantic volume on the other" are analyzed (see Stoilov 2013: 9). The vocabulary that is presented on the one hand is collected personally by the author, on the other - it taken from previously published research (see Velyanova 1997)
- Price: 4.50 €
Фитоними в книжовната практика на славяносръбския език (в съпоставка със съвременните книжовни норми в сръбски и български)
Фитоними в книжовната практика на славяносръбския език (в съпоставка със съвременните книжовни норми в сръбски и български)
(Phytonyms in the literary practice of the Slavonic-Serbian language (in comparison with modern literary norms in Serbian and Bulgarian))
- Author(s):Gabriela Stoynev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Lexis, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:079-098
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Phytonims; slavonic-serbian; Serbian literary language; Bulgarian literary language
- Summary/Abstract:In this report, as a research material, will be used one less known and poorly researched literary monument: Рѣчникъ малы: въ вяɴиѣ, при Г. Стефаɴѣ Новаковичъ, къ Слвеɴɴо-Се́рбской, Валахiйской и Восто́чɴыхъ ˫азы́ковъ Привилег. Тупографiй. 1793. The focus will be on a certain of phytonims. The lexical proximity between three language forms will be traced: 1. „slavonic-serbian“, 2. Serbian contemporary literary norm, 3. contemporary Bulgarian literary norm
- Price: 4.50 €
Постмодерен прочит на града в романа „Обърканият човек“ на португалския писател Жоао де Мело
Постмодерен прочит на града в романа „Обърканият човек“ на португалския писател Жоао де Мело
(Post-modern image of town in the novel of the Portuguese writer Joao de Melo)
- Author(s):Desislava Timcheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Other Language Literature
- Page Range:099-106
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:city; narrative; Portuguese literature; Joao de Melo; prose; post-modernism
- Summary/Abstract:This paper aims to introduce you to the world of Joao de Melo, famous Portuguese writer, unknown for the Bulgarian public. His prose is filled with profound images of the cities that he knows well and loved. In the current romance, we will follow the meaning and the transformation that occurs in the description of the city of Lisbon. We will look deeper into the history of Portuguese post-modern tradition and what is the meaning of the city images in Portuguese narratives from the end of the XXth century. You will see how the complex description of the city landscape in de Melo’s romance corresponds to the fictional character and what changes it suffers through the course of the narrative.
- Price: 4.50 €
Error Analysis and Specifics of Interlanguage as a Tool for Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Languagе
Error Analysis and Specifics of Interlanguage as a Tool for Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Languagе
(Error Analysis and Specifics of Interlanguage as a Tool for Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Languagе)
- Author(s):Kaouni Pinelopi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Foreign languages learning
- Page Range:107-114
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:error analysis; interlanguage; error treatment
- Summary/Abstract:English language has reinforced its role as the most prominent worldwide language, a ''linqua franca'' and has a significant influence in international media, business and politics. Therefore, English teachers ought to encourage their students to be more interested in English language and offer dynamic activities being focused on the most frequent errors that are learners commit in the target language. For that reason, linguists who have dealt with the term language extensively try to find out the causes of the problems and the approaches that have to be applied in language teaching so these problematic areas to be minimized. They propose error analysis and Interlanguage theory as these studies grant knowledge on the difficulties that learners of English tend to struggle with. This paper focuses on the relation between Interlanguage and Error Analysis by presenting the advantages and disadvantages of both theories aiming at improving the teaching and learning English as a foreign language
- Price: 4.50 €
Мигени – един от най-ярките представители на албанската литература от 30-те години
Мигени – един от най-ярките представители на албанската литература от 30-те години
(Migene - one of the most prominent representatives of the Albanian literature of the 1930s)
- Author(s):Gentian Dochi
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Albanian Literature
- Page Range:115-126
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Albanian literature; Albanian writer; Migeni
- Summary/Abstract:Migene - one of the most prominent representatives of the Albanian literature of the 1930s. He is one of those writers who aspire to a clear-cut vision. And this reflects on his work, in which over years there has been an obvious increase in critical elements. Migene's humanism is a major feature of his work, almost always combined with elements of criticality. In him, criticism is imposed as a style of writing. The writer uses it as a springboard for generalizations of satiric-philosophical character that usually appear at the end of the work
- Price: 4.50 €
Собственные имена в русских анекдотах
Собственные имена в русских анекдотах
(Personal names in Russian jokes)
- Author(s):Zhiting Chen
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Lexis, Eastern Slavic Languages, Stylistics
- Page Range:127-140
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Anthropocentrism; linguoculturolog; anecdotes and jokes; precedenсe; personal names; intercultural communication
- Summary/Abstract:In this article we analyze some personal names in Russian anecdotes from the point of view of linguoculturology, applying methods of this relatively new linguistic discipline. The theory of anthropocentric language is key in modern linguistics from the end of the XX century, while the linguoculturology is the product of the anthropocentric paradigm in modern linguistics. Precedent personal names in modern anecdotes show, who is “the hero and anti-hero of contemporary times”. These names reflect part of the mentality of Russian speaker. The accumulation of background knowledge we need for understanding the comic effect of anecdotes as well as the ability to tell a joke –this is a part of a successful intercultural communication
- Price: 4.50 €
Малкият човек в творчеството на Сергей Довлатов
Малкият човек в творчеството на Сергей Довлатов
(Sergey Dovlatov’s vision of the small man)
- Author(s):Milena Dimova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Russian Literature
- Page Range:141-148
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Sergey Donatovich Dovlatov; Тhe Russian diaspora of New York; The small man
- Summary/Abstract:Sergey Donatovich Dovlatov creates his own unique genre in which the autobiographical and artistic fiction intertwines. The author uses his own destiny as a literary material. His works are defined by the mass reader as "funny", but in depth they draw a dramatic picture of the everyday absurdities that the intellectual in Soviet Russia faces. The main pathos in them is the self-irony, which helps the lyrical hero not to fall into the ideological traps, to preserve his human dignity and not to relinquish his principles. All but invisible in his home country, Sergey Dovlatov became something of a mythical figure among the Russian diaspora of New York. Those who knew him personally realized they didn’t know him very well. The facts of his biography are all blurred, ambiguous, vague. This should be kept in mind when reading his books. Almost confessionary in form, their content is largely invented. As a great mystifier, he was able to unsettle his surroundings. In the field of gravitation surrounding Dovlatov, reality is distorted and loses its plausibility. The pathos typical of world literature can be seen as a defence of the human being. Every one of us has a scale according to which we weigh the social significance of a person. This scale runs between two generalizing definitions, namely “the great man” and “the small man”. The great small man is an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms, and indeed Dovlatov was something of an oxymoron himself, a huge walking contradiction
- Price: 4.50 €
Празникът на пролетта в Албания и в другите балкански страни
Празникът на пролетта в Албания и в другите балкански страни
(The celebration of the first day of spring in Albania and the other Balkan countries)
- Author(s):Eno Baze
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Customs / Folklore, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:149-154
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Cultural heritage; Customs; Martenitsa; Tradition; The Day of Spring
- Summary/Abstract:Part of the enormous cultural heritage of the Balkans is occupied by pagan customs. In the folk context, many of them find are widespread in the peninsula, but centrally and comprehensively, we can highlight the celebrations of the feast –The first Day of Spring. It is celebrated today in the territory of five Balkan countries - Bulgaria, Albania, Romania, Serbia, Greece and Macedonia. But to ask ourselves how and where this custom is rooted? There are solid hypotheses about Thracian-Dacian origin or Proto Bulgarian, even somewhere I have encountered Iranian-Indian. No one can give an exact answer, and perhaps it is not necessary, but the ordinances of the spring welcome somehow resemble shamanism and communion with the natural powers, the transcendent and the paranormal, the mystical and the occult. The reception of spring is an ancient custom in the Balkans, connected with the common cultural heritage, a sign of the proximity of nations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Поетични опити от началото на деветнадесети век в ръкопис
Поетични опити от началото на деветнадесети век в ръкопис
(Poetic Attempts from the 19th Century)
- Author(s):Yulia Manasieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Bulgarian Literature, Philology
- Page Range:155-172
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Kopitar’s collection; manuscript; author’s dialect area
- Summary/Abstract:In the report, the features of a Bulgarian manuscript from the 19th century are analyzed. The manuscript is part of Kopitar’s collection gathered by the Viennese Slavic scholar Bartholomew Kopitar and kept in the People’s and the University Library in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The manuscript has a press-mark “Cod. Kop. 28”. The letters design is in the spirit of the classical Bulgarian tradition. The text contains poetic attempts by an unknown author. In the report, graphical, phonetic and morphological features and characteristics are observed to assume the author’s affiliation to a specific Bulgarian dialect area.
- Price: 4.50 €
Начини за образуване на ученическите прякорни имена в Кюстендил
Начини за образуване на ученическите прякорни имена в Кюстендил
(Modes for word-building of students nicknames in Kyustendil)
- Author(s):Yuliana Karpuzova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Lexis
- Page Range:173-182
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:nicknames; word formative; transformational models; transpositionaly models
- Summary/Abstract:The object of analysis in the study are the nicknames of students in Kyustendil. As the students nicknames used in Kyustendil have not been studied in detail so far, this piece of research aims to thoroughly present the transpositionaly and the transformational word-building peculiarities this nicknames
- Price: 4.50 €
Kултура на пиенето в Русия и Китай
Kултура на пиенето в Русия и Китай
(Drinking culture of Russia and China)
- Author(s):Yunlin Zhu
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Customs / Folklore, Theoretical Linguistics, Lexis, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:183-190
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:drinking culture of Russia and China; wine; traditional Chinese wine utensils; five virtues (goodness; bravery; politeness; wisdom; honour)
- Summary/Abstract:In this report I outline the drinking culture of Russia and China. The problems of drinking in Russia, the distinctive culture of drinking in ancient Russia, and the concept of drinking in the Russian language picture of the world are discussed. The origin of wine in China and traditional Chinese wine utensils are introduced. I also show the connection between Chinese drinking culture and folk culture, the spirit of the Chinese people and the spirit of the poets. The end of the reportis devotеdtoall who love Chinese culture with one of the most famous poemsabout drinking in China (QiangJin Jiu)
- Price: 4.50 €
Българският прочит на Гоголевата „Каляска”
Българският прочит на Гоголевата „Каляска”
(The Bulgarian Reading of “The Carriage” by Gogol)
- Author(s):Stoyan Mitov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Russian Literature, Philology
- Page Range:191-198
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:carriage; countryside; town; mare; general; cavalry regiment; anecdote
- Summary/Abstract:The “The Carriage” was written in 1935. “The Carriage” internal structure is divided into two parts. The first of these two parts describes the town of B where things are terribly boring and there is not a single person on the street.The second part tells a story about the landowner Chertokutsky and the "experience" that happened to him. The plot depicts a small country town recreating the atmosphere and the way of life of the characters in the story. The town is reviving and changes its appearance. This anecdote, as well as other published comic short stories of the writer, reflect the unique humorous culture and image of absurd reality.
- Price: 4.50 €
Албанският език и първите писмени документи на албански
Албанският език и първите писмени документи на албански
(Albanian Language and first documents of Albanian Language)
- Author(s):Yoana Balani
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Historical Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:199-206
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Albanian language; Indo-European language; Illyrian language; Thracian language; Daco-Mysian language; Albanian alphabet; Gheg; Tosk; Latin; Slavic languages; substrates of the Balkans; Pal Engjëll; t
- Summary/Abstract:Albanian language is an Indo-European language, and the only representative of that group. Some people claim that the origin of Albanians comes from the Illyrian language, some others from Thracian language, and others from Daco-Mysian language. The Albanian alphabet consists of 36 letters. There are two basic, universally accepted dialect forms of modern Albanian: northern Albanian or Gheg, that is spoken north of the Shkumbin river flowing through Elbasan in central Albania, and southern Albanian or Tosk, that is spoken south of the Shkumbin river. The earliest linguistic influences attested in Albanian come from Doric Greek, whereas the strongest influence came from Latin, also from Slavic languages and substrates of the Balkans. The earliest evidence of the existence of Albanian-language literature is a written statement by the French Dominican Father Brocardus, then Archbishop of Tivar. Then it was a circular letter written in 1462 by Pal Engjëll (1416-1470), the Catholic Archbishop of Durrës, who wrote the baptizing formula. And the first known printed book in Albanian was the Catholic missal translated by Gjon Buzuku, AlbanianCatholic priest.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Легенди при Царевец“ по страниците на списание „Българска сбирка“ (1906)
„Легенди при Царевец“ по страниците на списание „Българска сбирка“ (1906)
(“Legends at Tsarevets” written on the pages of magazine “Bulgarska sbirka” (“Bulgarian gathering”, 1906))
- Author(s):Teodora Dimitrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Bulgarian Literature, Philology
- Page Range:207-214
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:“Legends of Tsarevets”; realism; magazine; cultural development; “Bulgarian gathering”
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents an analysis of the ten issues published during 1906 (volume XIII) of magazine “Bulgarska sbirka” and also Ivan Vazov’s essential contributions to its advancement. The “patriarch of Bulgarian literature” has laid the foundations of Bulgarian realism and thus has prefigured the development of Bulgarian literature (XIX – XX century). Every issue of magazine “Bulgarska sbirka” (edited by Stefan Bobchev) begin with the “Legends at Tsarevets” in this way creating a mindset for understanding the magazine.
- Price: 4.50 €
История на албанската азбука и правопис
История на албанската азбука и правопис
(History of the Albanian alphabet and spelling)
- Author(s):Stelina Petriti
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Studies of Literature, Historical Linguistics, Albanian Literature, Philology
- Page Range:215-226
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Albanian language; history of the Albanian alphabet and spelling; two main dialects: Gheg and Tosk
- Summary/Abstract:Albanian is an Indo-European language which forms its own branch in the Indo-European family and has no close relatives. It is spoken by about 7.6 million people, mainly in Albania and Kosovo, and also in parts of Italy, Macedonia, Montenegro, Greece, Romania, Serbia, and the diaspora. Albanian is thought by some scholars to be a descendant of Illyrian, a group of Indo-European languages spoken in the Western Balkans until perhaps the 6th century AD. Others believe that Albanian descended from Thracian or Dacian, Indo-European languages spoken in parts of the Balkans until about the 5th century AD. Albanian absorbed some words from Greek and many words from Latin between the 2nd century BC and the 5th century AD. After that, it was influenced by the languages of Slavic and Germanic tribes who settled in the Balkans. There were also borrowings from the Proto Romanians or Vlachs from the 9th century AD. A few brief written records are preserved from the 15th century, the first being a baptismal formula from 1462. The scattering of books produced in the 16th and 17th centuries originated largely in the Gheg area and reflect Roman Catholic missionary activities. Much of the small stream of literature in the 19th century was produced by exiles. Perhaps the earliest purely literary work of any extent is the 18th-century poetry of Gjul Variboba, of the enclave at San Giorgio, in Calabria. Some literary production continued through the 19th century in the Italian enclaves, but no similar activity is recorded in the Greek areas. All these early historical documents show a language that differs little from the current language. The documents from different regions and times exhibit marked dialect peculiarities, however, they often have a value for linguistic study that greatly outweighs their literary merit. The standard language, written in a standard Roman style orthography adopted in 1909, was based on the south Gheg dialect of Elbasan from the beginning of the Albanian state until World War II and since, has been modeled on Tosk. The Albanian alphabet, that is still in use today, was approved in the Congress of Manastir and it is composed of two main dialects: Gheg and Tosk
- Price: 4.50 €
Предизвикателства при превода на стилистични фигури и тропи в романа „Великият Гетсби“ на Ф. С. Фицджералд
Предизвикателства при превода на стилистични фигури и тропи в романа „Великият Гетсби“ на Ф. С. Фицджералд
(Challenges in the translation of stylistic figures and tropes in the novel The Great Gatsby by F. S. Fitzgerald)
- Author(s):Tanya Tabutova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Translation Studies
- Page Range:227-244
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:The Great Gatsby; stylistic figures and tropes; means of translation
- Summary/Abstract:The article examines some excerpted stylistic figures and tropes from the novel “The Great Gatsby” by F. S. Fitzgerald. All four different variants in Bulgarian published over the years (translated by N. Dospevska, E. Minchev, St. Yotov and P. Boyanov) are in the focus of the current research. The aim is to present the used means of translation and to offer a different approach in translating the featured examples. Determination of the used means of translation has been made based on the terms introduced by the distinguished names in the Theory of Translation - Vinay and Darbelnet, Nida and Taber, Newmark, Jacobson, Bassnett, Baker, Shuttlerworth and Cowie, Schreiber.
- Price: 4.50 €
Етикет на пиенето на чай в Китай и в Русия
Етикет на пиенето на чай в Китай и в Русия
(The etiquette of tea drinking in China and Russia)
- Author(s):Yajun Li
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Customs / Folklore, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:245-252
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:the etiquette of tea drinking; the history of tea; tools and equipment of ceremonial tea; samovar; proverbs about tea drinking
- Summary/Abstract:This report outlines the etiquette of tea drinking in China and in Russia. You will know about the history of Chinese tea and myths and traditions, related to it. The main tools and equipment of Gongfu ceremonial tea set are presented. At the same time I will introduce the history of Russian tea drinking and the Russian samovar. At the end of the report I compare several proverbs about tea drinking in China and in Russia.
- Price: 4.50 €
Типични грешки в писмените работи по немски език на български гимназисти
Типични грешки в писмените работи по немски език на български гимназисти
(Tipical German language writing task mistakes in Bulgarian high scool students)
- Author(s):Oleg Aleksandrov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Foreign languages learning
- Page Range:253-262
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:foreign language teaching; errors of competente; error analysis; contrastive analysis; interlaguage
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this article as a part of a bigger research is to systematize the typical errors in seconadary school students' compositions at schools with intensive German teaching as a first foreign language. The article also aims to show if the most of the errors of competence concern the German constructions differing most from the Bulgarian ones according to the contrastive analysis.
- Price: 4.50 €
Семантична съпоставка между фразеологични структури с опорна дума риба в български и гръцки
Семантична съпоставка между фразеологични структури с опорна дума риба в български и гръцки
(A Semantic Comparison of Bulgarian and Greek Phraseological Structures Using the Head Word Fish)
- Author(s):Radostina Nikolova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Lexis, Comparative Linguistics, South Slavic Languages, Phraseology
- Page Range:263-270
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:comparative analysis; phraseology; semantic equivalents; ethno-psycholinguistics; Balkan languages
- Summary/Abstract:This paper compares the forms and semantics of phraseological units in Bulgarian and Greek, using the head word Fish. The resulting observations of the study allow for the drawing of some linguistic and ethno-psycholinguistic conclusions regarding these two Balkan nations. In analysing the construction of semantic equivalents in the two languages, both complete and partial similarities can be observed. Semantic classification reveals that phraseologisms are personally orientated, and that amongst these, those which characterise qualities, actions, and states evoking negative emotions are seen to dominate.
- Price: 4.50 €
Анализ на грешки при използването на членове в английски език от гръцки ученици: контрастивен подход
Анализ на грешки при използването на членове в английски език от гръцки ученици: контрастивен подход
(Error Analysis of English article usage by Greek students: A contrastive approach)
- Author(s):Hristina Terzopulos
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Foreign languages learning
- Page Range:271-284
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Articles; definiteness; interference, transfer; contrastive analysis; error analysis
- Summary/Abstract:The acquisition of the English article system has been proved to be difficult for second language learners and one of the last to be fully mastered (Master, 1987). Despite the abundance of studies on article use by learners with different linguistic backgrounds, little research has been conducted with Greek learners of English as a foreign language. The research presented in this article attempts through a contrastive analysis of article usage in English and Modern Greek, to examine errors made by Greek students learning English as a foreign language and to detect whether these errors can be traced back to L1 transfer. For the purpose of the study 67 Greek Junior High School students learning English as a foreign language both at school and privately were tested using a multi-task force elicitation test. The results supported the initial hypotheses: students’ performance was affected by L1 transfer in cases where there are differences in article usage between the two languages.
- Price: 4.50 €
Трагизъм или пророчество в смъртта на руските поети
Трагизъм или пророчество в смъртта на руските поети
(The tragedy or the prophecy in the death of the russian poets)
- Author(s):Nadezhda Aleksandrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Russian Literature
- Page Range:285-292
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:death; poet; doom; riddle; murder; tragedy; prophecy
- Summary/Abstract:In this discourse we are going to trace back some of the misterious and suspicious death of some of the russian poets lived and composing in the 19th and 20th centuries. The purpose of this study is to show under what circumstances did the authors died, and how they died. Is someone else involved in their death. To what extent or if they predicted their own death with some part of their poetry.
- Price: 4.50 €
Култът към великата четворка от списание „Мисъл“ през първата годишнина на „Златорог“
Култът към великата четворка от списание „Мисъл“ през първата годишнина на „Златорог“
(The cult for the fabulous Foursome from the journal Misal (Thought) during the first anniversary of Zlatorog)
- Author(s):Mariyana Karpacheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Bulgarian Literature, Philology
- Page Range:293-298
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:the literary circle Misal (Thought); journal; cultural development; Zlatorog
- Summary/Abstract:The text analyzes the ten books of the first year of the journal Zlatorog (1920), the continuity between the journals Zlatorog and Misal (Thought) and the transfer of the cult for the fabulous Foursome onto the pages of Zlatorog. The presence of Pencho Slaveikov and Yavorov in the journal does not have only a jubilee character, they are valuable reference points in many critical texts that are not dedicated to them.
- Price: 4.50 €
Изследване фреквентността на някои звукови промени при различен речеви темп (въз основа на медийна реч)
Изследване фреквентността на някои звукови промени при различен речеви темп (въз основа на медийна реч)
(Investigating the frequency of some sound changes at different speech rate (based on media speech))
- Author(s):Sonya Bozhanina
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Phonetics / Phonology
- Page Range:299-309
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:sound changes; speech speed; speech economy; media speech
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of this study are some sound changes in the media speech and their connection with the speech speed. In a previous pilot experiment that was based on the most frequently studied phonetic changes in the media speech, showed the frequency of occurrence of sound changes such as elision, articulation of the alveodental consonant [l] as [ŭ], epenthesis, depalatalization. The purpose of this article is to deepen the observations on the aforementioned phonetic phenomena by examining their attitude to the principle of economy in speech, and hence time factor. The observations made and the results obtained lead us to conclude that a faster speech rate does not lead to an increase in the incidence of sound changes.
- Price: 4.50 €